18.30 12.16 Empoli
Il comitato dei genitori e degli insegnanti in difesa della scuola pubblica vi invita all’incontro-dibattito sul tema
I cambiamenti nella scuola dell’obbligo
secondo la riforma Gelmini
martedì December 16 at 21:00
at the Agency for Development dell'Empolese-Valdelsa
because of Fiascaie, 12 (next to the Coop Street Susini)
debate Coordinator: Marianna Gorp
intervene in the debate:
member National Council of Education to submit the program plan to reform Gelmini
Mario Battistini
teachers of the three orders of compulsory education to describe how it is structured today, and how teaching will change starting next school year
Giovanna Testa - kindergarten teacher at the Ross
Marini - primary school teacher
Tuela Cardone - Middle school teacher
developmental experts to illustrate a historical point of view and educational differences between the educational model that promises to current and future
Joseph Faso - Centro Intercultural dell'Empolese-Valdelsa
Gabriella Giornelli - educator, writing journal "Educational Landscapes"
Minister of Education of the City of Empoli to report the position of local authorities about the changes in question
Massimo Giraldi
were invited to participate in the Executives of the three circles teaching middle school and spade-Busoni in Empoli to inform about changes in the organization didattica in vista delle iscrizioni per il prossimo anno scolastico e il Sindaco Luciana Cappelli
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Replacing Shower Soap Dish
Minutes of the meeting between Government and Unions Thursday, December 11, 2008
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
In data odierna a Palazzo Chigi si è svolto un incontro, avente ad oggetto l'illustrazione delle linee guida di provvedimenti attuativi della Legge 133/2008. All'incontro, presieduto dal Sottosegretario di Stato Dott. Gianni Letta, hanno partecipato i Ministri Mariastella Gelmini, Maurizio Sacconi e Renato Brunetta, ed i rappresentanti delle OO.SS.: Domenico Pantaleo, M. Concetta Brigida per la Cgil; Raffaele Bonanni, Giorgio Santini e Francesco Scrima per la Cisl; Luigi Angeletti e Massimo Di Menna per la Uil; Fedele Ricciato e Achille Massenti per the Confsal; Alessandro Ameli for CGU, Alberto Sartoni for Cida, Gennaro Di Meglio Guild-Unams.
At the conclusion of the meeting with the trade union confederations and those of the school division regarding the programmatic aspects of the plan referred to in Article .64 of Law 133/2008, the Government is committed to implement the regulations to be issued pursuant to art.64 the same, the principles and guidelines that were the subject of the opinions of the Committee on Culture, Science and Education of the House and Senate, and in particular:
a) the time required of the teaching activities of the kindergarten will ensure the priority time of 40 hours with the allocation of two teachers per section, and will provide only as an organizational model residual carrying out educational activities in the range Morning, based on the explicit request of the families;
b) the time of the primary school will be held, also in relation to the need for educational reorganization, according to the different joints organization school to 24 (first class for a. s. 2009-10), 27, 30 and 40 hours. In particular, the time to 24 (only for a first class. S. 2009-2010) and 27 hours, will take into account the specific needs of families;
c) working full-time classes will be assigned two teachers per class;
d) in secondary school, there will be a time obbligatorio da 29 a 30 ore, secondo i piani dell'offerta formativa delle scuole autonome;
e) nella scuola secondaria di primo grado le classi con il tempo prolungato, ferma restando l'esigenza che si raggiunga il previsto numero di alunni frequentanti funzioneranno con non meno di 36 e fini ad un massimo di 40 ore;
f) ferma restando l'adozione di misure compensative idonee a garantire i complessivi obiettivi di riduzione dell'art.64 del Piano Programmatico sarà previsto il congelamento per l'a.s. 2009/2010 dell'incremento del numero massimo di alunni per classe in connessione con l'attivazione dei piani di riqualificazione dell'edilizia scolastica;
g) sarà tutelato il rapporto di un docente ogni two students with disabilities,
h) of the school year 2009/2010 will only implementing the regulations on the adjustment of the first cycle and the size of the school network and the optimal use of human resources of the school, with the simultaneous remodeling of the economies of to achieve this school year,
i) the regulations concerning the second round will be undertaken by the ego. s. 2010/2011. Will take place as early as January 2009, initiatives and information activities to raise awareness, disseminate and deepen the contents of the new curricula.
The Government is also committed
1) to establish a permanent comparison to search for possible solutions to protect permanent staff currently with annual appointment or until the end of the educational activities to encourage continuity of teaching and working;
2) to provide, if the budgetary resources permit, the extension of tax relief on additional payment.
Rome, December 11, 2008
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
In data odierna a Palazzo Chigi si è svolto un incontro, avente ad oggetto l'illustrazione delle linee guida di provvedimenti attuativi della Legge 133/2008. All'incontro, presieduto dal Sottosegretario di Stato Dott. Gianni Letta, hanno partecipato i Ministri Mariastella Gelmini, Maurizio Sacconi e Renato Brunetta, ed i rappresentanti delle OO.SS.: Domenico Pantaleo, M. Concetta Brigida per la Cgil; Raffaele Bonanni, Giorgio Santini e Francesco Scrima per la Cisl; Luigi Angeletti e Massimo Di Menna per la Uil; Fedele Ricciato e Achille Massenti per the Confsal; Alessandro Ameli for CGU, Alberto Sartoni for Cida, Gennaro Di Meglio Guild-Unams.
At the conclusion of the meeting with the trade union confederations and those of the school division regarding the programmatic aspects of the plan referred to in Article .64 of Law 133/2008, the Government is committed to implement the regulations to be issued pursuant to art.64 the same, the principles and guidelines that were the subject of the opinions of the Committee on Culture, Science and Education of the House and Senate, and in particular:
a) the time required of the teaching activities of the kindergarten will ensure the priority time of 40 hours with the allocation of two teachers per section, and will provide only as an organizational model residual carrying out educational activities in the range Morning, based on the explicit request of the families;
b) the time of the primary school will be held, also in relation to the need for educational reorganization, according to the different joints organization school to 24 (first class for a. s. 2009-10), 27, 30 and 40 hours. In particular, the time to 24 (only for a first class. S. 2009-2010) and 27 hours, will take into account the specific needs of families;
c) working full-time classes will be assigned two teachers per class;
d) in secondary school, there will be a time obbligatorio da 29 a 30 ore, secondo i piani dell'offerta formativa delle scuole autonome;
e) nella scuola secondaria di primo grado le classi con il tempo prolungato, ferma restando l'esigenza che si raggiunga il previsto numero di alunni frequentanti funzioneranno con non meno di 36 e fini ad un massimo di 40 ore;
f) ferma restando l'adozione di misure compensative idonee a garantire i complessivi obiettivi di riduzione dell'art.64 del Piano Programmatico sarà previsto il congelamento per l'a.s. 2009/2010 dell'incremento del numero massimo di alunni per classe in connessione con l'attivazione dei piani di riqualificazione dell'edilizia scolastica;
g) sarà tutelato il rapporto di un docente ogni two students with disabilities,
h) of the school year 2009/2010 will only implementing the regulations on the adjustment of the first cycle and the size of the school network and the optimal use of human resources of the school, with the simultaneous remodeling of the economies of to achieve this school year,
i) the regulations concerning the second round will be undertaken by the ego. s. 2010/2011. Will take place as early as January 2009, initiatives and information activities to raise awareness, disseminate and deepen the contents of the new curricula.
The Government is also committed
1) to establish a permanent comparison to search for possible solutions to protect permanent staff currently with annual appointment or until the end of the educational activities to encourage continuity of teaching and working;
2) to provide, if the budgetary resources permit, the extension of tax relief on additional payment.
Rome, December 11, 2008
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