Friday, May 28, 2010
Red Spots That Are Not Pimples On Face
Presentation to the community, the circle of Florence
AU, Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics, for years, together with many other organizations, supports efforts to respect the rights of citizens. After years of civil funerals have become a reality in Q4, soon it will also soon appear in Q2 and in Scandicci. Similarly, the Look of secularism has become a tool of the Municipality. But among other issues that for years we support any one that is becoming increasingly important to address: the reception of minors who arrive in the city. Girls and boys
Tabucchi The writer, in a recent interview, when asked closure on what was the best thing for him if they came out with a shocking banality: the children. Trivia
borders because the obvious common sense: who would speak ill? When ever he is gossiping? Always it is claimed innocence, he appeared for them in inducing emotion, we represent them as a source of life and emotions.
Shocking because this is just common sense that no real content except for a fine instrument for the advantage of the adult world. Invitation to "the little children come to me" was once again misunderstanding to enjoy both the arms that carry weights, work, and the weapons of child soldiers, both of the body to suffer violence. And today is invoked as a means to offset demographic migrations of peoples and to make up for the shortcomings of the pension budgets. Institutions which are really for them? There is much talk of "family policy" and does little. But we never hear of a "policy for children" and, no, you do too. In
negative because, faced with a questionable right recognition of the person from the moment of conception, the institution relegated born in complete anonymity in the name of omissività often far more guilty and effective commissività.
Entry into the social context on the one hand is formalized with the inclusion registry as pure bureaucratic act devoid of any meaning other than to allow the new citizen to avail themselves of the tax code, so useful to enjoy the national health service, but also reductive as recognition of "any taxpayer".
the other is characterized too often by the customary rituals of a pedobattesimo that makes up for lack of institutions in such an important moment. And the costs of this are also adopted or fostered by different cultures that come with other visions of life. That these children are "born" again to find themselves sometimes in a non-certainly more comfortable than they come from.
A perspective on the subject played impeccably by a national policy that denies Italian citizenship until the age of 18 years for those born in Italy to Italian parents, a policy that tried to take fingerprints for the Roma children, which aims to prevent the civil officer to take the evidence of birth or the recognition of illegitimate child by parents foreigners without a residence permit. In the school to talk about classes and bridge you come to a misunderstanding as to prevent the access of children to nursery schools and kindergartens, while adolescents 'illegal' it is forbidden to play football with their peers in official races. So
a world of minor relegated to the margins of social life, variously described and that despite or even ghost children are described as a "social wealth" to be valued for their alleged decrease, but then they are also increasingly deprived of their independence and their individuality. Children are so
a blank page on which we continue to write the same story, our history, more disturbing. There is no doubt that even the authors could be an original story, other than that, repeated uncritically, led us to a disturbing social disintegration. It has a nice little saying for example that the company should be "genitorializzata" hoping that becomes available welcome to "ecumenical" of children without prejudice and brands.
What's done is not enough and more could be done. Tuscany is the region most suitable for children of Italy with a reception rate of infants from birth to three years in nursery schools and integrated services with a market share of 29.8% against the Italian average of 13.8% and regions where it barely reaches 2%.
Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence, part of the project "Sustainable Cities for Children and the Children" and Florence has started since 1993, thanks to Tonucci educator, an initiative that aims to teach families to give autonomy to their children through small steps even those to go to school alone, the "Project Kids" initiative of the municipality that is now well established in Q4 and that is renewed annually at the Primary Schools Montagnola and Martin Luther King.
If children learn to walk alone if they earn all but the first should be accepted with dignity. Presentation to the community
Every human community has a ritual of welcome for newcomers. In many Italian cities are implementing activities RECEIVING without going too far in Quarrata with "Hello boys" are celebrated once a year the new born and Florence was approved unanimously by the City Council a similar "Feast of the newborn" presented by the directors Rich, Agostini and Falciani (motion 282, 7:04:09).
But you can, indeed must do more. We should welcome all the newcomers to the city they are born here or immigrants, adopted or fostered - however they arrived, the stork or the boat - so they are greeted with a formal application for entry in the civic community they enter.
This is because all are born, grow and come in a social context, in a community, in a city, and all citizens before law, to become in effect one must nevertheless be welcomed by those who live and those who represent to ensure that the community intera si farà carico del loro futuro. E’ il primo passo delle pari opportunità per garantire una base comune di riconoscimento e quindi di rispetto, indipendentemente dalla cultura da cui si proviene.
Sia chiaro, non è un battesimo né un suo surrogato che predestini in qualche modo i nuovi arrivati ad un percorso culturale predefinito. Questa è e deve rimanere una scelta privata. Ma come già esistono, per chi lo desidera, il matrimonio e il funerale civile - che non escludono poi celebrazioni di tipo religioso – deve essere disponibile anche una formula civile di presa in carico da parte delle Istituzioni in cui si registra la presenza del nuovo arrivato con una “Presentazione alla comunità”.
La legge distinction between the right of soil and blood, here the law calls for a civil reception.
E 'an act of responsibility on the part of institutions is an example that the institutions must be first to give citizenship, a way to give consistency to a link between the citizen and the city is a welcome and lost to the countless Guests come from all over as a first step to facilitate the integration and social inclusion.
In conclusion is a time of celebration to be repeated once or twice a year where the institutions will be able to sanction the event giving dignity to what is now just a bureaucratic act and a welcome to newcomers in joy e qualche dono simbolico.
Marco Accorti
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Breast Cancer Wareness Wrestling Singlet

(photo: left Rev Robert Adams)
Minister of Scientology requires cooperation between government and community
The official relations with the community, citing a recent resolution on the subject, argues that cooperation between government and private sector is crucial in the fight against drug traffic and abuse, and puts warned that some private interests will try to prevent both
Los Angeles - May 7, 2010 - Tuesday evening, at the new Church of Scientology of Los Angeles in Hollywood , the Rev. Robert Adams, addressing a coalition of anti-drug activists , advocated the creation of a working group of the Interagency Working Group, as required by the head of the White House drug policy (The "Drug Czar") is also hoped that the initiative taken at the regional, state and local levels.
The Rev. Adams, spokesman for the Church of Scientology International , noted that despite the millions of dollars invested by the government to solve the drug problem, the only hope of achieving a significant reduction in consumption is " involve everyone and to implement all the solutions, starting from education. No single group or government can succeed by itself, but together we can free our communities from drugs within a single generation. "
Adams then ricodato that "the proliferation of drugs is linked to money, exploitive people who have false information or does not at all. So the first step is to know the truth about drugs, bringing awareness of what drugs effittivamente are and what they do to the body, mind and spirit. "
" It will be exactly that time - added Adams - that the collapse demand for drugs: when individuals decide for themselves that the drug is not for them. "
The Church of Scientology conducts educational campaigns against drugs in the community for over 20 years,
its prevention programs inspired by the discoveries of L Ron Hubbard on the subject include different types of events including the vital information through the action widespread distribution and targeted series of booklets " The truth about drugs", the creation of web sites and the creation of award-winning educational videos.
The Church of Scientology of Milano , always contribute to prevention activities with the direct participation by the community of Scientologists who organize events and initiatives in the community, as well as through financial support, it has sponsored the production a large number of information leaflets and the recent documentary, that educators, organizations, groups and individuals who are conducting prevention projects, they can use immediately. The material can
be requested by writing to the Office of Public Affairs of the Church of Milan Scentology: