Paladine education on drugs for more than 20 years, the Churches of Scientology , call the police, government officials, experts, parents and adolescents to improve their environment through activities of drug education for young people and not so young.
"To ensure that the application really diminish the fact that people need to know to be true, and this is precisely what was missing in previous educational programs." said the Rev. Bob Adams, spokesman for the Church of Scientology International and former professional football player. "To withstand a drug dealer or a friend, o a chiunque incoraggi l'uso di droghe, occorre che la propria conoscenza del fenomeno sia sicura ed incrollabile" Questi programmi educativi creati dalla Chiesa sono stati implementati a livello capillare sia da scientologists sia da non scientologists a partire dalla metà degli anni '80. Adams sostiene che il rafforzamento delle difese antidroga in ogni quartiere fa bene a tutti. "Oggi siamo tutti influenzati in qualche modo dall'abuso di droga; il problema non è limitato agli adolescenti né alle cosiddette droghe da strada: anche l'abuso di psicofarmaci è un grosso problema. Tutto questo influenza direttamente il livello di criminalità, salute, sicurezza ed altri fattori che la gente normalmente non associa all'uso di droga, come il successo and the economy. The truth is that today those who are not informed on this subject is at risk. "
In addition to its anti-drug activities, the Church sponsors the Foundation for a Drug Free World , producing brochures Truth about Drugs - the educational materials for this campaign - in 20 languages. According to authoritative studies and surveys, these materials include a lot of testimonials and true stories in a format designed especially for adolescents: pocket booklets and short videos on common drugs and a new documentary based on interviews with more than 200 former drug addicts, who can be seen and ordered free on www.drugfreeworld.org
"The documentary The Truth and the booklets on drugs are direct, poignant and real, "says Adams." strengthen youth, parents, educators, police, social workers and anyone dealing with this problem, why not use a tactic of terror - These are real life experiences supported by facts. "
The UN Day against drug trafficking and illegal drugs was created in 1987 with the UN resolution 42/112 on strengthening cooperation and action towards a society International drug-free. prevention programs implemented by the Churches of Scientology have been inspired by the discoveries of L. Ron Hubbard on subject .