Monday, August 30, 2010

Brazilian Wax Roanoke


ends the summer, returning to work (for us at the party) and take over the inevitable press releases against the Mayor's Civic Party Cavriago City (aka the Communist Refoundation and broken ). This time the reason is to counter-respond to the interview that the Mayor has issued the arrest of Walter and Giovanni Burani . We do not want

counter-counter-reply in the press, both because the standard and rigorous evaluations which are more the mayor in the Official that much is because we fear that these courts summaries dissected statements months before that were made public some facts for the sole purpose of having his name printed in plain sight in the newspapers, in the hope of becoming famous as some tronista.

An interesting article appeared on August 28 Il Sole 24 Ore (page 8) illustrates the complexity of the collapse of Burani, explaining the responsibilities of stakeholders, banks, auditors.

And reading the excellent article by journalist Fabio Pavesi Il Sole 24 Ore, it is clear that if the Burani has been possible to move in a certain way, it's because someone has countersigned budgets masked because they have absconded and inspection bodies . And it is the node that deals with Vince Delmonte in his interview last Friday.

Faced with a system without rules, in front of inspectors who have been silent until things were not obvious because of the financial crisis, then the problem is the statements by the Mayor of Cavriago even when, in February one could hope that Burani save their company?

He apologizes for saying false things (and PRC-Cavriago City in the past, but to shoot big, he did on several occasions), we apologize for having deceived (and we think of Burani) to employees and their fellow citizens as well as its Mayor.

There is no excuse to ask when it is hoped that people living in Cavriago always were more concerned about their company and hundreds of jobs to their personal interests. In this sense, though many of us have sinned, it was in this hope.
When you start with the idea that private property (and thus the company) is a steal, maybe You can also run into this problem.
sorry and we apologize.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Faking Volunteer Hours High School

Adriatica IT AGAIN .. INPS

Tonight at 18.00 inaugurates FESTAREGGIO 2010, the largest festival of PD in Italy run entirely by volunteers .. The club will contribute to the management of Cavriago ADRIATIC RESTAURANT, which will offer excellent seafood of our coast.
Visit our website

Monday, August 16, 2010

Black And White Birthday Party Ideas

The Truth about Drugs: education campaign on the world drug

The Truth about Drugs: education campaign on the world drug
"The drug problem is global, wallowing in blood and human suffering." L. Ron Hubbard

Every 12 seconds another child of school age makes its first experience of illegal drugs ... bitter reminder of how drug use is rampant among young people.

To combat this epidemic, the Church of Scientology is sponsoring the largest country on Earth to non-governmental anti-drug education and prevention. It has been irrefutably shown that when young people are given the truth about drugs (factual information about what drugs are and what they do) about the percentage reduction in their use that exact measurement. Based on statistical analysis of the campaign for a Drug-Free World has so far prevented 500,000 young people did use a "recreational" drugs, or worse.

There is still, however, much more to do. As originally conceived by Mr. Miscavige campaign that included effective educational materials that make up the components of the campaign were available for free to all who request it. Thus, the Church of Scientology offers these publications (which do not contain anything advocate the beliefs of Scientology) to coalitions, public institutions, civic groups and schools about feel the same way. The materials include 13 educational leaflets, The Truth about Drugs, which take into consideration the major drug "favorite", presented so bluntly say to young people, their real effects. The campaign has won numerous premi per i contenuti e l’efficacia dei suoi componenti audiovisivi.

Vi è anche una guida allo studio, un manuale per le attività, ed un kit da classe per il docente. Tali strumenti forniscono a insegnanti, forze dell’ordine e gruppi civici gli strumenti efficaci con cui educare la gioventù e renderla in grado di prendere le decisioni giuste in merito alle droghe.

Per finire, vi è questo nuovo documentario di 90 minuti , che accompagna e completa gli opuscoli della serie La Verità sulle Droghe. Ciascun capitolo del video offre una visuale approfondita di una specifica droga, raccontata da persone sopravvissute alla sua dipendenza.

Nel suo insieme, la campagna per un Mondo Free of drugs represents a giant step towards the goal of raising a generation that remains free from the disastrous drug use.
The Church of Scientology of Milano offers a free DVD containing a documentary for informational and educational, you may request in writing scientology.milano @

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Motorola Starchoice Remote How To Program

DOCUMENTARY THE TRUTH 'ON DRUGS - the DVD offered by Scientologists

DOCUMENTARY THE TRUTH 'ON DRUGS - the DVD is offered by the Scientologists Church of Scientology of Milano those who want to learn, study and use as teaching materials for prevention, this unique instrument of its kind produced by Foundation for a Drug Free World . The documentary, translated into several languages, is already being used in several parts of Ondo, in order to inform them properly and fully on the subject, and has proven to be an instrument of extraordinary value. Simple, straightforward and above all true, is designed so that it can reach young people but is of enormous help to parents and educators.

Scientologists conduct a wide campaign of prevention for many years that certain drugs not only can do something, but you have to do. The campaign, inspired by the discoveries of L. Ron Hubbard on the subject, and the first born in the U.S. and was launched in Italy in the late '80s. The documentary follows the brochure deominato "truth drug" which until now has been translated into 22 languages \u200b\u200band distributed in terms of several million free copies thanks to the sponsorship of the Scientologists.