Volunteers of the Church of Scientology of Milano , bring prevention to the sea at St Michael camp in Tirrenia that run by the family Burchi, offers guests the message of life of the campaign "Say NO to drugs", has now become the name of the newly formed National Association involved in the project.
For the launch of this "August without drugs" was chosen and August for the first evening, after an interesting lecture on the subject, everyone present was given the brochure "The truth about drugs." Easy to read brochure outlines the damaging effects caused by the types of drugs most widely used, both short and long term, how they work, how they affect the mind and body, because people use it and more.
Drugs have become a part of our culture by metà dell'ultimo secolo e da allora continuano a mietere vittime senza pietà. Le rilevazioni sui decessi per droga hanno avuto inizio in Italia a partire dal 1973 con l’unico caso segnalato in quell’anno; in 36 anni i morti per droga sono stati 21.961. Alla data del 31/12/2007 i tossicodipendenti in trattamento in Italia nelle apposite strutture socioriabilitative risultavano essere 18.193, i relativi centri 1.162. Queste informazioni si leggono nella relazione annuale della Direzione Centrale per i Servizi Antidroga della Polizia relativa al 2008. Sono cifre che dovrebbero far riflettere chiunque, il problema droga non è solo di chi lo vive sulla propria pelle è un serio problema sociale, L. Ron Hubbard ha parlato delle droghe come dell'elemento most destructive in our culture today and, judging by these numbers, it was simply making a contribution to the rhetoric.
The commitment made by this summer initiative aims to help disseminate accurate information for a more complete prevention. The most effective weapon in the war against drugs is education and anyone can contribute. For copies of the booklets "The truth about drugs, contact or association I say NO to drugs www.diconoalladroga.org , while for those who come near Tirrenia can ask them St Michael at the campsite directly.
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