After the news yesterday, confirming the confidence in the Berlusconi government, we publish an extract from a speech to the Bersani event Saturday, December 11 in Rome to show how the Democratic Party will oppose a policy already dead.
"Like two years ago today at the Circus Maximus in St. John presents the face of a great People's Party. We are here to give a message to Italy. A message of hope and change.
Here's what we think, we think that Italy is far better than what happens far too long. We think that we can no longer go on. Berlusconi must go home. It takes a step forward in a new direction. Italy must begin to take off from the veins Berlusconi, must shake off a personalistic populism, propaganda and powerless.
Italy needs a renewed constitutional democracy, a democracy strong and normal.
Italy needs a renewed constitutional democracy, a democracy strong and normal, able to function and provide some answers to people's problems, not to talk but in deed.
After winning the right to pay tribute to all the winners and spread single thought.
We are not only fallen in thought and in frustration. Despite the difficulties we have always considered a governing party currently in opposition. But we are not
fallen in frustration. We saw first the crisis and the gap that would be created between propaganda and reality.
We saw first the crisis and the gap that necessarily would have to create between the preaching of the government propaganda and the reality of everyday life. We beat every day that nail. And when the distance between words and deeds became more evident when it became clearer that the problems were rotting and the policy was forced to turn around the problems day and night the Premier, then opened the crisis center. Not about the villas. E 'for the loss of grip on the actual situation of the Government which opened this crisis and that part of the right began to think after, and start moving.
political crisis of the center is without remedy. It will not be solved by shameful practices.
think they get away with it? By filling a deputy or two, where they hope to get for Christmas? At the Epiphany? To see if he could leave in a few more sock member? No. They can not go on, that's the truth in any case and we will fight our battle for a more advanced position.
There's a whole history of the Italian political stage to be crossed.
But, dear, dear democratic democrats, we know that over the next week there is a path before us and in front of Italy. It is not just a change of government. There is a phase of Italian political history to be passed. There is a point system to deal with. Now sixteen years ago, after the fall of the wall and after tangentopoli, Berlusconi appeared in the void and the discrediting of politics and a person and a proposed model. A shortcut personalistic against the inefficiency of the system, the oppression State and bureaucracy, impotence and shame policy. He promised more freedom and lower taxes, a propagandized individualistic model. Railed against the Palace and made it one of its own, and with the revolving doors rather, as we have seen since! Accumulated political power, economic, media, and use the anti-system forces of the League to fill the last decade, the first of the new millennium, ruling seven years of the last nine, building a personal party and house, making the Parliament with an appropriate command electoral law and concentrating in his hands unprecedented power in the entire history of the Republic.
After sixteen years and four Berlusconi government, we tirare qualche somma: il bilancio è un disastro. Adesso la domanda è: dopo questi sedici anni e dopo quattro Governi Berlusconi, dopo un decennio dominato da lui possiamo tirare qualche somma? E lo chiedo anche agli elettori del centrodestra, possiamo tirare qualche somma o dobbiamo aspettare tutto il millennio? Se tiriamo le somme, si deve dire che il bilancio di questi anni è disastroso.
Con la destra al governo più disuguaglianze, meno consumi, meno investimenti e più evasione fiscale, più corruzione e meno prospettive per i giovani.
Il nostro Paese non è migliorato in niente. Ci siamo visibilmente allontanati dai Paesi forti dell’Europa. Abbiamo perso posizioni su posizioni in tutte le classifiche immaginabili possible: the wealth per capita, the number of employees, the prospects of young people, investing in the research, the trend in consumption, the public debt, the increase in inequality, the north-south divide, to 'tax evasion, the weight of bureaucracy to the spread of corruption and illegality. I could still make the list night. A real disaster. The only ranking that we remounted thanks to Berlusconi and our place in the jokes of the world, discrediting our place in the world!
school reform, college, culture, the only operation that has been seen in the world of supply reduction formation of structural cuts in the entire system of knowledge. Operations of incredible arrogance and insults to the real truth. Dear Ministers, though researchers have made rooftop is not because we went to find us, because we have them sent to you! And speaking of arrogance, my dear Minister, here we are still waiting to see her grades.
Here, dear, dear democratic democratic, this is the story of a failure and this is the real reason of the crisis that has opened in his right hand and the feeling, now widespread, so that you can not go forward.
Berlusconi has reversed itself. And now we need to avoid dragging in Italy well. We came to a close policy. And what does Berlusconi before the close? Does the victim. It 'really amazing. He had everything in hand, did everything he wanted. Galactic majority, the election law on a personal basis, the largest party in Italy invented on the running board of a car. He did everything and now he speaks of reversal? He rolled over, rolled over him, leaving the problem that now has not been reversed even Italy and that its crises and its failure will not drag the country into the pit. This is the problem! And we should solve this problem today with a new campaign?
Two major challenges are to reform the Republican Alliance for Growth and il lavoro.
La prima: una Riforma Repubblicana per rafforzare la Costituzione più bella del mondo modernizzando Istituzioni e regole.
La seconda: Una alleanza per la crescita e il lavoro. Una riforma delle Istituzioni e delle regole, dunque, che parta da un principio di fondo. Come in tutte le democrazie che funzionano, una persona sola non risolve nulla. Pensare che senza la fatica delle riforme, che senza la fatica della partecipazione si possano risolvere le cose affidandosi a scorciatoie personalistiche è una illusione disastrosa.
Questo drammatico equivoco, nel nostro Paese, è andato oltre Berlusconi e si è diffuso in una mentalità. Quando dico: toccasse mai a me mai metterei il mio nome sul simbolo, intendo dire questo. That we should not arouse passion for a person, but for our Republic. If we are to save ourselves we must rediscover the roots of the Republic, and give a new vitality and modernity.
reforms then. We must simplify and make efficient the Parliament and form of government, reduce the number of MPs, electoral law to make a serious, responsible and make a federalism devised to combine. You must bring all the European average cost of the policy, delete the special laws and crack, simplify procedures, put the screwdriver in the operation of every sector of public administration beginning with the justice for citizens and not that of just one. Define the incompatibilities and conflicts interest, delete and monopolies and dominant positions starting from the information. We need to introduce standards, starting with the financial, to flush out the illegal and criminal organizations. We must deal with the rights, Article 3 of our Constitution, laws that support equality and recognize the differences starting with the role of women in leadership roles, laws that combat homophobia, which ensure dignity in illness, which would prevent the disorder? immigration falls on the weakest part of our population and finally to say that a child born here and son of immigrants: you're one of us, you're an Italian.
two priorities: the new generations e il divario nord-sud.
Tutto questo e molto altro ancora vogliamo sia attraversato da due priorità, da due punti di vista prevalenti: quello della nuova generazione e quello del divario fra nord e sud del Paese. Sono questi infatti i due grandi punti di rottura, le grandi questioni nazionali che possono sbarrare la strada alle prospettive del Paese.
Se vogliamo camminare come Paese, non possiamo spezzarci in due, né nelle generazioni, né nei territori. Su tutto quel che ho detto e su altro ancora stiamo lavorando anche nei dettagli, come si conviene ad un Partito di Governo che non parla mai a vuoto e che sa concretamente che cosa vuol dire quello che dice.
Vieni via con me.
Care democratiche e cari democratici, amici e compagni,
this exciting square tells the country that we are strong, we are ready to fight for what we believe. We are ready for immediate political choices, as early as next week and we are ready to give us the pass for a way to change the country. Change. And 'this is the strong message that today is St. John.
I too have a dream of mine. The dream of a Party, the Democratic Party, which would finally say to Italy, to paraphrase a great song and a great television program, "Come away, come away from here, you come away with me. Come away from those years, from this humiliation, this indignation, from this sadness. There is the new front, there is un futuro da afferrare assieme, l’Italia e noi".
Potete trovare il discorso per intero sul sito del partito democratico: www.partitodemocratico.it
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