Friday, November 21, 2008

Will Sun Help Acne Scars


Committee 'Save public schools': "We face the most serious attack on 'education'

The press association: "We are seeing a huge sell-off of state assets"
"At this time you are consuming the most violent attack led to the state public school system than was ever done. A attack on which it is necessary to divert public attention, and worry that may differ from the transaction, to distract, then, talking about something else.
And here is scarica una mole di paccottiglia ideologica che si spaccia per riqualificazione della spesa per la scuola, senza alcun pudore di esibire incompetenza e arroganza, facendo piazza pulita di tutto ciò che la ricerca pedagogica ha prodotto in questi anni.
Siccome la scuola italiana non è priva di criticità, soprattutto nel settore della scuola secondaria di primo e secondo grado, è fin troppo facile impugnare le sue problematiche per giustificare interventi draconiani.
Interventi che non scaturiscono però da un progetto di innovazione didattica e ordinamentale che la scuola secondaria aspetta da tempo, ma da pura esigenza di contenimento della spesa e di riduzione del servizio scolastico, secondo una scelta politica che non investe in stato and social rights, and seeks to weaken the public service there is.
The Minister Gelmini is all taken from wanting to give credence to the image of an efficient government which attacks the problems of the school with instruments of order, where the chaos, inefficiency and waste reign supreme, but unfortunately the echo those who are interested in dismantling the public schools for profit 'workshop'.
We do not care to distort the data that the Ministry has about the same, for example, the general government expenditure on education, and continue to repeat that spending is out of control and that 97% is spent on salaries, as to suggest that a mass of teachers is taking away slakers money for the operation of the school, or using the OECD data to say that the number of teachers in Italy is well above the European average, and therefore the cut because everything is legitimate in the more waste. As a result
figures are expected funding to all private schools of all levels, which autocertifichino (sic) he has not for profit.
It 'obvious that this would also recognizes economic equality between State schools and private schools, which is a prelude to increasing funding to the private sector. The offensive against the state public school and its role as a guarantee for all citizens on the one hand passes through a gradual reduction of resources spent and increase of public contributions to private schools, which is monitored by the European Commission on competition. In almost all developed countries because there are no contributions to religious schools, based on the principle of secularism separation of church and state. This principle is also enshrined in our Constitution. The legislation in favor of private schools is clearly illegal at the constitutional level in three respects: 1) the recognition of the civil service to private schools can be done by decree (as is done for years). Article. 33 of the Constitution assigns to the only school in the civil service and state law recognizes the existence of private school as an expression of freedom.
2) Public funds are prohibited by paragraph 3 of art. 33, excluding charges for the State in respect of these schools. But the program plan
Minister Gelmini implementing Article. 64 of Law 133/08, plan the cancellation of 130,000 jobs over the next three years at the school, including teachers and ATA in the following amounts: 87,000 teachers to get through in less than an intervention on the laws, teaching and organization schools, 44,500 in less than ATA, corresponding to a cut of 17% of the workforce.
Hence, the data should be read correctly, we did and we made that spending on education falls systematically 90s, which for the salary of teachers will spend 78% of total expenditure and as to OECD figures, starting with the fact that they are difficult to compare different systems, you should note that in other European countries is not the state that pay support teachers, there are the teachers of Catholic religion, and often the ATA staff is paid by local communities, as well as some pictures of teachers.
's so that the minister Gelmini hopes to pass the elementary school massacre and the restoration in the wake of a bigoted "Amarcord" based on aprons, the threat of rejection, totally ineffective tool for those who have problems socializing, and a simplistic return to vote in place of a more complex, but educationally valid.
's so that the Minister reduce the preschool and elementary school serving a minimum, only the morning, bringing serious hardships for families and, through a ruse, it reduces the already limited resources for adult education, further lowering the already low threshold of our country, adults in training.
's so that the minister cut a huge number of jobs, claiming that the school is not a social safety net and therefore the loss of 130,000 jobs is not his problem.
The minister said explicitly that "We need to free up resources to ensure freedom di scelta alle famiglie", ecco la scelta politica che sta a monte di tale decisione, chiudere con il peso economico della scuola statale per tutti, per svenderla al privato.
Vengono messe in atto operazioni fuori da una visione strategica del ruolo della scuola pubblica per la crescita democratica e lo sviluppo del Paese, fatte per esigenze di risparmio e che pagheranno per primi i giovani ed i lavoratori della scuola.
In conclusion, the expenditure on the school is not out of control but it increases well below the average, only the effect of contract renewals. A sacred right of workers.
fact it declined steadily and dramatically over the past ten years.
fact spending on education in the nineties was about 3,9-4.0% of GDP and 97-98 had already decreased to about 3.0% of GDP. Now, 10 years later, is still about 2.8% of GDP.
So it is false to say, how does the Minister that spending is out of control, as is also false to say that it is continuously increasing.
Once again we invite the President of the Foundation of the SS. Annunziata to document and then read the data. The program plan
Minister Gelmini lead to the disruption of the school network.
resources that the Minister Gelmini then promises to increase salaries of teachers, are nothing more than a pittance in exchange for the destruction of public schools Paragraph 9 of Article. 64 of L. 133/08 provides that only a portion of the savings resulting from cuts in the school is intended to "increase the resources for the contractual value of career and professional development of staff" from 2010. As is known
cut expected total in the three years will result in overall savings education spending of around 8 billion euro.
But only a small part of this savings and that is about € 950 million will be used to enhance staff.
And do not forget that the Minister himself has repeatedly stated that the salary of teachers should be brought to the level of European teachers. We agree. But then it must be said that by dividing this figure by all employees the increase would be about 70 € monthly gross !!!!.
All this, playing in the summer, and at the end of all the day, only a GIGANTIC CLEARANCE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY, REPRESENTED BY THE STATE SCHOOL FOR AGEVBOLARE FINANCE AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS. Understandably, the latter thanks.
Committee "Save public education" - Empoli


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