L. Ron Hubbard
Rather than simply preach about the danger of Dorga, the initiative "Say No to Drugs" of the Church of Scientology presents information, facts and Dorga outspoken about its effects in a series of brochures that are being offered free for some time along with the documentary entitled The Truth about Drugs.
Being fully aware of the devastating effects of drugs, the Scientologists are making efforts to be helpful in solving the problem in its various aspects. Among other initiatives, conduct extensive public education campaigns information on the dangers of illegal drugs and abuse of legal substances in question, starting with the guys who are, after all, the number one target of drug dealers.
The brochures provide factual information and the documentary on the dangers of street drugs most popular and have a very positive influence on young people. Thousands of them have said to the volunteers of the Church, after they learned the true information, they have stopped taking drugs or decided not to start taking them.
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