Since the early 60's the people who use drugs have increased regularly, from the United States and then the rest the world, coming to the worrying situation today. The term we intend to opiate drugs, marijuana, cocaine, amphetamine, heroin and LSD (just to name a few). They are also sedating drugs and medications that alter brain function. Alcohol itself falls into this category. There are thousands of brands and jargon to describe all of these substances. The drugs work by stimulating or inhibiting certain chemical reactions in the body. The accumulated effects in this way can cause serious damage to both physical and mental. Even when you stop using them, years later, you can still experience the trip and "periods of emptiness of mind." Drugs can seriously damage the ability to concentrate, to work, to learn to deal with others. In short, they can crush the life. So why continue to make every day more and more victims? It was discovered that people who take drugs began to do so because of discomfort or physical suffering. When you are depressed, unhappy or suffer physically or emotionally, and you do not find relief anywhere, you can make use of the drug. Quando alle persone viene detto che non c'è una "cura" o che i loro dolori e preoccupazioni sono "immaginari", molte istintivamente prendono delle sostanze che possono dare sollievo o rendere la loro vita meno pesante. In altre parole, non essendo in grado di fare qualcosa per la propria condizione, alterano chimicamente le loro percezioni della realtà. Un ragazzo può diventare vittima della pressione dei suoi coetanei e quindi cedere alle droghe, ci sono molti modi di finire nella rete, ma solo pochi per uscirne. Il problema ha quindi molti aspetti e ramificazioni: il manager d'azienda che prende cocaina, il ragazzo che fa festicciole e che diventa euforico dopo aver preso l'ecstasy, lo studente a cui vengono prescritti dei farmaci per i suoi "disturbi learning "and that because of this obvious anti-social behavior.
Almost everyone knows someone who has suffered the negative effects of this kind.
Many have tried to solve the problem but, not having an effective solution, they failed to stop the continuing rise in drug use.
What can you do to the scourge of drugs? The Scientologists have been dealing with years of problem from a perspective of prevention , organized several initiatives to raise awareness of the problem and to know the correct information and offer their help and informative educational materials for teachers and parents (for free).
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