Sul blog del Circolo di Rifondazione è apparso un post titolato "riflessioni di settembre". Un post carico di interrogativi e di riflessioni sul presente politico nazionale e locale che stimola, in questo caso in senso costruttivo, qualche riflessione di risposta.
striking, in fact, the severity with which the PRC declares "for us ever more government commitments" . We believe that the waiver, local or national, and a part in the competition for the government's useless to the very existence of the party and politics.
striking, in fact, the severity with which the PRC declares "for us ever more government commitments" . We believe that the waiver, local or national, and a part in the competition for the government's useless to the very existence of the party and politics.
really is possible to think in 2010 that the only witness and the mobilization (which is far from mass) is enough to change things? Is not that the government comes responsibility, sacrifices and commitments that PRC was not and is not able to bear against their constituents? Better to consider politics as a hobby, a symbol to put on t-shirts or gets to hang in your room?
There is a point, however, agree with much of the PRC in the post. And that is that "election or not," it is necessary to counter the dominant culture in this country. A culture that we do not believe is the "daughter" of Berlusconi, but his mother. In this country went through 30 years (even before the arrival of Berlusca) messages only oriented to individualism, unbridled consumption, a little vision of solidarity in social relations. The ideal soil for the boarding of the right to diffenza of us, it has a wise and ruthless intellectual communication and marketing. The book by Max Panarari in this sense is really worth a read (e ci torneremo sopra in futuro) perchè descrive con lucidità ed intelligenza tutti questi aspetti.
Un aspetto che deve completare la riflessione (che l'amico Panarari non ha mai taciuto in tanti altri suoi articoli), tuttavia, è che la forza di questa destra risiede in due mali della sinistra, schiacciata tra chi ha fatto dell'antiberlusconismo una professione e propone una sinistra elitaria e fuori dal mondo, e chi ha perso l'ambizione di pensare ad una società alternativa. Se non partiamo dalla consapevolezza che anche noi, anche il modo "tafazziano" di pensare di tutto il nostro centrosinistra ", abbiamo reso più forte Berlusconi, siamo perdenti in partenza.
Il post si conclude lanciando un concorso of ideas to "fix" the ugliness of the fountain in Republic Street. Beyond the aesthetic views this work, we would like to ask a question.
In recent years, PRC has been the engine of a way of doing politics (well summarized by the lists of civic-social project in the period 2004-2009 and Cavriago City today), designed to shoot, to kill and replace the role of our Party in the government of the country. Little constructive opposition and fully oriented on personal clashes, lies and press releases. An action that has cost around 20% of the center-left votes. In recent months some have come from PRC riflessoni construction and also the tone of the blog is different than the recent years. But nothing has changed in the City Council. Then there
Chiado: Is it possible that instead of launching contests on the fountain or reflecting, such as high school students fascinated by the sacred texts of Marxism, global capitalism, PRC may have with the rest of the center on a comparison of the government of our country and the challenges we face? E'pensabile that parties, in addition to being healthy places for political mobilization, dining or entertainment (see the summer festivals) become also the site for mature thinking and a little less obvious on our small (but very, very important) reality? Is not that what we are asking that many cavriaghesi are still interested in politics and public life of our country?
Chiado: Is it possible that instead of launching contests on the fountain or reflecting, such as high school students fascinated by the sacred texts of Marxism, global capitalism, PRC may have with the rest of the center on a comparison of the government of our country and the challenges we face? E'pensabile that parties, in addition to being healthy places for political mobilization, dining or entertainment (see the summer festivals) become also the site for mature thinking and a little less obvious on our small (but very, very important) reality? Is not that what we are asking that many cavriaghesi are still interested in politics and public life of our country?
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