Sunday, February 6, 2011

Antique Cedar Chests Rockford Furniture

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the wake of Garibaldi
From May 22 to June 4, 2011, 150 sailboats will give life to Historical Regatta Genoa-Marsala , for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, 12 stages along the Tyrrhenian coast with as many events on the ground, from October submissions:

The flowers of life
Plants & Flowers from around the world in Genoa with Euroflora , from 21 April to 1 May 2011 edition featuring themes such as protection of biodiversity and the environment:

The soul of an era
It 's the big news of the show: by Canova Modigliani - The face of' Ottocennto is the first review to consider the portrait throughout the nineteenth century, a task never attempted before.

Wilde wrote that "every portrait painting is a portrait of the artist, not the template .

words that fit like a glove for the wonderful gallery of noble and bourgeois put in frame by Appiah, Hayez, Peak, Severini, Modigliani and many others.

Padova - Palazzo Zabarella until February 27, 2011 -


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