Saturday, October 31, 2009

Print Of Man And Woman Dancing On The Rain

Committee Meeting November 3rd Meeting of

Martedì 3 Novembre, alle ore 18,30, presso il circolo
Cascine, si terrà l'incontro del Comitato.
All'ordine del giorno vi è la lettura dell'appello alle forze
politiche locali. Inoltre vi informo che sarà presente anche Brenda
Barnini segretaria del PD di Empoli.

Cerchiamo di essere presenti in tanti!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What Does A Wolf Signify


Volunteers of the Church of Scientology of Milano , bring prevention to the sea at St Michael camp in Tirrenia that run by the family Burchi, offers guests the message of life of the campaign "Say NO to drugs", has now become the name of the newly formed National Association involved in the project.
For the launch of this "August without drugs" was chosen and August for the first evening, after an interesting lecture on the subject, everyone present was given the brochure "The truth about drugs." Easy to read brochure outlines the damaging effects caused by the types of drugs most widely used, both short and long term, how they work, how they affect the mind and body, because people use it and more.

Drugs have become a part of our culture by metà dell'ultimo secolo e da allora continuano a mietere vittime senza pietà. Le rilevazioni sui decessi per droga hanno avuto inizio in Italia a partire dal 1973 con l’unico caso segnalato in quell’anno; in 36 anni i morti per droga sono stati 21.961. Alla data del 31/12/2007 i tossicodipendenti in trattamento in Italia nelle apposite strutture socioriabilitative risultavano essere 18.193, i relativi centri 1.162. Queste informazioni si leggono nella relazione annuale della Direzione Centrale per i Servizi Antidroga della Polizia relativa al 2008. Sono cifre che dovrebbero far riflettere chiunque, il problema droga non è solo di chi lo vive sulla propria pelle è un serio problema sociale, L. Ron Hubbard ha parlato delle droghe come dell'elemento most destructive in our culture today and, judging by these numbers, it was simply making a contribution to the rhetoric.

The commitment made by this summer initiative aims to help disseminate accurate information for a more complete prevention. The most effective weapon in the war against drugs is education and anyone can contribute. For copies of the booklets "The truth about drugs, contact
or association I say NO to drugs , while for those who come near Tirrenia can ask them St Michael at the campsite directly.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Where To Find Born Blonde Toner In Canada

Scientology churches encourage citizens to help save human lives against drug abuse and drug trafficking

The Church of Scientology International sent its churches and its missions in 165 countries, to join forces with the United Nations since 26 June, International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which was convened by the UN General Assembly resolution 42/112 in 1987 to strengthen action and cooperation to eliminate drug abuse.
As part of its social campaign against drugs, inspired by the discoveries of L. Ron Hubbard, the Church has created an educational brochure pocket that is the subject of drugs commonly used, which in 2006 became published by the Foundation for a Drug Free World . The brochure and the principles of this campaign have been adopted by several agencies, groups, foundations and associations (such as the Italian I say NO to drugs ) which, together with volunteers from the Church of Scientology since 1995, have reached millions of people with the correct information. These preventive measures will be further strengthened, are intended to provide support to the institutions that usually have to deal with budget problems and personnel rather low.
"Ask any drug addict and he says that he never planned to become dependent and that if he really understood the consequences of drug abuse, would never have tried the drug in the first place" - said the Rev. Bob Adams, Vice President of Church of Scientology International.
The "numbers" of deaths and disease caused by drugs are certainly not reassuring, but the consequences are reflected in petty crime and social costs in general, linked to the drug problem, are perhaps even more worrisome. According to the Office of Drugs and Crime United Nations, the very young are particularly at risk, with drug use two times higher than the rest of the population. Apparently, the fact that people who take drugs tend to be either misinformed or unaware of the risks this poses to health and peer pressure, play a significant role.
"Our social program of drug education has been strongly demanded from the outset" - says the Rev. Adams - "drug education is the most effective weapon in the war against drugs, and do, is saving lives. "
For free copies of 'prevention of drug information brochure you can contact the nearest Church of Scientology or write to the Foundation for a Drug Free World Association or (Italian) I say NO alla droga

Thursday, June 25, 2009

One-sided Muscle Spasms

Milano - Il 26 giugno si celebra la giornata internazionale contro il consumo e il traffico illecito di droga, stabilita dall’Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite nel 1987 per ricordare agli Stati Membri l’obiettivo di creare una società internazionale libera dalla droga. La Chiesa di Scientology, da sempre sensibile e da molti anni attiva con una massiccia campagna di prevenzione, ha dato il via ad una serie di attività, oltre che with the aid of an information kit of 10 different booklets (on different types of drugs) with a series of educational spots, unique. The advertisements (such as pamphlets) will deal with various types of drugs and are interpreted for the PU youth. Incisors and strong messages "by young people for young people", but not only does the content have been well received by different audiences, from every nation and every age, including, no doubt from that of "parents" , by far the most sensitive to the problem.
The campaign was born in Italy in the late 80's inspired by the discoveries on the subject of the philosopher and humanitarian Ron Hubbard, as the Say No to Drugs and sustained since its inception from many who care about the problem. Today, the principles of the campaign, are "adopted" in most parts of the world and are contributing to the birth and growth groups, foundations and associations that carry out prevention activities with the spirit of truly contribute to the dream of a society free of drug .
spots are available on the online video channel of the Church of Scientology (pass the cursor over the button "DRUGS" and "public service announcement for TV" to see them)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Lugares Gay En Casablanca

Why Are So Many Famous People Acused Of Being Gay

Fighting drugs with prevention

Continue these days in Milan's commitment to drug prevention in the volunteers of the Church of Scientology in collaboration with the association "Say No to Drugs" through distribution of the booklet "The Truth about Drugs in commercial establishments and individuals in Zone 9.

In Italy, according to the annual report to the Italian Parliament, among heroin users 25% are younger than 17 years and 50% are between 18 and 20 years, while four students from a thousand make use of cocaine and the age group where most are used stimulant that between 15 and 24 years.

The consumption of cannabis, lobby for the recruitment of other drugs, it is more common in young people between 15 and 24 years. When you consider that the 80 percent of the Cannabinol in a barrel was 3-4% and today is 20%, you have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow increased mental and physical consequences of its use. In Italy, the social cost of illicit drug use was estimated, according to the 2008 report of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, at 6.473 billion euro.

Use the language of young people to take preventive action, by providing data and evidence on the effects of drugs, as the contents of the booklet distributed, "The truth about drugs", it is helpful to capture their attention to the consequences of using drugs. More

prevention interventions is also what has been recommended by the Executive Director of UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime). The activities of the campaign "Say No to Drugs" continues to reach thousands of kids like that since its appearance in Italy, to send a message in favor of life.

Information: @