Monday, February 28, 2011

Movies Playing At Westfield Mall

The community of Scientology of Modena in the first line drugs

The community of Scientology of Modena and neighbors, joined to plan a series of drug-prevention interventions in the city and province. Comprendereanno initiatives targeted distributions, free, informative material on the subject.

The educational materials include brochures Truth Drug , taking into consideration the major drug "favorite", presented so bluntly say to young people, their real effects and a new documentary 90 minutes , which accompanies and complements the booklets in the series Truth Drug . Each capitolo del video offre una visuale approfondita di una specifica droga, raccontata da persone sopravvissute alla sua dipendenza. Nel suo insieme, la campagna rappresenta un passo da gigante verso l’obbiettivo di crescere una generazione che rimanga libera dal disastroso uso della droga. Nata ispirandosi alle scoperte di L. Ron Hubbard sul soggetto, ha vinto molteplici premi per i contenuti e l’efficacia dei suoi componenti audiovisivi. Tali strumenti forniscono a ragazzi, genitori, insegnanti, forze dell’ordine e gruppi civici gli strumenti efficaci con cui educare la gioventù e renderla in grado di prendere le decisioni giuste in merito alle droghe.
Per avere maggiori informazioni sulle inizitive che si stanno preparando e cominicare a richiedere il materiale, si può scrivere a:

How To Get Rid Of Calluses From Golf

Il sogno di Zeffirelli diventa realtà

Finally Foundation.

presented at Palazzo Chigi with the approval of Berlusconi will collect the documents of a school teacher and host. For Franco Zeffirelli

represents the realization of a dream: "It 's a project that raved for years and now it seems impossible that all this is really happening," says the great director.

For the announcement of the birth of the "Franco Zeffirelli Foundation" has been scelta una cornice istituzionale di prestigio, la sala stampa di Palazzo Chigi.

La Fondazione di cui è socio fondatore la Regione Lazio, avrà sede a Roma presso l' ex Arsenale Pontificio , si tratta di uno spazio di mille metri quadrati fatto costruire da papa Clemente XI tra il 1713 e il 1715.

Uno spazio che deve essere liberato dalle "attività commerciali incoerenti", precisa il direttore generale ai Beni Culturali, Federica Galloni , per poi procedere ai lavori di riqualificazione, i lavori dureranno un anno e dovrebbero cominciare entro quattro-cinque mesi.

Nell'ex Arsenale troveranno posto tutti i materiali relativi ai settanta magnifici anni di carriera Zeffirelli, the film, as in theater and opera, will be an area reserved for temporary exhibitions.

But what is most dear to Zeffirelli is the creation of an International Centre for Arts which will be hosted in the same place.

"A school's performance in the world is not, and, in all these years, many times I've seen young people come to me bewildered," said Zeffirelli , "To ask how to pursue this profession."

"This will be like a fitness center, with teachers from around the world, to leave my legacy to the artists of the future."

Zeffirelli thanked the Premier for his presence and Berlusconi praises the sublime artist, ambassador of our culture, and, in particular in the world of opera.

article: The Nation - February 26, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Remigiusz Strzęciwilk


There is today in our country, significantly larger than in other countries, a real emergency educational, social, cultural and employment that concern young people and their future .

Work, knowledge and rights must return to the center of the strategic choices for the future and restore trust in the country.

Over the next ten years, the Union European Union is committed to achieving certain key goals: to triple the investment in research, up to 40% of graduates in the age group 30-34 years, half the school dropout and improve learning outcomes, double the number of adults in training, to reach 33% of children in educational services for children.

far our country has not overcome the gap in investment in knowledge that separates it from most developed countries and has made reforms to help boost levels of inclusion and quality of systems of knowledge.

This has produced a landmark disinvestment, economic and political systems of education, training and research that deepens the division of citizens on the basis of financial resources, membership of social, cultural, ethnic and territorial.

In this framework, public systems are likely to assume a residual function: public education and training for those who can not afford to pay quality paths and researchers had to find employment abroad.

Italy Everything is moving away from countries that, with foresight, consider, instead, the knowledge on which to focus the element out of the crisis.

E 'must stop this china, increasing investment in education, training and research, adapting quickly European standards. Knowledge is, in fact, flying decisive say a new development model, logical alternative to neoliberal hegemony to date.

We are subjected to unprecedented stress cognitive: the extraordinary growth of knowledge and the speed of their ever-changing systems involve a thorough review of knowledge and a deep restructuring of production systems. Today, the future was playing on the activation of a virtuous circle of more research, increased levels of education and training of the population, relocation of production systems in the direction of innovation, quality and sustainability. Education, training and research is therefore a decisive role in a modern concept of citizenship and economic planning and, in this perspective, the cognitive work regains respect, dignity and worth.

The core values \u200b\u200bof the Constitution should guide the reforms of the systems of knowledge: knowledge as a right essential to the exercise of active citizenship, public education as a primary driver of inclusion and social mobility, freedom of teaching and research , secularism are the reference points of the transformations to be realized.

Knowledge, as a common good, must be the basis of the project of social renewal and ethical and democratic reconstruction of our country. Must make room for new generations and it is necessary to "ripubblicizzazione" Knowledge systems. Ripubblicizzazione understood as collective reappropriation of educational processes and how new recruitment of shared responsibility by the entire community and all those whose lives are schools, universities and research institutions.

Democracy, participation, respect for others, and understanding of the differences are values \u200b\u200bthat must be reaffirmed and transmitted to future generations, to build "a better world than what we found."

For this purpose should be redefined, role and functions of public systems of knowledge, discounting the social point of view of building a new model of development based on solidarity and justice and environmental sustainability.

The role of knowledge institutions now play it on the ground of citizenship, namely the ability to train people capable of governing their lives, educating the shared values, legality and awareness of their rights. E 'therefore the priority task of the educational process, first, to train critical thinking, to solve problems, getting used to the doubt, the unexpected, curiosity, and second, to educate a thought rational and scientific, identifying the essential knowledge of citizenship to live, work and further study.

a result, it is necessary to: 1. know more and better in every phase of life, 2. rethink the knowledge you need, 3. profoundly reorganize the routes of education, training and research and evaluation systems linked to them.

Lifelong learning, as the ability and actual ability to learn throughout their lifetime, should be the strategy of transformation of educational systems in our country. E 'is essential, therefore, provide an effective opportunity to participate in training activities for all ages (Lifelong learning) responding to all the needs of human life (lifewide learning).

should build a new welfare system can provide universal and the right to study and access to knowledge, by removing the economic and social inequalities of departure and the continuity of income as a basis for overcoming social autonomy insecurity and existential work of the younger generation. It should, therefore: 1. define the basic level of benefits can not be reduced to minimum service standards, 2. ensuring access to knowledge across the country, inside and outside places of formal training, 3. identify universal instruments welfare that promote opportunities, choices, spaces of citizenship, self-determination and freedom, overcoming existing models such primarily familistic and compensatory damages.

Overcoming all forms of insecurity is a precondition for the real guarantee of freedom of teaching and research and is key to the quality of systems, along with social empowerment, to the certainty of decent wages and labor rights.

Knowledge is essential tool for personal growth, overcoming inequalities and the qualifications of the country's development model. Giving

future, hope and confidence in the country (as indicated by the last Censis) is the priority.

Knowledge is the tool to do so.

Based on this document, the signatories, as the complexity and richness of their differences, agree to open a public debate to the States General of knowledge.

It is, accordingly, the Organising Committee for the General Assembly of the knowledge that when you power on the living part of the country and young people took to the streets to defend their future remains open to membership and contributions to the discussion by actually associative , experience of movement and public policy initiatives, with the aim to define proposals for revitalization and innovation of education systems, training and research.


What Causes Enlargd Lymph Nodes?

Solidarity Group

April - June 2011

People with Disabilities. The rights, needs, services

objectives and content. The problems associated with la riduzione dei finanziamenti per interventi e servizi sociali e sociosanitari rischiano di far trascurare i temi dell´integrazione delle persone con disabilità nella società, dei crescenti rischi di istituzionalizzazione, della qualità dei servizi. Il pericolo, impegnati nella resistenza, è quello di non avere tempo di analizzare le evoluzioni, le necessità, le strade cui ci si incammina. Parlare di diritti, di servizi rispondenti ai bisogni, di qualità degli interventi è oggi decisamente fuori moda. Porre l´esigenza della necessità di un maggiore impegno finanziario sembra ai più, il vaneggiamento di mitomani. Intanto il ritorno alla logica della beneficenza appare essere molto più di una minaccia. Riteniamo, however, essential to continue to reflect and exchange views on important issues that require further investigation. In this perspective, we propose a series of meetings with the aim of analyzing three themes that, on the basis of our experience, there seem to be of extreme importance. On the one hand, the analysis of the situation, the other to maintain a high profile of the proposal and reflection.

School integration. Where do we stand?

From a review of integration, to understand in what direction it should take action. Between requests for cuts and covers full-time what future for the integration?

Jesi, April 8, 2011. 9:00 am - 13.00
are compared

Andrea Canevaro, Professor of Special Education, University of Bologna, Rimini

Marisa Faloppa Committee, inclusive education, a magazine "Handicap & School, Torino

Danilo Massi, Head Teacher Institute comprehensive Sant'Egidio alla V. and Ancaster, Teramo

Salvatore Nocera, Vice Chairman Fish (Italian Federation for Overcoming Handicaps), Rome

Friday, February 25, 2011

30'wording Invitation

Viktoria Mullova ospite dell'Ort

For many it is the most refined, elegant and sweetly expressive violinist in the world.
Wednesday, February 23, Viktoria Mullova is on stage at the Teatro Verdi in Florence. A concert hosted

dall'Orto but - for their commitment The conveniences and inconveniences of Donizetti Theatre in lyric opera of the pole costs for the project Ltl Opera Studio - leaves the scene Orchestra of Mantova.

On the podium of the concert is the master Carlo Fabiano.

Taken from: The Nation - Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Songs To Dance To For Talent Show

Noto ritorna splendida

A long work of restructuring the delivery Sicilian cathedral to its extraordinary beauty.

Sunday, February 13 was inaugurated after renovation, the Cathedral of Noto , large and challenging undertaking that began with the architect restorer Salvatore Tringali, when the commission was established, The Vatican pointed to as his expert Monsignor Carlo Chenis.

Vittorio Sgarbi says " identified with him perhaps the only painter able to complete the frescoes of the dome of the plumes and agreed with the iconography and style neopurista, such as to appear timeless ". The artist was

Ottavio Mazzonis , but made the sketches he died, The work is completed by the young Russian artist Oleg Supereco . A

Giuseppe Ducrot, sculptor, have been entrusted to the altar, pulpit and bishop's chair.

Meanwhile the site is not closed, and other artists apply to the Via Crucis, the sculptures in the niches (Giuseppe Bergomi, Livio Scarpelli, Joseph Inzerillo, Ernesto Ornati, Philip Dobrila and still Ducrot and Vito Cipolla).

On June 6 there will be the second inauguration, when the Cathedral of Noto will show how the sacred art pavilion at the Venice Biennale.

article: Millionaire - February 17, 2011

When I Cough My Left Side Stomach Hurts

Lucca, sound tinto di rosa

A series of shows, events, film festivals and a competition for emerging young musicians and singers, the Award Lucca Jazz Donna (25 and 26 February 2011).

on February 27 at the Teatro di San Girolamo perform the "Sisters of Italy: Patrizia Conte with" Yeah In Person "and the Quartet Generations.

On March 5, 2011 is the time for "World Jazz " Anna Karina Rossi gives "Piazzolla-female", then, is the time of Troth Or Dare.

On March 13, 2011 to the final evening " S Wonderful in the first set, then the Mercy Sheridan Quintet in Old Gospel."

detailed program is available at:

article: The Nation - February 19, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Accomplishments Of Deborah Sampson

La dislessia svelata

Modern techniques of brain imaging may help predict how svilupperenno reading disorders in adolescents with an accuracy of up to 90% :

much more than is normally achieved with today's diagnostic reading test.

The data collected are of the research published on "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences " Bruce McCandliss, a professor of psychology at Vanderbilt University in Nashville .

They subjected 45 young people between 11 and 14 years (25 of whom had been diagnosed as dyslexic), two types of brain imaging (magnetic resonance imaging and display "on the diffusion tensor), and performed tests of reading.

On average during the test, the dyslexic children showed, compared to the other, greater activation in right inferior frontal gyrus, a brain region near the right temple.

Two and a half years away the 13 guys in the group of dyslexics showed greater activation were also those who were compensated more noise, and read better than other dyslexic group.

Using data collected con le visualizzazioni nella prima fase di studio con modelli matematici, gli scienziati sono riusciti a simulare con grande precisione la prestazione che i ragazzi avevano mostrato a distanza di anni.

Gli autori della ricerca sperano che in questo metodo possa in futuro orientare le tecniche di intervento con cui oggi si cerca di migliorare le strategie di lettura nei giovani dislessici.

Articolo di Federica Sgarbissa , tratto da: Mente & Cervello - Febbraio 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Toe Is Always Red And Itches

Scrivi a mano? Impari di più

Scrivendo a mano s'impara meglio.

Infatti, per aumentare la conoscenza bisogna mettere le lettere nero su bianco.

The two scholars support learning, Anne Mangen University of Stavanger in Norway and Jean-Luc Velay University of Marseille, in an article published in the journal Advances in haptics .

The motor activity of the hand activates specific brain areas that help the visual recognition of the concepts written.

When we read the same symbols, the brain reconstructs them through motor image.

Broca's area, part of the brain that oversees the function of language and learning, seems to be more active quando si legge una parola legata a un'attività fisica che a un'azione.

Articolo tratto da: Salute

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Transfer Irish Pension

Museo delle Stele

Nella foresteria registrate 30% di presenze in più, per i Menhir, 12mila presenze.

Tutti pazzi per il mistero dei Menhir : nel 2010 il Museo del Piagnaro a Pontremoli (MS), ha registrato il record di presenze degli ultimi 15 anni; oltre 100 le scolaresche in visita e sono aumentati anche i pellegrini ospiti nella foresteria del Castello.

"Si tratta del miglior risultato degli ultimi 15 anni" , spiega Francesco Bola , coordinatore del Museo, "Sono cifre che per un piccolo museo civico sono significative, visto anche il contesto generale che si è delineato, nel quale molte piccole realtà si trovano in serie difficoltà".

Ovviamente, non si tratta di un effetto casuale, ma di un risultato che premia la capacità del Museo di adottare (molto spesso a costo zero ), buone pratiche nei confronti del pubblico e del territorio.

Lavorando su molteplici obiettivi e partecipando alle rassegne nazionali e regionali (Amico Museo, Notti dell'Archeologia, Notte dei Musei, Giornate Europee del Patrimonio, Settimana della Cultura), sviluppando la didattica museale e il turismo scolastico.

Alla luce di questi dati assumono rilievo le potenzialità legate ai progetti già in corso per l'ampliamento e riallestimento del Museo e per l'ascensore che collegherà il centro storico con il Castello del Piagnaro .

Articolo tratto da: La Nazione - Martedì 8 Febbraio 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

80k Income Do I Get Refund

Adi Nes Deposizione

Fino al 6 Marzo 2011, presso il Museo Nazionale Alinari della Fotografia, a Firenze .

La mostra presenta l'opera di ADI NES , artista affermato nel panorama della fotografia contemporanea internazionale.

Sono esposte fotografie di grande formato ispirate all'iconografia cristiana dell'arte rinascimentale e barocca, tratte dalle principali serie realizzate dall'artista nel corso della sua lunga carriera.

Notizia tratta da: La Nazione - Mercoledì 9 Febbraio 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Does Anybody Sell 38 Inch Tires

Novecento sedotto

Presso il Museo Annigoni Villa Bardini a Firenze, fino al 1 Maggio 2011, si potrà ammirare la mostra Novencento sedotto.

Il fascino del Seicento tra le due guerre da Velàzquez a Annigoni.

Il Museo Annigoni dedica un'importante mostra della pittura italiana degli anni Venti, Trenta e Quaranta del Novecento.

Le opere di Conti, Carena, Funi, De Chirico, Bueno (solo per name a few), are put into dialogue with some tenets of the seventeenth century, such as Velazquez and Artemisia Gentileschi .

Taken from: The Nation - Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tips On How To Masterbate With A Showerhead

Ghirlandaio, una famiglia di pittori del Rinascimento

Ghirlandaio, a family of painters in Florence, Scandicci.

2o11 Until May 1, at the Castle dell'Acciaiolo in Scandicci (FI), you can see a thorough collection of works by Domenico Ghirlandaio and of those, including children, grandchildren, and students are formed in his shop.

Taken from: The Nation - Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Can Vicodin Cause Nightmares And Hallucinations

Il Picasso innamorato venduto per 30 milioni

"The Lecture".

A portrait by Pablo Picasso of his young lover Marie Therese Walter , was beaten by Sotheby's in London for 25 million 200 thousand pounds (nearly 30 million euro), as well as the estimated departure but not predicted by the record the art market.

the same evening, a still life by Giorgio Morandi was sold for one million 200 thousand pounds.

The record for a work of art sold at auction belongs to Picasso , "Naked green leaves and bust" , beat last year to 106 million dollars Christie's in New York.

article: The Nation - Wednesday, 'February 9, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Long Does It Take Sleep Eze To Work

Memoria, si danneggia se non si sogna

Just four nights without dreams " ruin long-term memory, that stores the memories of the distant past.

He demonstrated a study published in the journal "Sleep " which occurred as the absence of REM sleep phase of , one in which we dream, reduces the proliferation of cells in the brain that handles long-term memory.

Taken from: Health News

Lyrical Costume Designs

Un mecenate al Colosseo

Valley supporting the restoration.

Agreement with businessman Diego Della Valle , government officials and administrators Capitoline announce that we have found the money, € 25 million to finance by sponsoring the long-awaited restoration of the monument- symbol of the capital in the world.

"The sponsor will be limited to panels of the height of two meters at the basement of the monument" , states the Commissioner of the archeological central government delegate, Roberto Cecchi.

Gianni Letta, undersecretary of the Council said: "risultato straordinario, il modo in cui Della Valle ha vinto la gara dice che il suo spirito non è solo quello dell'imprenditore, ma anche di un Mecenate moderno".

Gianni Alemanno , sindaco di Roma: "una gratitudine importante, perchè 25 milioni spesi in un periodo di crisi economica sono un fatto eccezionale e un segnale; per me è la fine di un incubo, quando passavo qui davanti e vedevo i tubi Innocenti al posto delle cancellate mi chiedevo cosa ne pensavano i turisti" .

A fine anno via ai cantieri. Sincero apprezzamento per l'esempio di Della Valle , che non deve rimanere isolato.

Articolo tratto da: La Nazione - Bruno Ruggiero

Friday, February 11, 2011

Ugly Doll Birthday Invitation

Sonno, è il primo alleato della memoria

Do not you remember things?

Try to sleep more.

is not a council "grandmother", but the result of a study conducted by ' University of Basel (Switzerland) and published in the journal "Nature Neuroscience.

Research has subjected a group of volunteers in an experiment: place different objects in a grid with each other while in the air spread a fragrance.

The memory is formed, thus, an association between object and breathed aroma; study participants, then, were a divided two groups.

One, immediately after the experiment took a nap while the other remained alert.

Once again they were all asked to inhale the scent; who had rested, he recalled much better than the objects associated to the essence.

Taken from : Viversani & Belli - Health News - February 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Polymyxin B Sulfate Sulfa Allergy


Here are some excerpts of the article by Alfredo Reichlin published on the drive on Monday.
"I would like to stress the importance that, in its simplicity, assume this narrative of what the holidays are
been de Unit. It is not just the chronicle of events more or less joyful that millions of Italians who attended and frequent in many parts of Italy and now represents a deadline of popular life in the summer evenings of cities, towns and villages, a little 'how feast of the patron. It is not just that. Behind that table festive and women who make the tortellini, there was a great idea. A transaction policy and original cultural, very ambitious, which starts from a profoundly realistic idea of \u200b\u200bItaly, and then as a story of politics, and history not only of the ruling classes, but the troubled and complex history of the Italian people. It started dall'assillo to create a fabric of relations and participation in community life, as to turn the masses in Italian than they ever were, that is, a nation-people. No longer the people, subjects, a separate world from the one where you make the powers and collective destinies are decided. ... The policy was one with a faith, and an ideal of human redemption. But it was at the same time, a struggle for civic progress and a culture that went beyond the proper administration. Was the formation of a new humanity. And the sign of this remains, and this explains many things: the good administration to entrepreneurship, from associations and cooperatives to create democratic passion. ... A class becomes dominant if before you even go to the executive power becomes, if it is able to say exert intellectual and moral direction of society as a whole, if a culture more advanced processes and unifies the people with the intellectuals. If in fact creates a ruling class .... We face the major outstanding issues that had blocked the path of the Italian people. Great historical issues, not reducible to the arrogance of the bosses: the peasant question (eighty cento della popolazione, per di più quasi del tutto analfabeta), la questione meridionale (quasi metà del paese), la questione vaticana, cioè il problema di come combinare la pace religiosa con le libertà politiche e civili. Laicità dello Stato e riconoscimento perfino dell’apporto che una coscienza religiosa può dare alla coscienza sociale e civile. Questa grande avventura io l’ho vissuta non solo nei libri ma nei rapporti con i compagni e le persone, e sono stato testimone di come l’invenzione delle feste de l’Unità fosse tutta pensata alla luce dell’idea d’Italia e della politica di cui ho parlato e come parte integrante dello sforzo di aderire «a tutte le pieghe della società».….Mettemmo varie cose: il messaggio politico che il Pci voleva ogni anno imporre come tema culturale della sua battaglia, insieme con l’evento festoso attraverso il quale le nostre organizzazioni dovevano verificare il radicamento popolare luogo per luogo, la capacità organizzativa di cui erano capaci, l’occasione per i dirigenti di farsi conoscere e aprire dibattiti. Il successo fu clamoroso. Questo libro ne dà conto e sarebbe quanto mai utile allargare la ricerca tra quelli che (a mio ricordo almeno) furono eventi davvero grandi e le migliaia di feste locali. Penso alla festa di Venezia che si svolse nel cuore della città e delle «calli» e che vide la partecipazione di grandi artisti europei alle sue iniziative…. Ma è chiaro perché quando parlo di feste de l’Unità non mi vengono alla mente solo le variopinte forme di aggregazione popolare, ma i momenti di costruzione del consenso politico.”

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Long Does It Take Senna To Work

La storia in mostra: ecco i Dinosauri della Patagonia

Combining an event of high scientific and cultural level in a form accessible to children, this is l'arma vincente della rassegna I Dinosauri della Patagonia , fino al 30 Giugno 2011, ad Arezzo, presso Arezzo Fiere e Congressi.

Una mostra tutta da esplorare : simulazioni interattive, film e giochi computerizzati, spazi ludici per bambini (con attività manuali ed educative, in grado di avvicinarli alla ricerca scientifica e paleontologica).

Le moderne tecnologie, unite al lavori dei migliori paleontologi, permetteranno al pubblico di conoscere, in modo piacevole e non accademico, lo stato dell'arte della ricerca e le ipotesi più accreditate presso la comunità scientifica internazionale.

Realizzato dal GrupoCultural Argentina a cura di Fabio Frachtenberg , museologist Argentine with the collaboration of Jorge Calvo , a paleontologist at the National University of Comahue in Patagonia.

addition, the event also has a significant humanitarian component: Part of the proceeds will be devoted, in fact, the Pupi Foundation, committed to supporting children in Argentina.

Taken from: The Nation - February 1, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Panera Bread Art Work

La Gioconda, un testamento esoterico


The Mona Lisa would not even be a portrait of a woman.

According to the results of studies conducted by the Committee National promotion of Cultural Heritage, the figure would have the appearance of Salai, Leonardo's assistant with whom he lived for twenty years. The room had

ambiguous relationship with Leonardo, Vinceti explains Silvano, president of the , its appearance is very feminine and linked to other frameworks, such as John the Baptist Louvre.

Vinceti also spoke of a new dating (early in the period between 1482 and 1499), of three layers of paint have been established; three signs related to the cabal (starting from 72 under the bridge in the background ) that would make the esoteric texts, religious and philosophical artist.

article: Il Corriere della Sera - Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Antique Cedar Chests Rockford Furniture

Mostre varie

the wake of Garibaldi
From May 22 to June 4, 2011, 150 sailboats will give life to Historical Regatta Genoa-Marsala , for the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, 12 stages along the Tyrrhenian coast with as many events on the ground, from October submissions:

The flowers of life
Plants & Flowers from around the world in Genoa with Euroflora , from 21 April to 1 May 2011 edition featuring themes such as protection of biodiversity and the environment:

The soul of an era
It 's the big news of the show: by Canova Modigliani - The face of' Ottocennto is the first review to consider the portrait throughout the nineteenth century, a task never attempted before.

Wilde wrote that "every portrait painting is a portrait of the artist, not the template .

words that fit like a glove for the wonderful gallery of noble and bourgeois put in frame by Appiah, Hayez, Peak, Severini, Modigliani and many others.

Padova - Palazzo Zabarella until February 27, 2011 -

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ncaab All-time Mens Scoring Leader

according to ISTAT, EDUCATION IN ITALY forgive the past than in Europe


Too many school drop-outs, and too many young people "abandoned."
could be summed up as the figures provided by ISTAT January 19, revealing an Italy "young" so disheartened enough to record two million people in the conditions that define an abbreviation Neet (Not in Education, Employment or Training ) or young people who do not study and do not work. An impressive figure, given that it comes with 21.2 percent of the population between 15 and 29 years, one of our children over 5, the highest proportion in Europe.
Even among those who study things are not better: the share of younger (18-24 age group) that ha abbandonato gli studi senza conseguire un titolo di scuola media superiore, è pari al 19,2 per cento (media Ue27 14,4 per cento).
L’Italia è anche il paese dove il 46 % della popolazione tra i 25 ed i 64 anni non ha superato il livello di istruzione pari alla scuola media inferiore (percentuale che è solo al 27% nella media dell’Unione Europea).
Il 19 per cento dei 30-34enni ha conseguito un titolo di studio universitario (o equivalente), con un incremento, tra il 2004 e il 2009, di 3,3 punti percentuali: una quota ancora molto contenuta rispetto all’obiettivo del 40 per cento fissato da “Europa 2020”.
Per fortuna, emerge anche un dato positivo: i dati più recenti sul level of skills (OECD PISA), reveal a recovery over the past 15 year olds Italian disadvantage of students in all subjects considered.
You can examine the detail of the report ISTAT education on this link [uid_categoria] = 5

How To Wash Patent Leather Sneakers

Macerata Students Against Gelmini

orientation at the show Friday morning, the student movement of Macerata, addressed to 'the annual exhibition of guidance organized by the University of Macerata, to reiterate their claims, the dissent against government policies in education and research, and criticism of the authoritarian model of society that is emerging.

The initiative was well received by both the representatives of these universities, who thanked the children of the movement for raising the issue, both by school students and teachers. In addition, with the megaphone was read and distributed to those present the following statement.
The dis-orientation without a future. The University of Macerata held on 3 and 4 February, the annual exhibition of guidance, to guide students average to a "conscious choice of university studies." We
students in Macerata since we launched last November, after the occupation of the classroom at the Faculty of Philosophy, a series of protests against the bill, which also involved temporary Gelmini, professors and high school students, we are " aware "of the fact that today more than ever is being seriously questioned in all the real possibility of choosing a future. Because we know who have finished school is the precariousness of our lives what we expect and that our own right to study the foundation is being undermined by the cuts imposed by Gelmini Tremonti.

Even during the show orientation Therefore, we believe it is important to continue a discussion about the possibility of reform from the bottom of the university that makes knowledge accessible and free to all, and the rethinking of a form of welfare to guarantee rights and income for all that part of society forced to work and live in a state of escalating insecurity. In recent months we have shared the struggles of the workers FIOM, research and social movements for the common good and the rights of migrants, and all those organizations and movements that have now decided to work together "against the U.S. crisis," to combat a system that will use it, the crisis generated by itself, to enhance control sulle nostre vite e sbilanciare i rapporti tra le parti sociali in direzione sempre più autoritaria.
Le conseguenze del ddl, ormai approvato, si fanno sempre più sentire nei nostri territori. È infatti di questi giorni la notizia dello sgombero, avvenuto con la forza, degli spazi occupati all’università di Napoli, Zero81 e Fanon, ai quali esprimiamo la nostra solidarietà. A Macerata assistiamo invece, ad esempio, allo stravolgimento nell’organizzazione e alla diminuzione dei fondi per le attività culturali, che saranno concentrate in una sola settimana e su un tema imposto dal rettore. Uno dei pochi mezzi che gli studenti avevano per tentare di fare autoformazione a Macerata, viene quindi drasticamente ridimensionato and subjected to greater control by the universities.

We think instead of being able to fight the bill and get out of this crisis, cultural as well as economic, social and environmental impacts, including through self-study courses. 'S why we feel the need to reclaim space for self-management and comparison within the universities. We will be in place, universities, factories, everywhere, as we have done to date as Oct. 16 and Dec. 14 to Jan. 28 as a Roma and Ancona in Italy and, until this crisis and defeat those who is being used to subdue and blackmail. United
the crisis! Students' Movement
from Macerata

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Plan Offer Training as an instrument of autonomy, between aspirations and prorogatio.

exemplary models of "government" part of the territory at this stage of transition, as the provincial parent of Bolzano and the Look of Parents of Trento.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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Caccia ai segreti della Sfinge

unravels the mystery of the Sphinx of Giza : important truths, after uncertainty secular cha fed millennialists guru and archeology, emerge as certain aspects of the great statue are clarified by recent excavations.

a long and systematic archaeological inspection, led by Zahi Hawass , Egyptologists in the world, has unearthed part of a broad protective structure, built all around the Sphinx.

A wall, originally about two feet high, designed to prevent the sand and the wind damage the fragile hips.

In light of these recent findings, it seems clear the hand of the famous Egyptian sculpture: it was Thutmose IV, who built the wall, recently discovered, just after having become aware of the extensive damage by wind and sand of the animal human head.

is then to drop the assumption that the traces of erosion on the sides of the statue to be attributable to rain in the distant past, during an alleged ice age 10,500 years ago.

If, however, is at least clear that the Sphinx was the work of Egyptians, in the light of findings of the same mysterious excavation elements are added, intended to suggest hypotheses bizarre and esoteric: have emerged, unexpectedly and now difficult to interpret at least four tunnels, small income, in the body of the structure.

With sonar and other sophisticated tools to continue exploring the labyrinth of tunnels and the hieroglyphs of the necropolis, a discovery of who built the colossal monuments were not slaves, but paid workers paid with bread and beer.

Taken from: The Nation - Culture and Society

Does Strees Cause Snoring

the towns and citizens of the province of Ancona
The political choices of the government are doing to pay a high price on the school side
the quality of training and of those rights, both students and staff of
. She was photographed the current situation of the school as a result of cutbacks by the government
which can be summarized as follows and summarized:
Marches have been cut in two years 2394 jobs between staff

teacher and ATA in the province of Ancona, 399 teachers and 259 ATA.

- in our school ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... was not replaced all the staff in


- in the last two years, the ATA staff has been reduced by ... .... (Indicate how many

school staff, administrative assistants and technicians have been cut)

- the staff has been reduced ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
were cut economic resources: c ' was a drastic reduction

financing for the purchase of equipment for the operation so that the school

parental contribution grew from € to € ________ __________

was reduced funding provided to schools to pay for the hours of

substitution of internal trainers, one for the exterior has been restored but the

School Administrator, even in great difficulties for the credit contract with the State to

following an advance payment and never reinstated, despite the protests of the staff

schools and families, in many cases still do not appoint and distribute

pupils in classes or suspend classes, with serious repercussions on the Right to


• decreased the time school students:

- in kindergarten ... ... ... ...

- in primary school, for now, it was increased from _____ to _____ hours (hopefully never


- in the secondary we have gone from ______ to _______ hours and disappeared


• has increased the average number of pupils per class;

• failing to observe the maximum limit of 20 pupils per class in the presence of

disabled, in fact, not all places have been established for the support that would

needed to meet the minimum ratio of one teacher for every two pupils expected

by law: the lack Brands 279 teachers to support in

province of Ancona in 1999, although the Constitutional Court in its Judgement of 22

February 2010, has ruled out the possibility of establishing a national ceiling for


• Meanwhile, the Budget Law for 2011 has confirmed the implementation of the cuts

8 billion in the three years 2009/11 approved by Law 133/2008, but return 245

million to non-state schools so that they reach 526 million euro annual

finanziamento statali rispetto ai 323 milioni del 2001, mentre per la scuola pubblica

le risorse non si trovano nemmeno per il fondo a sostegno dell’autonomia scolastica

(legge 440/97) il cui finanziamento passa dai 258 milioni di euro del 2001 agli 88

milioni del 2011.

• Viene di fatto azzerato il fondo di 103 milioni di euro per la gratuità dei libri

nelle scuole elementari. Infatti, dopo una prima cancellazione dello appropriation,

and further amendments to the law of the stability of the 103 million has been included

in a chapter of the budget of 350 million for welfare for

also the payment of 270,000 LSU (work) that provide

cleaning in 3,500 schools. Future will be a decree of the President of the Council to

decide the destination of the appropriation that are likely to erase

definitivamente i libri gratuiti visto che per i soli LSU nel 2010 si sono spesi

370 milioni.

• Nessun finanziamento per l’edilizia scolastica a copertura degli interventi

sostenuti dalle Province e dagli Enti Locali: Il 2009 è l’ultima delle annualità che

ha beneficiato del finanziamento previsto nella legge Finanziaria 2007, che aveva

destinato 250 milioni di euro per i piani di edilizia scolastica previsti dalla legge

23/96, for the years 2007-09. The amount originally planned for 2009, amounting to

€ 100 million in Budget 2009, has seen a cut of 23 million €. The

heritage school building on the entire national territory consists of approximately

42,000 structures, many of which, despite the efforts of municipalities and economic

Provinces, not yet in compliance with safety standards and often lacking in classrooms,

laboratories and gymnasiums.

• Yet the new regulation for the establishment of the classes issued by the

Government has provided a general increase of the students without taking any

account the possibility effective schools hold more of the 25 pupils per class

that on average is the expected number of our school buildings, we have

news of classes that contain students with up to 30/34 the presence of

disabled and not enough spaces dl point of view of safety and hygiene.

All this is no longer possible, as they would like, to ensure students the right

to quality education that is the job of state school as provided by

the Italian Constitution.

For this is the main consequences of the framework described above:

• staffing cuts pose serious questions in terms of security and surveillance;

• is severely degraded the performance of normal teaching activities;

• are severely compromised all laboratory activities , recovery and

enhancement; becomes impossible to implement, as they would like teachers and

as rightly ask the parents, and individualized interventions on pupils

most in need, both cultural and educational opportunities, such as educational tours, travel

education, entertainment, events, exhibitions;

• This year, after years of difficulty, the funds were restored to ensure the activities

alternative to those who do not use the teaching of the Catholic religion, but not

know if they are guaranteed the same way next year

is severely compromised the ability to build a modern school of

quality, able to provide students with adequate tools and technologies.

Here is what we want to ask in response to the issues pictured:

establishes the body according to the Institute's needs and not according to the needs of

State budget (an increase of faculty and staff according to the

real need of fragmented dislocation structures, age of pupils and

the presence of special educational needs)

monitor the real needs and adjust the allocation of resources (material

consumption and educational)

immediately appoint alternates

time to reorganize the school

- 30 hours to bring the "form" in primary school

- maintaining 40 hours for kindergarten and for the full-time in school


- reintegrate option hours removed from a secondary school degree

maintain free textbooks for primary school

adjust the limit of students per class:

- 20 students for kindergarten and primary school

- 22 pupils secondary school grade 1

respect the regulations on the number of pupils per class in the presence of disability

enable Local Authorities to arrange for routine maintenance and

extraordinary school buildings

take up all the precarious places available, as an essential condition for

ensure the continuity of the educational staff of stable and motivated

ensure the renewal of municipal solid waste for a democratic and transparent management of

schools and a real representation of the union in the workplace

Our demands are not designed to maintain or apply for privileges or to retreat

positions anachronistic or nostalgic, but intend to pursue our duty

primary teachers: parents trying to ensure the best chance for the future

of new generations, teachers who want to carry out their task of teaching

to apprendere e di educare al pensiero critico.

Vogliamo reagire a questo stato di cose, consapevoli che oggi noi cittadini - lavoratori,

genitori, studenti, docenti, personale della scuola – siamo chiamati a fare la nostra parte

per salvare e rilanciare la scuola pubblica.

RACCOLTA DI FIRME (da inviare alle figure competenti) e un altro FOGLIO con gli

INDIRIZZI MAIL per poter creare una rete e rimanere in contatto.

Sottoscrizione del documento:






Prima di Natale ad Ancona si è costituito il Coordinamento Provinciale genitori e personale della scuola in difesa della scuola pubblica; dell´organismo suddetto fanno parte per il momento: il Comitato Scuola Ancona, il coordinamento Precari ed alcuni parents.
we have drawn up a shared document that cuts against the government (possibly with the problems of each school situation) to be endorsed to the parents and staff throughout the school cover the whole territory of our province


STOP CUTS 2011/12

SIGN TOO! Join us!


In the province of Ancona parents and school staff during various assemblies and meetings, they discussed the situation in
where it is today the state school. I parents share the concerns of practitioners
school cuts are hitting the right to education of young people.
Convinced that the topic interests all citizens, have decided to launch a signature campaign
to achieve the goal of involving the whole civil society in support of this dispute and a collection
e-mail to form a network are always aware of the initiatives and innovations that relate to the school.
They therefore prepared this document which provides an overview of the consequences of the cuts
recorded so far in our schools, with a section on the individual schools to highlight
the specific effects in all reality. The signatures will be delivered to the institutions and all our
representatives in Parliament to show our protest and our proposals and to keep up
attention on a topic of vital importance for the country and the future of our young .

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Booze In A Sheepskin Bag

Alla fiera dell'arte economica

Who has not dreamed of enhancing your home with valuable pieces of art cortemporanea? A

inhibit purchases, often salted and those prices a little selective of drifts.

Now, all this can be overcome thanks to the first Italian edition of The Affordable Art Fair, held in Milan February 3 to 6.

In fact, after London, New York, Sydney, Singapore and Paris (just to name a few of the major cities that have hosted the initiative), the show also comes to us in Italy.

On display pieces by living artists with prices strictly between 100 and 5000 €.

info at: