Sunday, December 26, 2010

Where To Buy Walking Sticks Singapore

The real policy Napolitano and monologues Berlusconi's government

Pubblichiamo un estratto de "la nota del mattino" del 23 Dicembre che fa chiaramente vedere la differenza tra un uomo politico di altissima caratura, e un uomo che vive la politica come uno show, di cui lui è il protagonista.

Il presidente della Repubblica ha dato ieri una lezione di politica, intesa in senso nobile, al governo. Per mesi il governo ha giocato al muro contro muro con gli studenti, i ricercatori ed i professori che protestavano contro la legge Gelmini sull’università (per non parlare delle norme sulla scuola), gettando benzina sul fuoco. Quando il segretario del Pd, Pier Luigi Bersani, è salito sui tetti di Architettura a Roma, dove erano i ricercatori a protestare, è stato perfino bersagliato dagli attacchi sobillati dai quotidiani vicini a Berlusconi e trattato con sufficienza e sospetto dalla grande stampa, che fin dall’inizio ha sostenuto a spada tratta e a suon di editoriali la riforma Gelmini. Ieri, giunti all’estrema provocazione di una città reinforced as though we were in wartime, the President of the Republic has shown that those who have the ability to speak is a good policy. His meeting with the students has in fact resumed the relationship with the institutions of the generations that are suffering more than the crisis and the problems of Italy. A relationship that was likely to have cracked at all, with serious consequences.
The Democratic Party has sought in recent days not only in the parliamentary battle against the Gelmini Law, but also for fostering a positive outcome of events. Among other things we should remember the initiative to bring together at the national headquarters of the Democratic Party trade union representatives and representatives of law enforcement students, in the presence of the President of the Parliamentary Group to the Senate Anna Finocchiaro, and Emanuele Fiano, head of the security forum of the Democratic Party.

Today at noon press conference at the end of the year for Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. The speech will be no different from that heard repeatedly: the government has done wonders, the country, despite the crisis, is better than the others, will invest tens of billions of euro, cut taxes, reform the justice. Never mind that the decree called one thousand extensions, launched yesterday by Council of Ministers, has cut funds (publishing), reduced funding to 5 per thousand (despite having formally forgiven), established in the L'Aquila need to pay taxes all at once suspended for the earthquake and split the historic park Stelvio to please the two parliamentary Alto Adige realized in support of a majority in the vote on the motion of no confidence in Berlusconi. Blue skies prevail.
Behind the scenes of the show prepared for the Italians who watch TV, the reality is and will be something else. Instead of worrying about the problems of the country, the Prime Minister has again put the spotlight back to its interests. The first is the salvation of the rules on such failure, enabling Berlusconi to not appear before the court has already sentenced for corruption of the other defendants and that the Mills trial on January 11 will be the focus of a review of constitutionality by the Constitutional Court. In addition, the prime minister would like to stay at Palazzo Chigi long as she can, although it is clearly not capable of governing. Yesterday, the Minister Prestigiacomo has resigned from the PDL, because it attacked by his own majority in the House. Berlusconi, in short, knows that it will not last long. And so we prepare the ground for, where should let go, there are no more likely to form a caretaker government or national responsibility, but once you go to vote. The Northern League, however, he has no doubts: he wants to vote and take their vows in the projected growth in surveys before the miracle is deflated. Even for this has officially asked to discuss the House if the president Gianfranco Fini is to remain or not in place.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wobble Board Vs Bosu Board

A clinically dead and

After the news yesterday, confirming the confidence in the Berlusconi government, we publish an extract from a speech to the Bersani event Saturday, December 11 in Rome to show how the Democratic Party will oppose a policy already dead.

"Like two years ago today at the Circus Maximus in St. John presents the face of a great People's Party. We are here to give a message to Italy. A message of hope and change.
Here's what we think, we think that Italy is far better than what happens far too long. We think that we can no longer go on. Berlusconi must go home. It takes a step forward in a new direction. Italy must begin to take off from the veins Berlusconi, must shake off a personalistic populism, propaganda and powerless.
Italy needs a renewed constitutional democracy, a democracy strong and normal.
Italy needs a renewed constitutional democracy, a democracy strong and normal, able to function and provide some answers to people's problems, not to talk but in deed.
After winning the right to pay tribute to all the winners and spread single thought.
We are not only fallen in thought and in frustration. Despite the difficulties we have always considered a governing party currently in opposition. But we are not

fallen in frustration. We saw first the crisis and the gap that would be created between propaganda and reality.

We saw first the crisis and the gap that necessarily would have to create between the preaching of the government propaganda and the reality of everyday life. We beat every day that nail. And when the distance between words and deeds became more evident when it became clearer that the problems were rotting and the policy was forced to turn around the problems day and night the Premier, then opened the crisis center. Not about the villas. E 'for the loss of grip on the actual situation of the Government which opened this crisis and that part of the right began to think after, and start moving.
political crisis of the center is without remedy. It will not be solved by shameful practices.
think they get away with it? By filling a deputy or two, where they hope to get for Christmas? At the Epiphany? To see if he could leave in a few more sock member? No. They can not go on, that's the truth in any case and we will fight our battle for a more advanced position.
There's a whole history of the Italian political stage to be crossed.
But, dear, dear democratic democrats, we know that over the next week there is a path before us and in front of Italy. It is not just a change of government. There is a phase of Italian political history to be passed. There is a point system to deal with. Now sixteen years ago, after the fall of the wall and after tangentopoli, Berlusconi appeared in the void and the discrediting of politics and a person and a proposed model. A shortcut personalistic against the inefficiency of the system, the oppression State and bureaucracy, impotence and shame policy. He promised more freedom and lower taxes, a propagandized individualistic model. Railed against the Palace and made it one of its own, and with the revolving doors rather, as we have seen since! Accumulated political power, economic, media, and use the anti-system forces of the League to fill the last decade, the first of the new millennium, ruling seven years of the last nine, building a personal party and house, making the Parliament with an appropriate command electoral law and concentrating in his hands unprecedented power in the entire history of the Republic.
After sixteen years and four Berlusconi government, we tirare qualche somma: il bilancio è un disastro. Adesso la domanda è: dopo questi sedici anni e dopo quattro Governi Berlusconi, dopo un decennio dominato da lui possiamo tirare qualche somma? E lo chiedo anche agli elettori del centrodestra, possiamo tirare qualche somma o dobbiamo aspettare tutto il millennio? Se tiriamo le somme, si deve dire che il bilancio di questi anni è disastroso.
Con la destra al governo più disuguaglianze, meno consumi, meno investimenti e più evasione fiscale, più corruzione e meno prospettive per i giovani.
Il nostro Paese non è migliorato in niente. Ci siamo visibilmente allontanati dai Paesi forti dell’Europa. Abbiamo perso posizioni su posizioni in tutte le classifiche immaginabili possible: the wealth per capita, the number of employees, the prospects of young people, investing in the research, the trend in consumption, the public debt, the increase in inequality, the north-south divide, to 'tax evasion, the weight of bureaucracy to the spread of corruption and illegality. I could still make the list night. A real disaster. The only ranking that we remounted thanks to Berlusconi and our place in the jokes of the world, discrediting our place in the world!
school reform, college, culture, the only operation that has been seen in the world of supply reduction formation of structural cuts in the entire system of knowledge. Operations of incredible arrogance and insults to the real truth. Dear Ministers, though researchers have made rooftop is not because we went to find us, because we have them sent to you! And speaking of arrogance, my dear Minister, here we are still waiting to see her grades.
Here, dear, dear democratic democratic, this is the story of a failure and this is the real reason of the crisis that has opened in his right hand and the feeling, now widespread, so that you can not go forward.
Berlusconi has reversed itself. And now we need to avoid dragging in Italy well. We came to a close policy. And what does Berlusconi before the close? Does the victim. It 'really amazing. He had everything in hand, did everything he wanted. Galactic majority, the election law on a personal basis, the largest party in Italy invented on the running board of a car. He did everything and now he speaks of reversal? He rolled over, rolled over him, leaving the problem that now has not been reversed even Italy and that its crises and its failure will not drag the country into the pit. This is the problem! And we should solve this problem today with a new campaign?
Two major challenges are to reform the Republican Alliance for Growth and il lavoro.
La prima: una Riforma Repubblicana per rafforzare la Costituzione più bella del mondo modernizzando Istituzioni e regole.
La seconda: Una alleanza per la crescita e il lavoro. Una riforma delle Istituzioni e delle regole, dunque, che parta da un principio di fondo. Come in tutte le democrazie che funzionano, una persona sola non risolve nulla. Pensare che senza la fatica delle riforme, che senza la fatica della partecipazione si possano risolvere le cose affidandosi a scorciatoie personalistiche è una illusione disastrosa.
Questo drammatico equivoco, nel nostro Paese, è andato oltre Berlusconi e si è diffuso in una mentalità. Quando dico: toccasse mai a me mai metterei il mio nome sul simbolo, intendo dire questo. That we should not arouse passion for a person, but for our Republic. If we are to save ourselves we must rediscover the roots of the Republic, and give a new vitality and modernity.
reforms then. We must simplify and make efficient the Parliament and form of government, reduce the number of MPs, electoral law to make a serious, responsible and make a federalism devised to combine. You must bring all the European average cost of the policy, delete the special laws and crack, simplify procedures, put the screwdriver in the operation of every sector of public administration beginning with the justice for citizens and not that of just one. Define the incompatibilities and conflicts interest, delete and monopolies and dominant positions starting from the information. We need to introduce standards, starting with the financial, to flush out the illegal and criminal organizations. We must deal with the rights, Article 3 of our Constitution, laws that support equality and recognize the differences starting with the role of women in leadership roles, laws that combat homophobia, which ensure dignity in illness, which would prevent the disorder? immigration falls on the weakest part of our population and finally to say that a child born here and son of immigrants: you're one of us, you're an Italian.
two priorities: the new generations e il divario nord-sud.
Tutto questo e molto altro ancora vogliamo sia attraversato da due priorità, da due punti di vista prevalenti: quello della nuova generazione e quello del divario fra nord e sud del Paese. Sono questi infatti i due grandi punti di rottura, le grandi questioni nazionali che possono sbarrare la strada alle prospettive del Paese.
Se vogliamo camminare come Paese, non possiamo spezzarci in due, né nelle generazioni, né nei territori. Su tutto quel che ho detto e su altro ancora stiamo lavorando anche nei dettagli, come si conviene ad un Partito di Governo che non parla mai a vuoto e che sa concretamente che cosa vuol dire quello che dice.
Vieni via con me.
Care democratiche e cari democratici, amici e compagni,
this exciting square tells the country that we are strong, we are ready to fight for what we believe. We are ready for immediate political choices, as early as next week and we are ready to give us the pass for a way to change the country. Change. And 'this is the strong message that today is St. John.
I too have a dream of mine. The dream of a Party, the Democratic Party, which would finally say to Italy, to paraphrase a great song and a great television program, "Come away, come away from here, you come away with me. Come away from those years, from this humiliation, this indignation, from this sadness. There is the new front, there is un futuro da afferrare assieme, l’Italia e noi".
Potete trovare il discorso per intero sul sito del partito democratico:

Monday, December 6, 2010

How Much Haircut In Bench Fix Salon



am the sixteen public service announcements (PSAs) focus of the public information campaign titled "The Truth about Drugs," which also won several awards. Each of these PSAs, moving and action-packed, real-life scenarios and present facts in a manner understandable to everyone. Armed with the correct information, young people can take alone the decision to stay away from drugs. The public service announcements (PSAs), produced by the Church of Scientology and distributed by Foudation for a Drug Free World, translated into over 12 languages, are being aired all over the world and watched by millions of people.
The initiative is part of a wider campaign, inspired by the discoveries of L. Ron Hubbard, who Churches of Scientology and Scientologists lead for years all over the world, which have joined together individuals, groups, associations and other entities to carry on with the important work of prevention.
In Milan, the Church Scientology view it offers to anyone who requests them by offering a free DVD that groups can be obtained by writing to scientology.milano @

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Calorie Frozen Or Cooked Chicken Breast

Farella Ficarelli, the roar of the rabbit

Durante il Consiglio Comunale del 30 novembre è avvenuto un fatto straordinario. I consiglieri del gruppo sedicente di sinistra, Cavriago Comune (Prc-Sel) non hanno avuto il coraggio di assumersi le proprie responsabilità sull’esposto alla Corte dei Conti ed hanno negato la solidarietà ai dipendenti.

Si conclude tristemente così il Consiglio Comunale, che ha visto i consiglieri suddetti in forte difficoltà di fronte alla richiesta della maggioranza di dichiarare apertamente di aver presentato alla Audit Court a petition to render unlawful the special agency, established by the administration to maintain public services for children: have not had the courage to admit anything.

The two advisers and Farella David Luke Ficarelli trudging responses have stunted, stuffed with commas tape, which showed clearly have no arguments to support their incomprehensible thesis have not been able to withstand the political debate.

They tried to draw attention once more on the mayor, criticizing him because he has summoned the leaders, but Luke did not use the standard Ficarelli art. 8 of Regulation CC that allows a parent to request convocazione della conferenza dei capigruppo.
Si sono poi coperti di ridicolo quando hanno affermato che il Sindaco non gli ha trasmesso il testo dell'esposto: Ficarelli e Farella conoscono bene le norme per l'accesso agli atti e comunque l’esposto è stato scritto da loro stessi! In questo senso è stata ridicola l’accusa rivolta al Sindaco di non aver convocato i capigruppo per discutere del testo: avendo la coscienza sporca, loro per primi non hanno richiesto questa convocazione. Tutte le settimane chiedono di tutto. In questo caso non hanno chiesto nulla: evidentemente conoscevano già il contenuto!
Ancora una volta gli è stato chiesto quali sono le proposte alternative all'azienda speciale. Ancora una volta silenzio assoluto.

Diversi consiglieri di maggioranza sono intervenuti chiedendo che ammettessero pubblicamente la loro scelta, come doveroso atto politico di cariche pubbliche elette dai cittadini, ma loro non l’hanno fatto. E, cosa ancor più grave, si sono rifiutati di votare un odg di solidarietà al personale neo-assunto dell’Azienda Speciale che, proprio a seguito dell’esposto, teme per il proprio futuro.
Dalla nascita dell’Azienda Speciale sono state mantenute tutte le promesse: stabilizzati 10 insegnanti e potenziati i servizi. Per anni Rifondazione e soci hanno ingiuriato la Giunta ed ora, di fronte ai fatti, non hanno trovato di meglio che ricorrere a questi mezzi barbari per distruggere la scelta politica City Council to keep public schools. This action seems to have no fathers.

What's the point, for a list that says words to the left and wants to defend the public school, ask the judges if the company violates the special public stability pact Tremonti? Why this is required by those who, a few months ago, he proposed not to respect the Stability Pact? Why deny solidarity to employees?

The Board and the majority in 2006 they put their faces and met with teachers and parents of the special road proposed to achieve a political objective: to maintain public services and implement them. Now advisers Cavriago City, with the courage of a rabbit, present a complaint to destroy this choice without even declaring it publicly.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What Color Curtains With Burgandy Wallls

Prevention Drugs: the truth about inhalants

The truth about inhalants - From "The truth about drugs"
common nicknames: popper, spray, laughing gas, jellyfish

Inhalants include chemicals such as household sprays, aerosols, cleaning fluids, glue, paint, paint thinner, solvent enamel, amyl nitrite and gas lighters. They are sniffed or "blown" (the act of inhaling vapors)

Inhalants affect the brain, causing irreversible physical and mental damage. Deprive the body of oxygen and force the heart to beat irregularly and fast pace. People who use inhalants can lose your sense of smell, experience nausea and nosebleeds, and have liver problems, lung and kidney. Continuous use can lead to a reduction in mass, muscle tone and strength. Can inhibit the ability to walk, talk and think normally.

The Scientologists Documentary and offer free booklet "The Truth about Drugs

request this by writing to: scientology.milano @ The initiative is part of attività della campagna di prevenzione Dico NO alla droga dico SI alla Vita ispirata alle scoperte di L. Ron Hubbard.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Painting Of A Man And Woman Dancing In The Rain


Le droghe sono diventate parte della nostra cultura dalla metà dell'ultimo secolo. Nel 1960 queste sostanze venivano pubblicizzate dalla musica e dai mass media, permeando ogni aspetto della società. E' stato stimato che 208 milioni di persone in tutto fanno uso di droghe illegali. In Italia l'Istituto di Ricerca Nazionale sulla Salute e sulla Tossicodipendenza ha stimato che il 20% della popolazione nella fascia d'età 12-15 fa uso di droghe illegali. La sostanze più comunemente usata e abusata in italia è l'alcol, è stato stimato che This was because 74% of accidents occurred on weekends. Marijuana has become part of the habits of people aged between 15 and 60, Ecstasy is now used routinely to allow its users to dance for long periods, combined with the warm weather and crowds typical of the raves can lead to extreme dehydration and kidney failure and heart, without forgetting that the Mischel-ecstasy alcohol is dangerous to the point where it can be deadly. Cocaine is the drug that, after methamphetamine, creates the greatest psychological dependence of any other drugs. Crack is the most powerful form in which it appears cocaine and is also the most rischiosa, chi ne abusa puà diventarne dipendente già dopo la prima volta. L'eroina è una delle droghe più implicate nei casi di morte per overdose ed il suo uso e collegato alla violenza e al crimine. ... La verità sulla droga - un documentario lungo 1 ora e 42 minuti ad intensissimo ritmo per svelare tutto ciò che si deve sapere, direttamente da chi conosce veramente il soggetto.

Gli Scientologist, promotori di una vita libera dalle droghe, da sempre sostengo attività di prevenzione ispirandosi alle scoperte del fondatore di Scientology , L. Ron Hubbard : offrono copie gratuite affinchè la verità possa essere conosciuta e divulgata.

Il Documentario La Verità sulla Droga può essere richiesto scrivendo

Chiesa di Scientology di Milano :

Friday, October 15, 2010

Birthday Plates, Invitations, Napkins Etc.

Preaching and scratching so bad

published an article released today by the council's majority group together for Cavriago.
We believe that whoever is elected, who has earned the trust of citizens, not to betray in this way, and that the director concerned should spend less time doing farm controversy and spread false information, to devote a minimum of seriousness and commitment of the positions that he has accepted.

Davide Farella absentee in Union Council

Councillor Davide Farella, minority representatives, and their appointed as Director for the Union of Municipalities of the Val d'Enza, after talking for years for justice, correttezza e rispetto delle Istituzioni, è il primo che manca di rispetto alle stesse, macchiandosi del grave peccato, male del nostro Paese, dell’assenteismo.

Dall’inizio della legislatura ha partecipato solo una volta (la prima) ai Consigli dell’Unione Val d’Enza senza giustificazione e senza motivazione.

Poiché i regolamenti dell’Unione prevedono che i consiglieri siano obbligati a dare giustificazione delle assenze, e posto che dopo un definito numero di assenze non giustificate il consigliere stesso dovrebbe essere rimosso dall’incarico, non vogliamo soffermarci su questi aspetti tecnici, e lasciamo al leguleio Farella il compito di addentrarsi noiosamente in questi meandri, I hope that we come to terms with his conscience. The true node, for us the majority of advisers Cavriago, is another.

We are interested in the value of what we do and what it means for our role as citizens. We hold dear the issue of representation. At that time it is Councillor Farella all Cavriago minority, which nominated him, then he put his trust in him as his representative. That same minority that calls for a strong democratic dialogue spaces, spaces that then, when there are, as in this case, they are snubbed. But it seems that nobody, even those who should be more concerned if he notices. It 'possible that its agents have not noticed, or we did not want to give value to the fact that since the beginning of their representative office has never taken part in the work of the Union, and not have him called to account before us, we ask him?

We all know how difficult it is to be able to honor its commitments, to tear our family and our lives that we devote time to political activity, but the respect that they deserve the institutions of which we have chosen to join, would require at least the humility to step back in time, rather than snubbing arrogance of those institutions.

Truancy is a scourge of our political system and it hurts to be detected che non è un problema prettamente "romano" ma coinvolge tutti i livelli della politica.

In ragione di queste riflessioni vorremmo chiedere conto a Farella di questo:

- quale motivazione lo ha spinto ad un comportamento così irrispettoso dell'istituzione democratica che rappresenta l'Unione;

- dove è finito il suo interesse quasi maniacale per l’Unione dei Comuni, da lui per anni indicato, a parole, come strumento risolutore di tutti i mali e sostitutivo dell’azienda speciale;

- quali sono le sue intenzioni per il futuro rispetto alla sua partecipazione al consiglio dell'Unione, e se non ritenga che sia il caso, anche solo as a matter of decency, resigned;

- believes they can afford to throw mud on representatives of the institutions, as it did recently with the Assessor Mirko Tutino, lying on the double indemnity, and power to implement irresponsible behavior and unfair as this?

Together for Group Board Cavriago

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Motorola Starchoice Remote Manual

Milan - the free DVD the correct information on drugs

Milano - La Chiesa di Scientology mette a disposizione ulteriore documentazione informativa per uso preventivo contro la droga

La Chiesa di Scientology si occupa di prevenzione da sempre con una campagna di sensibilizzazione ed informazione denominata "I say no to drugs say yes to life". The initiatives have followed relentlessly by the dedication of Scientologists who have come together around the world to finance a series of information leaflets, which were followed by public service announcements up to the most recent: the documentary "The Truth About Drugs . All material is the result of a long and meticulous research that is being used by educators and teachers as well as by various groups, individuals, associations and anyone who cares about the problem.

The campaign is inspired by the discoveries of the founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard. Although
L. Ron Hubbard had long been aware of the potential influenza della droga sul deterioramento morale delle persone, fu la cosiddetta “rivoluzione psichedelica” degli anni ’60 a dare impulso al suo più intenso impegno su questo fronte. Il suo ragionamento era semplice: nessun uomo può essere spiritualmente libero se schiavo di una sostanza chimica. La droga non solo mette a repentaglio la salute, ma anche la capacità di apprendere, il modo di fare e di pensare, la personalità e la consapevolezza spirituale.

Vista l'importanza del soggetto, la Chiesa di Scientology ha messo a disposizione ulteriore materiale, gratuitamente, che può essere richiesto scrivendo a

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Libra Woman And Careers

NO to drugs yes to life - educational materials offered by Scientologists

NO to drugs yes to life, a prevention campaign inspired by the discoveries of
L. Ron Hubbard

Rather than simply preach about the danger of Dorga, the initiative "Say No to Drugs" of the Church of Scientology presents information, facts and Dorga outspoken about its effects in a series of brochures that are being offered free for some time along with the documentary entitled The Truth about Drugs.

Being fully aware of the devastating effects of drugs, the Scientologists are making efforts to be helpful in solving the problem in its various aspects. Among other initiatives, conduct extensive public education campaigns information on the dangers of illegal drugs and abuse of legal substances in question, starting with the guys who are, after all, the number one target of drug dealers.

The brochures provide factual information and the documentary on the dangers of street drugs most popular and have a very positive influence on young people. Thousands of them have said to the volunteers of the Church, after they learned the true information, they have stopped taking drugs or decided not to start taking them.

einformativo To request material, please contact: @

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Diagnosing Knee Pain Pain


drugs are destroying our families and our community. However in the recovery and prevention are effective solutions to every day are already saving many lives

Since the early 60's the people who use drugs have increased regularly, from the United States and then the rest the world, coming to the worrying situation today. The term we intend to opiate drugs, marijuana, cocaine, amphetamine, heroin and LSD (just to name a few). They are also sedating drugs and medications that alter brain function. Alcohol itself falls into this category. There are thousands of brands and jargon to describe all of these substances. The drugs work by stimulating or inhibiting certain chemical reactions in the body. The accumulated effects in this way can cause serious damage to both physical and mental. Even when you stop using them, years later, you can still experience the trip and "periods of emptiness of mind." Drugs can seriously damage the ability to concentrate, to work, to learn to deal with others. In short, they can crush the life. So why continue to make every day more and more victims? It was discovered that people who take drugs began to do so because of discomfort or physical suffering. When you are depressed, unhappy or suffer physically or emotionally, and you do not find relief anywhere, you can make use of the drug. Quando alle persone viene detto che non c'è una "cura" o che i loro dolori e preoccupazioni sono "immaginari", molte istintivamente prendono delle sostanze che possono dare sollievo o rendere la loro vita meno pesante. In altre parole, non essendo in grado di fare qualcosa per la propria condizione, alterano chimicamente le loro percezioni della realtà. Un ragazzo può diventare vittima della pressione dei suoi coetanei e quindi cedere alle droghe, ci sono molti modi di finire nella rete, ma solo pochi per uscirne. Il problema ha quindi molti aspetti e ramificazioni: il manager d'azienda che prende cocaina, il ragazzo che fa festicciole e che diventa euforico dopo aver preso l'ecstasy, lo studente a cui vengono prescritti dei farmaci per i suoi "disturbi learning "and that because of this obvious anti-social behavior.

Almost everyone knows someone who has suffered the negative effects of this kind.
Many have tried to solve the problem but, not having an effective solution, they failed to stop the continuing rise in drug use.

What can you do to the scourge of drugs? The Scientologists have been dealing with years of problem from a perspective of prevention , organized several initiatives to raise awareness of the problem and to know the correct information and offer their help and informative educational materials for teachers and parents (for free).

Monday, September 27, 2010

Why Does Alcohol Make My Jaw Hurt

An example of political honesty

Here below the note Mirko Tutino wrote on Facebook, on the sad story that David defamatory Farella, Luca Ficarelli have moved against him.
I believe that there are words or comments, the better the note below, we can describe the lack of seriousness and political capacity of the non-existent Cavriago City theater company.

Readers (no descendants in this case) will judge.

A note Mirko Tutino:
After my appointment as Deputy Mayor in the Province civil list Cavriago City did not wait even a week to write to the newspapers screaming because of the scandal, they say, will receive a double benefit. They argue that both politically and morally inappropriate to my double task of bi-Councillor and also propose that I resign from the office of City Councilman.
First, we clarify one aspect. I think that the 2009 Budget to be interpreted in this sense: who is councilor in the municipality that is in the province, even for a short time, he must give up one of the two allowances. Some say that I would not be obliged to do so, but since I could not look in the mirror, without even asking myself the question I asked on the day of my appointment to no longer receive any allowances in the City. On the subject of compensation have nothing to say. For a city councilman did not take much to see, pick up the phone and dial 0522-373411 and ask Emanuele Pecora, head of the Office of the City Staff. He has followed all the administrative practice and know what I did.
Second question: incompatibility policy between the two charges. I believe it exists and why I proposed my immediate resignation to the Mayor. The Mayor asked me to stay a few more days to explain to the minorities and the Council to the PSC and the variant RUE launched last April and is nearing completion. The Mayor feels it is appropriate that those who have followed the path showing the variation and in the meantime, he will work to find a replacement. The variant has already had, in August, the formal opinion of the provincial government (there is a deliberate act) so that, having been appointed in the Province Sept. 17, nobody can talk about interference in the Province to promote Cavriago. The variant should reach the Council in October and no Cavriago note of the City of Cavriago in this period will come in the Province. If there was the possibility of being, the Province, to judge the acts of the City of Cavriago, I would not hesitate to leave immediately to the office of assessor Cavriago. However I think it is appropriate to say that you need not wait until October for political reasons, but for the completion of technical drawings and diagrams that accompany the variation.
However the commitment in the Province is heavy and I hope to be replaced as soon as Cavriago, so that in addition to the Mayor there is also a Councillor of the proxy holder with full time availability.
last question, the City Council. Are taken as the new role in the province did not have way of thinking if I the evening, the time two to three times per month to continue to exercise my post of Director. I will speak with the PD, with the first non-elected and encourage the group together and then see what to do. It is not a problem Cavriago City. Anyway, I think we need to remember that the PRC-group social projects (from which was born Cavriago municipality) in the previous legislature had crippled a group to advise, as a duly elected representatives were not present in the City Council. No wonder if, 3 counselors, voters in 2009 decided to reduce the political power only 2 directors, with lots of gain of the center. In step 2004-2009, on the contrary, the undersigned increased from 120 to 207 personal preferences. Maybe I have not worked badly, but not for me to judge, we are in a democracy.
Why not see if and how two perceived benefits? Why leave now in the press? Make false statements in the ears of citizens, even if unverified, enters fully into the accusation. It is now a tool of political communication, a look at the Free the newspaper or listen to the TG1 Minzolini. Unverified accusations are thrown there, so that while you listen to the people and put all the doubts of the case ("all the same, they all suck, they are all thieves") and then the die is cast .. Then it's up to who is the subject of spying defense. The schema-Felt-Belpietro Minzolini have long been used by some people who call themselves left to Cavriago. A truly disgusting.
do not know if they move envy, political speculation or simply if people are just beautiful. However I come from a family where honesty, attention to the use of the resources of others (as well as others) are essential. I can do good or hurt as a politician, as an administrator, but it really does not compromise on these issues.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

When Gov. Stopped Making Silver


we are proud to publish the news of the appointment of Mirko Tutino as Councillor for Planning, Environment, Culture and Landscape of the Province of Reggio Emilia.
Mirko is a person with commitment and passion chose to engage in politics without compromising, always saying what he thinks, and acting primarily in the interests of citizens.
It 's a true politician, a competent and successful, and it is rare today to meet someone with so much foresight and analytical skills, involvement, reasoning. A
Cavriago has contributed in large part to the birth of the new party, bringing with it 'the teachings received from his predecessors and at the same time putting the breath of fresh new ideas and needed to strengthen the spirit of the people around him.
We thank him and we are sincerely happy for him, although we can not deny that there's a bit 'of melancholy, because feel much miss him.

Here are the words of the party secretary, Maura Bardi, after the appointment.

Dear Mirko,

'm really happy for you and I to express, in these few lines, the feeling of all.

I'll give you all the best and I consider this important first step, the springboard for a career that is being looked forward to and that could really make a change in your life.

Your life, your world, that you've always believed and for which you have always fought tooth and nail.

We'll miss you in Cavriago, definitely.

Stay who you are, pure ideals and objectives. We need people like you.

A warm greeting and a big good luck.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

E Machine Cd Rom Dive Wont Open

Say No to Drugs Say Yes to Life

the social education and prevention campaign, inspired by the scoprte L. Ron Hubbard and promoted internationally by the Church of Scientology

A key element of this campaign was represented by a series of educational brochures pubblicatila first time in 1997 in millions of copies and distributed in 15 languages: Italian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Norwegian, Portuguese, English and Swedish. The publication of these books became necessary because, at the end of 90 years
, was conduct a search to find publications describing the drugs and their effects with simple and straightforward terms that young people could understand. It was found very little, then a Swiss Scientologists went to work to remedy this gap and created a series of booklets, each on a specific drug. These booklets became so popular that the Church decided to publish them on a large scale.

The campaign was so successful that the high demand made it necessary for a large number Scientologit very sensitive to that established working groups and in some countries, non-profit associations and foundations that still make their service on the Polish the community.

The Church and Scientologists continue with their efforts against drugs and still fund the publication of educational materials / information that would assist in the prevention, the latest documentary is The Truth about Drugs, to receive free copies email: @ scientology.milano

Monday, September 13, 2010

Vegan Fringed Booties


In the coming days will come in the Council Communal an issue that a few months is on the lips of many cavriaghesi. There comes a point thanks to a minority Cavriago City (which for once raises a question of merit), but in recent days, the CGIL had intervened on the subject.

We believe it is useful to say a few things on the letters ENIA-IREN sent many cavriaghesi for the recovery of the Environmental Health Fee.

In 1994 it was changed the rules for the calculation of square meters on which to evaluate the waste bill. Were added to the balconies, attics and other spaces not previously included.

were informed of this change cavriaghesi, many, however, in good faith do not communicate anything to the City. It should also be considered that in recent decades have declared a surface without making too many checks.

In recent years gradually increased the dissemination of maps of recycling bins, a choice that has increased the cost of collection (but nevertheless helps to make up to 69% of the collection throughout the municipality).

It has been built on a new Ecological Station Court Tegge, resulting in increased costs. In addition, a number of months the City and Irene are adapting facilities and forms of management of ecological sites to the Ronchi Decree, a rule which requires investment and skilled staff to replace volunteers. Other increased costs.

have increased street sweeping services in the country.

As with any other service, increased operating costs (contractual adjustments of staff, standards of safety, maintenance cost of the media, etc. ..).

All of these new costs may be covered in three ways: increasing the rates for everyone (including those who now pay the right), finance the higher costs to the municipal budget (still governed by the taxes of the citizens), or recover by those who today do not pay they should (again, for various reasons), the new costs.

The City and ENIA-IREN have decided to go the latter route, began a re-balancing and equalization of the cost of the service requesting a sacrifice to those who today has the fee calculated on a less-meter devuto. We believe a transaction is due, that goes in the direction of fair taxation.
Some may wonder: why now? First of all because now, thanks to the computerization register, you can read for Irene and compare the plans of the houses in a digital format and make the calculations of the surfaces. Secondly because it is never too late to start operations of fair taxation and the forces of the left should be the first to support such initiatives, even when they involve their members or associates. On this level we with our voters, and activists simpattizanti that we are seeking clarification parlando.Altra question: why go back 5 years?
The law requires and, above all, it recovers from those for 40, 30 or even 15 years, had the pricing on sizes less than had the less you can ask all the others, even for the futuro.Non believe there is an escape rate of the mass of waste, however some have paid for and pay over the odds just because many others have applied a lower rate than that prescribed by the regulation.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Inexpensive Reliable Tent

We report this lucid article by Michele Serra on the events of yesterday in Turin.

a smoke, accompanied by a battery shouting and insults, launched him to the "trade unionist traitor" Raffaele Bonanni in an attempt (successful) to prevent him from speaking to the party of the Democratic Party di Torino. To avoid spending too obvious and too dapper words, we start from the motivations of the perpetrators, the children of the society: "We consider it unacceptable to invite to the Party of the Democratic Party as a character Bonanni, which should protect the rights of workers."

Awesome able to concentrate in one sentence, and in one gesture, a way deragliante arrogance. First, the party of the Democratic Party is organized by the Democratic Party, which obviously invites those who fit. If one does not like the cast of speakers, go somewhere else. Not just for good manners (Which still would not sick) but out of respect for the choices and autonomy of others and this is not the form is substance. Or

community centers, when they organize their things, seek the approval of the Democratic Party or anyone? Second. A public debate in which all agree is not only a contradiction in terms (the debates can be helpful, and interesting, if only between differing positions). It is also an insult to intelligence, a conformist ritual, only reassuring for those who need to feel petty bourgeoisie always agree with those who always agree with him. And weak to be afraid of others' ideas, strong know how to openly address. Among feel

community (interested the same questions) and feel tribes (concerned with the same certainty) there is a big difference and certainly not in favor of tribù.Terzo. Bonanni represents millions of workers who belong to his union. It is up to them and them alone, if they decide to give him the license of the "traitor." We know that democracy, as elsewhere in the union, is a controversial, laborious accuracy, but the most shabby of democratic practices, especially when captured in about one and a half centuries of struggle and repression as the union democracy, is a thousand times better than the presumptuous expropriation of public space (and Democrat) by a group nominating himself, not you know in what capacity, advanced class.

a self-appointed, the arrogant and Unti there is already enough to the government: the opposition does not feel the mancanza.Quarto. A gloat for the episode in Turin (which adds to the challenge, but equally unpleasant less uncivilized, to Schifani) are first offenders who can smile about their exploits, those on the other side of the curve, as the Minister Sacconi which has not seemed real download on the shoulders of very mild (too) Pd responsibility for the incident.

E 'mathematical calculation is an ancient and now a couple of centuries: extremism is a gas that burns with ideas and energy (sometimes even their lives, their and others) and leaves the field only for the storage of potere.Nessuno extremism is happy, except the extremists, as the truffles of conservation and restoration of the strategists. Since the extremism is renewed and repeated in various forms, from generation to generation, it means that elementary calculus is too hard to do for children who throw wrathful smoke signals to the "traitors" and make things difficult for trade unions and workers that we recognize, as if they did not have enough problems, and weakness, and fatigue.
by Sept. 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How To Tint Motorcycle Helmet


are stories like to Angelo Vassallo, Mayor of Pollica (Sa) killed Sunday, who should occupy the political debate.

Every time that organized crime is hit with a big stop or the foreign funds that are tracked down to a mafia boss, the news is presented as if it had been dealt a mortal blow to the greatest evil of our country. Then he was assassinated mayor of a municipality challenging courses in combating illegal, the complaint of those who make profit on the mismanagement of the waste or for the enhancement of their community (and not the Camorra) of public assets.

He was murdered because he did what any director should do, because it has normally done its job. He was killed because he tried to return to the "policy" and its meaning. Angelo Vassallo kill the rest was easy, as always is when heroes are ordinary people.

Brecht wrote, "Blessed is the country that needs heroes." In our country, unfortunately, the heroes were needed to bring out the power and danger of organized crime. Italy has needed because they are the most raw and shocking situations that move public opinion, which almost does not seem to realize that in our country, in 2010, there are places to be people, or administrators, it means becoming normal in eroi.

Da amministratore, da persona impegnata in politica, sento il bisogno di andare oltre l'indignazione e la solidarietà. Credo non sia più rinviabile un impegno per superare i nostri confini territoriali e riprendere un rapporto con le comunità locali del mezzogiorno che, senza stare sotto i riflettori e quindi rischiando molto di più, hanno scelto di essere amministrate da persone oneste come Angelo Vassallo.

La nostra attenzione e la nostra presenza, anche fisica, è l'unica strada per dare un significato al concetto di unità nazionale, sempre più ridimensionato da un Governo che punta a frammentare gli interessi del nostro paese facendoci credere che il problema della criminalità organizzata sia un problema di altri.

Ecco una proposta che il centrosinistra potrebbe presentare: non più fondi statali per lo sviluppo del mezzogiorno trasferitii senza controlli, ma un vero e proprio patto tra comunità locali per la diffusione di buone pratiche e di progetti per rendere più ricche le comunità delle regioni dove è forte la criminalità organizzata. Patti da stipulare con quelle amministrazioni che non hanno componenti collusi e che si devono tradurre in progetti da progettare e realizzare insieme, partendo dalle esperienze positive già realizzate.

Armiamoci della nostre buone pratiche, della passione nel rispondere ai problemi dei nostri concittadini, dello spirito di servizio e partiamo, perchè c'è ci sono amministartori e comunità locali che hanno bisogno di non rimanere soli. Perchè nella solitudine, anche se siamo nell'Europa del 2010, le persone normali possono morire.
Mirko Tutino
Assessore all'ambiente del Comune di Cavriago

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cartier Roman Numeral Watch 20-61323


Sul blog del Circolo di Rifondazione è apparso un post titolato "riflessioni di settembre". Un post carico di interrogativi e di riflessioni sul presente politico nazionale e locale che stimola, in questo caso in senso costruttivo, qualche riflessione di risposta.

striking, in fact, the severity with which the PRC declares "for us ever more government commitments" . We believe that the waiver, local or national, and a part in the competition for the government's useless to the very existence of the party and politics.

really is possible to think in 2010 that the only witness and the mobilization (which is far from mass) is enough to change things? Is not that the government comes responsibility, sacrifices and commitments that PRC was not and is not able to bear against their constituents? Better to consider politics as a hobby, a symbol to put on t-shirts or gets to hang in your room?

There is a point, however, agree with much of the PRC in the post. And that is that "election or not," it is necessary to counter the dominant culture in this country. A culture that we do not believe is the "daughter" of Berlusconi, but his mother. In this country went through 30 years (even before the arrival of Berlusca) messages only oriented to individualism, unbridled consumption, a little vision of solidarity in social relations. The ideal soil for the boarding of the right to diffenza of us, it has a wise and ruthless intellectual communication and marketing. The book by Max Panarari in this sense is really worth a read (e ci torneremo sopra in futuro) perchè descrive con lucidità ed intelligenza tutti questi aspetti.

Un aspetto che deve completare la riflessione (che l'amico Panarari non ha mai taciuto in tanti altri suoi articoli), tuttavia, è che la forza di questa destra risiede in due mali della sinistra, schiacciata tra chi ha fatto dell'antiberlusconismo una professione e propone una sinistra elitaria e fuori dal mondo, e chi ha perso l'ambizione di pensare ad una società alternativa. Se non partiamo dalla consapevolezza che anche noi, anche il modo "tafazziano" di pensare di tutto il nostro centrosinistra ", abbiamo reso più forte Berlusconi, siamo perdenti in partenza.

Il post si conclude lanciando un concorso of ideas to "fix" the ugliness of the fountain in Republic Street. Beyond the aesthetic views this work, we would like to ask a question.

In recent years, PRC has been the engine of a way of doing politics (well summarized by the lists of civic-social project in the period 2004-2009 and Cavriago City today), designed to shoot, to kill and replace the role of our Party in the government of the country. Little constructive opposition and fully oriented on personal clashes, lies and press releases. An action that has cost around 20% of the center-left votes. In recent months some have come from PRC riflessoni construction and also the tone of the blog is different than the recent years. But nothing has changed in the City Council. Then there

Chiado: Is it possible that instead of launching contests on the fountain or reflecting, such as high school students fascinated by the sacred texts of Marxism, global capitalism, PRC may have with the rest of the center on a comparison of the government of our country and the challenges we face? E'pensabile that parties, in addition to being healthy places for political mobilization, dining or entertainment (see the summer festivals) become also the site for mature thinking and a little less obvious on our small (but very, very important) reality? Is not that what we are asking that many cavriaghesi are still interested in politics and public life of our country?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Brazilian Wax Roanoke


ends the summer, returning to work (for us at the party) and take over the inevitable press releases against the Mayor's Civic Party Cavriago City (aka the Communist Refoundation and broken ). This time the reason is to counter-respond to the interview that the Mayor has issued the arrest of Walter and Giovanni Burani . We do not want

counter-counter-reply in the press, both because the standard and rigorous evaluations which are more the mayor in the Official that much is because we fear that these courts summaries dissected statements months before that were made public some facts for the sole purpose of having his name printed in plain sight in the newspapers, in the hope of becoming famous as some tronista.

An interesting article appeared on August 28 Il Sole 24 Ore (page 8) illustrates the complexity of the collapse of Burani, explaining the responsibilities of stakeholders, banks, auditors.

And reading the excellent article by journalist Fabio Pavesi Il Sole 24 Ore, it is clear that if the Burani has been possible to move in a certain way, it's because someone has countersigned budgets masked because they have absconded and inspection bodies . And it is the node that deals with Vince Delmonte in his interview last Friday.

Faced with a system without rules, in front of inspectors who have been silent until things were not obvious because of the financial crisis, then the problem is the statements by the Mayor of Cavriago even when, in February one could hope that Burani save their company?

He apologizes for saying false things (and PRC-Cavriago City in the past, but to shoot big, he did on several occasions), we apologize for having deceived (and we think of Burani) to employees and their fellow citizens as well as its Mayor.

There is no excuse to ask when it is hoped that people living in Cavriago always were more concerned about their company and hundreds of jobs to their personal interests. In this sense, though many of us have sinned, it was in this hope.
When you start with the idea that private property (and thus the company) is a steal, maybe You can also run into this problem.
sorry and we apologize.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Faking Volunteer Hours High School

Adriatica IT AGAIN .. INPS

Tonight at 18.00 inaugurates FESTAREGGIO 2010, the largest festival of PD in Italy run entirely by volunteers .. The club will contribute to the management of Cavriago ADRIATIC RESTAURANT, which will offer excellent seafood of our coast.
Visit our website

Monday, August 16, 2010

Black And White Birthday Party Ideas

The Truth about Drugs: education campaign on the world drug

The Truth about Drugs: education campaign on the world drug
"The drug problem is global, wallowing in blood and human suffering." L. Ron Hubbard

Every 12 seconds another child of school age makes its first experience of illegal drugs ... bitter reminder of how drug use is rampant among young people.

To combat this epidemic, the Church of Scientology is sponsoring the largest country on Earth to non-governmental anti-drug education and prevention. It has been irrefutably shown that when young people are given the truth about drugs (factual information about what drugs are and what they do) about the percentage reduction in their use that exact measurement. Based on statistical analysis of the campaign for a Drug-Free World has so far prevented 500,000 young people did use a "recreational" drugs, or worse.

There is still, however, much more to do. As originally conceived by Mr. Miscavige campaign that included effective educational materials that make up the components of the campaign were available for free to all who request it. Thus, the Church of Scientology offers these publications (which do not contain anything advocate the beliefs of Scientology) to coalitions, public institutions, civic groups and schools about feel the same way. The materials include 13 educational leaflets, The Truth about Drugs, which take into consideration the major drug "favorite", presented so bluntly say to young people, their real effects. The campaign has won numerous premi per i contenuti e l’efficacia dei suoi componenti audiovisivi.

Vi è anche una guida allo studio, un manuale per le attività, ed un kit da classe per il docente. Tali strumenti forniscono a insegnanti, forze dell’ordine e gruppi civici gli strumenti efficaci con cui educare la gioventù e renderla in grado di prendere le decisioni giuste in merito alle droghe.

Per finire, vi è questo nuovo documentario di 90 minuti , che accompagna e completa gli opuscoli della serie La Verità sulle Droghe. Ciascun capitolo del video offre una visuale approfondita di una specifica droga, raccontata da persone sopravvissute alla sua dipendenza.

Nel suo insieme, la campagna per un Mondo Free of drugs represents a giant step towards the goal of raising a generation that remains free from the disastrous drug use.
The Church of Scientology of Milano offers a free DVD containing a documentary for informational and educational, you may request in writing scientology.milano @

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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DOCUMENTARY THE TRUTH 'ON DRUGS - the DVD offered by Scientologists

DOCUMENTARY THE TRUTH 'ON DRUGS - the DVD is offered by the Scientologists Church of Scientology of Milano those who want to learn, study and use as teaching materials for prevention, this unique instrument of its kind produced by Foundation for a Drug Free World . The documentary, translated into several languages, is already being used in several parts of Ondo, in order to inform them properly and fully on the subject, and has proven to be an instrument of extraordinary value. Simple, straightforward and above all true, is designed so that it can reach young people but is of enormous help to parents and educators.

Scientologists conduct a wide campaign of prevention for many years that certain drugs not only can do something, but you have to do. The campaign, inspired by the discoveries of L. Ron Hubbard on the subject, and the first born in the U.S. and was launched in Italy in the late '80s. The documentary follows the brochure deominato "truth drug" which until now has been translated into 22 languages \u200b\u200band distributed in terms of several million free copies thanks to the sponsorship of the Scientologists.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Peeing Alot Pain In Lower Belly

drugs hinder the mental and spiritual growth

drugs hinder the mental and spiritual growth
Drugs are much more than just another social problem. Research has shown that they are the most destructive element in our current culture, their use has proliferated at all levels of society. L. Ron Hubbard has done research on this barrier to spiritual freedom, and his work has led a truly effective solution to the negative and biochemical effects of drugs and other toxins. One of scoprte seignificative was that residues of drugs and toxins lurk in the fatty tissues of the body and could remain there (even years later) could affect the individual. Hubbard drew up - only to resolve the biochemical barrier to spiritual gain-what independent researchers recognize it as the safest and most effective - and widely used - detox program of its kind: the Purification Program . You can get more information by contacting the Church of Scientology directly addresses the RECP of the various churches are generally available on the official websites . To request the prevention material free of charge by the Scientologists, such as the documentary "The truth about drugs", you can write to scientology.milano @

Friday, June 18, 2010

Kinky Older Men In Ladies Undies

The Church of Scientology says the United Nations Day against the Sale of Drugs and

The Church of Scientology of Milano arrangements which offers free, the Documentary Truth Drug , simultaneously to the Churches of Scientology around the world activities that will support drug education in recognition of the UN Day against the Sale of illegal drugs and which is celebrated June 26.

Paladine education on drugs for more than 20 years, the Churches of Scientology , call the police, government officials, experts, parents and adolescents to improve their environment through activities of drug education for young people and not so young.

"To ensure that the application really diminish the fact that people need to know to be true, and this is precisely what was missing in previous educational programs." said the Rev. Bob Adams, spokesman for the Church of Scientology International and former professional football player. "To withstand a drug dealer or a friend, o a chiunque incoraggi l'uso di droghe, occorre che la propria conoscenza del fenomeno sia sicura ed incrollabile" Questi programmi educativi creati dalla Chiesa sono stati implementati a livello capillare sia da scientologists sia da non scientologists a partire dalla metà degli anni '80. Adams sostiene che il rafforzamento delle difese antidroga in ogni quartiere fa bene a tutti. "Oggi siamo tutti influenzati in qualche modo dall'abuso di droga; il problema non è limitato agli adolescenti né alle cosiddette droghe da strada: anche l'abuso di psicofarmaci è un grosso problema. Tutto questo influenza direttamente il livello di criminalità, salute, sicurezza ed altri fattori che la gente normalmente non associa all'uso di droga, come il successo and the economy. The truth is that today those who are not informed on this subject is at risk. "

In addition to its anti-drug activities, the Church sponsors the Foundation for a Drug Free World , producing brochures Truth about Drugs - the educational materials for this campaign - in 20 languages. According to authoritative studies and surveys, these materials include a lot of testimonials and true stories in a format designed especially for adolescents: pocket booklets and short videos on common drugs and a new documentary based on interviews with more than 200 former drug addicts, who can be seen and ordered free on

"The documentary The Truth and the booklets on drugs are direct, poignant and real, "says Adams." strengthen youth, parents, educators, police, social workers and anyone dealing with this problem, why not use a tactic of terror - These are real life experiences supported by facts. "

The UN Day against drug trafficking and illegal drugs was created in 1987 with the UN resolution 42/112 on strengthening cooperation and action towards a society International drug-free. prevention programs implemented by the Churches of Scientology have been inspired by the discoveries of L. Ron Hubbard on subject .

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

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The problem of drug abuse is always preceded by a problem of living

To repeat the key phrase: "My interest in these rather brutal truth is not just born with the objective of resolving the physical ills of individuals. It was rather a continuation of my initial research concerning the liberation of man as spirit, dealing with any obstacles along the way had to be solved. "

This statement is immensely significant, and in fact explains the whole essence of the methods of recovery from drugs developed by L. Ron Hubbard. Vale to say that, ultimately, the problem of narcotics is a problem of the mind and spirit, and can not be fully solved unless it is treated accordingly. In the simplest terms, then, all that humanity has made available (such as Purification Program) was originally developed to make possible the mental and spiritual solution is defined as a Dianetics and Scientology . In turn, this solution involves the improvement of man as a spiritual and immortal.

is admittedly a bold concept, and may not appear immediately relevant to a world where there are twelve years old that exchange received at school with Ritalin Prozac pinched from the cabinet of the drugs the mother, and fourteen year olds selling themselves in the parking lots in exchange for Colombian cocaine or brown. However, the fact remains that, which believe it or not, all that we have examined so far all this is the result of an equation indicates the existence or spiritual. While, on the contrary, all the drug use is the result of an equation where every materialistic thing we think and feel is seen only as a result of chemical recombination. Hence, the implicit argument pharmaceutical industry: if our lives are imperfect, we interfere with chemistry. It is incidental that the medical and scientific community, usually materialistic, has taken a lot of enthusiasm with the methods of L. Ron Hubbard for what these methods give results in terms of purely physical.

(the text is from the magazine Rehabilitating a Drugged civilization dedicated to the discovery of L Ron Hubbard on the subject)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Red Spots That Are Not Pimples On Face

Presentation to the community

Presentation to the community, the circle of Florence
AU, Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics, for years, together with many other organizations, supports efforts to respect the rights of citizens. After years of civil funerals have become a reality in Q4, soon it will also soon appear in Q2 and in Scandicci. Similarly, the Look of secularism has become a tool of the Municipality. But among other issues that for years we support any one that is becoming increasingly important to address: the reception of minors who arrive in the city. Girls and boys

Tabucchi The writer, in a recent interview, when asked closure on what was the best thing for him if they came out with a shocking banality: the children. Trivia
borders because the obvious common sense: who would speak ill? When ever he is gossiping? Always it is claimed innocence, he appeared for them in inducing emotion, we represent them as a source of life and emotions.
Shocking because this is just common sense that no real content except for a fine instrument for the advantage of the adult world. Invitation to "the little children come to me" was once again misunderstanding to enjoy both the arms that carry weights, work, and the weapons of child soldiers, both of the body to suffer violence. And today is invoked as a means to offset demographic migrations of peoples and to make up for the shortcomings of the pension budgets. Institutions which are really for them? There is much talk of "family policy" and does little. But we never hear of a "policy for children" and, no, you do too. In
negative because, faced with a questionable right recognition of the person from the moment of conception, the institution relegated born in complete anonymity in the name of omissività often far more guilty and effective commissività.
Entry into the social context on the one hand is formalized with the inclusion registry as pure bureaucratic act devoid of any meaning other than to allow the new citizen to avail themselves of the tax code, so useful to enjoy the national health service, but also reductive as recognition of "any taxpayer".
the other is characterized too often by the customary rituals of a pedobattesimo that makes up for lack of institutions in such an important moment. And the costs of this are also adopted or fostered by different cultures that come with other visions of life. That these children are "born" again to find themselves sometimes in a non-certainly more comfortable than they come from.
A perspective on the subject played impeccably by a national policy that denies Italian citizenship until the age of 18 years for those born in Italy to Italian parents, a policy that tried to take fingerprints for the Roma children, which aims to prevent the civil officer to take the evidence of birth or the recognition of illegitimate child by parents foreigners without a residence permit. In the school to talk about classes and bridge you come to a misunderstanding as to prevent the access of children to nursery schools and kindergartens, while adolescents 'illegal' it is forbidden to play football with their peers in official races. So
a world of minor relegated to the margins of social life, variously described and that despite or even ghost children are described as a "social wealth" to be valued for their alleged decrease, but then they are also increasingly deprived of their independence and their individuality. Children are so
a blank page on which we continue to write the same story, our history, more disturbing. There is no doubt that even the authors could be an original story, other than that, repeated uncritically, led us to a disturbing social disintegration. It has a nice little saying for example that the company should be "genitorializzata" hoping that becomes available welcome to "ecumenical" of children without prejudice and brands.
What's done is not enough and more could be done. Tuscany is the region most suitable for children of Italy with a reception rate of infants from birth to three years in nursery schools and integrated services with a market share of 29.8% against the Italian average of 13.8% and regions where it barely reaches 2%.
Istituto degli Innocenti of Florence, part of the project "Sustainable Cities for Children and the Children" and Florence has started since 1993, thanks to Tonucci educator, an initiative that aims to teach families to give autonomy to their children through small steps even those to go to school alone, the "Project Kids" initiative of the municipality that is now well established in Q4 and that is renewed annually at the Primary Schools Montagnola and Martin Luther King.
If children learn to walk alone if they earn all but the first should be accepted with dignity. Presentation to the community

Every human community has a ritual of welcome for newcomers. In many Italian cities are implementing activities RECEIVING without going too far in Quarrata with "Hello boys" are celebrated once a year the new born and Florence was approved unanimously by the City Council a similar "Feast of the newborn" presented by the directors Rich, Agostini and Falciani (motion 282, 7:04:09).
But you can, indeed must do more. We should welcome all the newcomers to the city they are born here or immigrants, adopted or fostered - however they arrived, the stork or the boat - so they are greeted with a formal application for entry in the civic community they enter.
This is because all are born, grow and come in a social context, in a community, in a city, and all citizens before law, to become in effect one must nevertheless be welcomed by those who live and those who represent to ensure that the community intera si farà carico del loro futuro. E’ il primo passo delle pari opportunità per garantire una base comune di riconoscimento e quindi di rispetto, indipendentemente dalla cultura da cui si proviene.
Sia chiaro, non è un battesimo né un suo surrogato che predestini in qualche modo i nuovi arrivati ad un percorso culturale predefinito. Questa è e deve rimanere una scelta privata. Ma come già esistono, per chi lo desidera, il matrimonio e il funerale civile - che non escludono poi celebrazioni di tipo religioso – deve essere disponibile anche una formula civile di presa in carico da parte delle Istituzioni in cui si registra la presenza del nuovo arrivato con una “Presentazione alla comunità”.
La legge distinction between the right of soil and blood, here the law calls for a civil reception.
E 'an act of responsibility on the part of institutions is an example that the institutions must be first to give citizenship, a way to give consistency to a link between the citizen and the city is a welcome and lost to the countless Guests come from all over as a first step to facilitate the integration and social inclusion.
In conclusion is a time of celebration to be repeated once or twice a year where the institutions will be able to sanction the event giving dignity to what is now just a bureaucratic act and a welcome to newcomers in joy e qualche dono simbolico.

Marco Accorti