Thursday, February 3, 2011

Does Strees Cause Snoring

the towns and citizens of the province of Ancona
The political choices of the government are doing to pay a high price on the school side
the quality of training and of those rights, both students and staff of
. She was photographed the current situation of the school as a result of cutbacks by the government
which can be summarized as follows and summarized:
Marches have been cut in two years 2394 jobs between staff

teacher and ATA in the province of Ancona, 399 teachers and 259 ATA.

- in our school ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... was not replaced all the staff in


- in the last two years, the ATA staff has been reduced by ... .... (Indicate how many

school staff, administrative assistants and technicians have been cut)

- the staff has been reduced ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
were cut economic resources: c ' was a drastic reduction

financing for the purchase of equipment for the operation so that the school

parental contribution grew from € to € ________ __________

was reduced funding provided to schools to pay for the hours of

substitution of internal trainers, one for the exterior has been restored but the

School Administrator, even in great difficulties for the credit contract with the State to

following an advance payment and never reinstated, despite the protests of the staff

schools and families, in many cases still do not appoint and distribute

pupils in classes or suspend classes, with serious repercussions on the Right to


• decreased the time school students:

- in kindergarten ... ... ... ...

- in primary school, for now, it was increased from _____ to _____ hours (hopefully never


- in the secondary we have gone from ______ to _______ hours and disappeared


• has increased the average number of pupils per class;

• failing to observe the maximum limit of 20 pupils per class in the presence of

disabled, in fact, not all places have been established for the support that would

needed to meet the minimum ratio of one teacher for every two pupils expected

by law: the lack Brands 279 teachers to support in

province of Ancona in 1999, although the Constitutional Court in its Judgement of 22

February 2010, has ruled out the possibility of establishing a national ceiling for


• Meanwhile, the Budget Law for 2011 has confirmed the implementation of the cuts

8 billion in the three years 2009/11 approved by Law 133/2008, but return 245

million to non-state schools so that they reach 526 million euro annual

finanziamento statali rispetto ai 323 milioni del 2001, mentre per la scuola pubblica

le risorse non si trovano nemmeno per il fondo a sostegno dell’autonomia scolastica

(legge 440/97) il cui finanziamento passa dai 258 milioni di euro del 2001 agli 88

milioni del 2011.

• Viene di fatto azzerato il fondo di 103 milioni di euro per la gratuità dei libri

nelle scuole elementari. Infatti, dopo una prima cancellazione dello appropriation,

and further amendments to the law of the stability of the 103 million has been included

in a chapter of the budget of 350 million for welfare for

also the payment of 270,000 LSU (work) that provide

cleaning in 3,500 schools. Future will be a decree of the President of the Council to

decide the destination of the appropriation that are likely to erase

definitivamente i libri gratuiti visto che per i soli LSU nel 2010 si sono spesi

370 milioni.

• Nessun finanziamento per l’edilizia scolastica a copertura degli interventi

sostenuti dalle Province e dagli Enti Locali: Il 2009 è l’ultima delle annualità che

ha beneficiato del finanziamento previsto nella legge Finanziaria 2007, che aveva

destinato 250 milioni di euro per i piani di edilizia scolastica previsti dalla legge

23/96, for the years 2007-09. The amount originally planned for 2009, amounting to

€ 100 million in Budget 2009, has seen a cut of 23 million €. The

heritage school building on the entire national territory consists of approximately

42,000 structures, many of which, despite the efforts of municipalities and economic

Provinces, not yet in compliance with safety standards and often lacking in classrooms,

laboratories and gymnasiums.

• Yet the new regulation for the establishment of the classes issued by the

Government has provided a general increase of the students without taking any

account the possibility effective schools hold more of the 25 pupils per class

that on average is the expected number of our school buildings, we have

news of classes that contain students with up to 30/34 the presence of

disabled and not enough spaces dl point of view of safety and hygiene.

All this is no longer possible, as they would like, to ensure students the right

to quality education that is the job of state school as provided by

the Italian Constitution.

For this is the main consequences of the framework described above:

• staffing cuts pose serious questions in terms of security and surveillance;

• is severely degraded the performance of normal teaching activities;

• are severely compromised all laboratory activities , recovery and

enhancement; becomes impossible to implement, as they would like teachers and

as rightly ask the parents, and individualized interventions on pupils

most in need, both cultural and educational opportunities, such as educational tours, travel

education, entertainment, events, exhibitions;

• This year, after years of difficulty, the funds were restored to ensure the activities

alternative to those who do not use the teaching of the Catholic religion, but not

know if they are guaranteed the same way next year

is severely compromised the ability to build a modern school of

quality, able to provide students with adequate tools and technologies.

Here is what we want to ask in response to the issues pictured:

establishes the body according to the Institute's needs and not according to the needs of

State budget (an increase of faculty and staff according to the

real need of fragmented dislocation structures, age of pupils and

the presence of special educational needs)

monitor the real needs and adjust the allocation of resources (material

consumption and educational)

immediately appoint alternates

time to reorganize the school

- 30 hours to bring the "form" in primary school

- maintaining 40 hours for kindergarten and for the full-time in school


- reintegrate option hours removed from a secondary school degree

maintain free textbooks for primary school

adjust the limit of students per class:

- 20 students for kindergarten and primary school

- 22 pupils secondary school grade 1

respect the regulations on the number of pupils per class in the presence of disability

enable Local Authorities to arrange for routine maintenance and

extraordinary school buildings

take up all the precarious places available, as an essential condition for

ensure the continuity of the educational staff of stable and motivated

ensure the renewal of municipal solid waste for a democratic and transparent management of

schools and a real representation of the union in the workplace

Our demands are not designed to maintain or apply for privileges or to retreat

positions anachronistic or nostalgic, but intend to pursue our duty

primary teachers: parents trying to ensure the best chance for the future

of new generations, teachers who want to carry out their task of teaching

to apprendere e di educare al pensiero critico.

Vogliamo reagire a questo stato di cose, consapevoli che oggi noi cittadini - lavoratori,

genitori, studenti, docenti, personale della scuola – siamo chiamati a fare la nostra parte

per salvare e rilanciare la scuola pubblica.

RACCOLTA DI FIRME (da inviare alle figure competenti) e un altro FOGLIO con gli

INDIRIZZI MAIL per poter creare una rete e rimanere in contatto.

Sottoscrizione del documento:






Prima di Natale ad Ancona si è costituito il Coordinamento Provinciale genitori e personale della scuola in difesa della scuola pubblica; dell´organismo suddetto fanno parte per il momento: il Comitato Scuola Ancona, il coordinamento Precari ed alcuni parents.
we have drawn up a shared document that cuts against the government (possibly with the problems of each school situation) to be endorsed to the parents and staff throughout the school cover the whole territory of our province


STOP CUTS 2011/12

SIGN TOO! Join us!


In the province of Ancona parents and school staff during various assemblies and meetings, they discussed the situation in
where it is today the state school. I parents share the concerns of practitioners
school cuts are hitting the right to education of young people.
Convinced that the topic interests all citizens, have decided to launch a signature campaign
to achieve the goal of involving the whole civil society in support of this dispute and a collection
e-mail to form a network are always aware of the initiatives and innovations that relate to the school.
They therefore prepared this document which provides an overview of the consequences of the cuts
recorded so far in our schools, with a section on the individual schools to highlight
the specific effects in all reality. The signatures will be delivered to the institutions and all our
representatives in Parliament to show our protest and our proposals and to keep up
attention on a topic of vital importance for the country and the future of our young .


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