Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Diagnosing Knee Pain Pain


drugs are destroying our families and our community. However in the recovery and prevention are effective solutions to every day are already saving many lives

Since the early 60's the people who use drugs have increased regularly, from the United States and then the rest the world, coming to the worrying situation today. The term we intend to opiate drugs, marijuana, cocaine, amphetamine, heroin and LSD (just to name a few). They are also sedating drugs and medications that alter brain function. Alcohol itself falls into this category. There are thousands of brands and jargon to describe all of these substances. The drugs work by stimulating or inhibiting certain chemical reactions in the body. The accumulated effects in this way can cause serious damage to both physical and mental. Even when you stop using them, years later, you can still experience the trip and "periods of emptiness of mind." Drugs can seriously damage the ability to concentrate, to work, to learn to deal with others. In short, they can crush the life. So why continue to make every day more and more victims? It was discovered that people who take drugs began to do so because of discomfort or physical suffering. When you are depressed, unhappy or suffer physically or emotionally, and you do not find relief anywhere, you can make use of the drug. Quando alle persone viene detto che non c'è una "cura" o che i loro dolori e preoccupazioni sono "immaginari", molte istintivamente prendono delle sostanze che possono dare sollievo o rendere la loro vita meno pesante. In altre parole, non essendo in grado di fare qualcosa per la propria condizione, alterano chimicamente le loro percezioni della realtà. Un ragazzo può diventare vittima della pressione dei suoi coetanei e quindi cedere alle droghe, ci sono molti modi di finire nella rete, ma solo pochi per uscirne. Il problema ha quindi molti aspetti e ramificazioni: il manager d'azienda che prende cocaina, il ragazzo che fa festicciole e che diventa euforico dopo aver preso l'ecstasy, lo studente a cui vengono prescritti dei farmaci per i suoi "disturbi learning "and that because of this obvious anti-social behavior.

Almost everyone knows someone who has suffered the negative effects of this kind.
Many have tried to solve the problem but, not having an effective solution, they failed to stop the continuing rise in drug use.

What can you do to the scourge of drugs? The Scientologists have been dealing with years of problem from a perspective of prevention , organized several initiatives to raise awareness of the problem and to know the correct information and offer their help and informative educational materials for teachers and parents (for free).

Monday, September 27, 2010

Why Does Alcohol Make My Jaw Hurt

An example of political honesty

Here below the note Mirko Tutino wrote on Facebook, on the sad story that David defamatory Farella, Luca Ficarelli have moved against him.
I believe that there are words or comments, the better the note below, we can describe the lack of seriousness and political capacity of the non-existent Cavriago City theater company.

Readers (no descendants in this case) will judge.

A note Mirko Tutino:
After my appointment as Deputy Mayor in the Province civil list Cavriago City did not wait even a week to write to the newspapers screaming because of the scandal, they say, will receive a double benefit. They argue that both politically and morally inappropriate to my double task of bi-Councillor and also propose that I resign from the office of City Councilman.
First, we clarify one aspect. I think that the 2009 Budget to be interpreted in this sense: who is councilor in the municipality that is in the province, even for a short time, he must give up one of the two allowances. Some say that I would not be obliged to do so, but since I could not look in the mirror, without even asking myself the question I asked on the day of my appointment to no longer receive any allowances in the City. On the subject of compensation have nothing to say. For a city councilman did not take much to see, pick up the phone and dial 0522-373411 and ask Emanuele Pecora, head of the Office of the City Staff. He has followed all the administrative practice and know what I did.
Second question: incompatibility policy between the two charges. I believe it exists and why I proposed my immediate resignation to the Mayor. The Mayor asked me to stay a few more days to explain to the minorities and the Council to the PSC and the variant RUE launched last April and is nearing completion. The Mayor feels it is appropriate that those who have followed the path showing the variation and in the meantime, he will work to find a replacement. The variant has already had, in August, the formal opinion of the provincial government (there is a deliberate act) so that, having been appointed in the Province Sept. 17, nobody can talk about interference in the Province to promote Cavriago. The variant should reach the Council in October and no Cavriago note of the City of Cavriago in this period will come in the Province. If there was the possibility of being, the Province, to judge the acts of the City of Cavriago, I would not hesitate to leave immediately to the office of assessor Cavriago. However I think it is appropriate to say that you need not wait until October for political reasons, but for the completion of technical drawings and diagrams that accompany the variation.
However the commitment in the Province is heavy and I hope to be replaced as soon as Cavriago, so that in addition to the Mayor there is also a Councillor of the proxy holder with full time availability.
last question, the City Council. Are taken as the new role in the province did not have way of thinking if I the evening, the time two to three times per month to continue to exercise my post of Director. I will speak with the PD, with the first non-elected and encourage the group together and then see what to do. It is not a problem Cavriago City. Anyway, I think we need to remember that the PRC-group social projects (from which was born Cavriago municipality) in the previous legislature had crippled a group to advise, as a duly elected representatives were not present in the City Council. No wonder if, 3 counselors, voters in 2009 decided to reduce the political power only 2 directors, with lots of gain of the center. In step 2004-2009, on the contrary, the undersigned increased from 120 to 207 personal preferences. Maybe I have not worked badly, but not for me to judge, we are in a democracy.
Why not see if and how two perceived benefits? Why leave now in the press? Make false statements in the ears of citizens, even if unverified, enters fully into the accusation. It is now a tool of political communication, a look at the Free the newspaper or listen to the TG1 Minzolini. Unverified accusations are thrown there, so that while you listen to the people and put all the doubts of the case ("all the same, they all suck, they are all thieves") and then the die is cast .. Then it's up to who is the subject of spying defense. The schema-Felt-Belpietro Minzolini have long been used by some people who call themselves left to Cavriago. A truly disgusting.
do not know if they move envy, political speculation or simply if people are just beautiful. However I come from a family where honesty, attention to the use of the resources of others (as well as others) are essential. I can do good or hurt as a politician, as an administrator, but it really does not compromise on these issues.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

When Gov. Stopped Making Silver


we are proud to publish the news of the appointment of Mirko Tutino as Councillor for Planning, Environment, Culture and Landscape of the Province of Reggio Emilia.
Mirko is a person with commitment and passion chose to engage in politics without compromising, always saying what he thinks, and acting primarily in the interests of citizens.
It 's a true politician, a competent and successful, and it is rare today to meet someone with so much foresight and analytical skills, involvement, reasoning. A
Cavriago has contributed in large part to the birth of the new party, bringing with it 'the teachings received from his predecessors and at the same time putting the breath of fresh new ideas and needed to strengthen the spirit of the people around him.
We thank him and we are sincerely happy for him, although we can not deny that there's a bit 'of melancholy, because feel much miss him.

Here are the words of the party secretary, Maura Bardi, after the appointment.

Dear Mirko,

'm really happy for you and I to express, in these few lines, the feeling of all.

I'll give you all the best and I consider this important first step, the springboard for a career that is being looked forward to and that could really make a change in your life.

Your life, your world, that you've always believed and for which you have always fought tooth and nail.

We'll miss you in Cavriago, definitely.

Stay who you are, pure ideals and objectives. We need people like you.

A warm greeting and a big good luck.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

E Machine Cd Rom Dive Wont Open

Say No to Drugs Say Yes to Life

the social education and prevention campaign, inspired by the scoprte L. Ron Hubbard and promoted internationally by the Church of Scientology

A key element of this campaign was represented by a series of educational brochures pubblicatila first time in 1997 in millions of copies and distributed in 15 languages: Italian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Norwegian, Portuguese, English and Swedish. The publication of these books became necessary because, at the end of 90 years
, was conduct a search to find publications describing the drugs and their effects with simple and straightforward terms that young people could understand. It was found very little, then a Swiss Scientologists went to work to remedy this gap and created a series of booklets, each on a specific drug. These booklets became so popular that the Church decided to publish them on a large scale.

The campaign was so successful that the high demand made it necessary for a large number Scientologit very sensitive to that established working groups and in some countries, non-profit associations and foundations that still make their service on the Polish the community.

The Church and Scientologists continue with their efforts against drugs and still fund the publication of educational materials / information that would assist in the prevention, the latest documentary is The Truth about Drugs, to receive free copies email: @ scientology.milano

Monday, September 13, 2010

Vegan Fringed Booties


In the coming days will come in the Council Communal an issue that a few months is on the lips of many cavriaghesi. There comes a point thanks to a minority Cavriago City (which for once raises a question of merit), but in recent days, the CGIL had intervened on the subject.

We believe it is useful to say a few things on the letters ENIA-IREN sent many cavriaghesi for the recovery of the Environmental Health Fee.

In 1994 it was changed the rules for the calculation of square meters on which to evaluate the waste bill. Were added to the balconies, attics and other spaces not previously included.

were informed of this change cavriaghesi, many, however, in good faith do not communicate anything to the City. It should also be considered that in recent decades have declared a surface without making too many checks.

In recent years gradually increased the dissemination of maps of recycling bins, a choice that has increased the cost of collection (but nevertheless helps to make up to 69% of the collection throughout the municipality).

It has been built on a new Ecological Station Court Tegge, resulting in increased costs. In addition, a number of months the City and Irene are adapting facilities and forms of management of ecological sites to the Ronchi Decree, a rule which requires investment and skilled staff to replace volunteers. Other increased costs.

have increased street sweeping services in the country.

As with any other service, increased operating costs (contractual adjustments of staff, standards of safety, maintenance cost of the media, etc. ..).

All of these new costs may be covered in three ways: increasing the rates for everyone (including those who now pay the right), finance the higher costs to the municipal budget (still governed by the taxes of the citizens), or recover by those who today do not pay they should (again, for various reasons), the new costs.

The City and ENIA-IREN have decided to go the latter route, began a re-balancing and equalization of the cost of the service requesting a sacrifice to those who today has the fee calculated on a less-meter devuto. We believe a transaction is due, that goes in the direction of fair taxation.
Some may wonder: why now? First of all because now, thanks to the computerization register, you can read for Irene and compare the plans of the houses in a digital format and make the calculations of the surfaces. Secondly because it is never too late to start operations of fair taxation and the forces of the left should be the first to support such initiatives, even when they involve their members or associates. On this level we with our voters, and activists simpattizanti that we are seeking clarification parlando.Altra question: why go back 5 years?
The law requires and, above all, it recovers from those for 40, 30 or even 15 years, had the pricing on sizes less than had the less you can ask all the others, even for the futuro.Non believe there is an escape rate of the mass of waste, however some have paid for and pay over the odds just because many others have applied a lower rate than that prescribed by the regulation.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Inexpensive Reliable Tent

We report this lucid article by Michele Serra on the events of yesterday in Turin.

a smoke, accompanied by a battery shouting and insults, launched him to the "trade unionist traitor" Raffaele Bonanni in an attempt (successful) to prevent him from speaking to the party of the Democratic Party di Torino. To avoid spending too obvious and too dapper words, we start from the motivations of the perpetrators, the children of the society: "We consider it unacceptable to invite to the Party of the Democratic Party as a character Bonanni, which should protect the rights of workers."

Awesome able to concentrate in one sentence, and in one gesture, a way deragliante arrogance. First, the party of the Democratic Party is organized by the Democratic Party, which obviously invites those who fit. If one does not like the cast of speakers, go somewhere else. Not just for good manners (Which still would not sick) but out of respect for the choices and autonomy of others and this is not the form is substance. Or

community centers, when they organize their things, seek the approval of the Democratic Party or anyone? Second. A public debate in which all agree is not only a contradiction in terms (the debates can be helpful, and interesting, if only between differing positions). It is also an insult to intelligence, a conformist ritual, only reassuring for those who need to feel petty bourgeoisie always agree with those who always agree with him. And weak to be afraid of others' ideas, strong know how to openly address. Among feel

community (interested the same questions) and feel tribes (concerned with the same certainty) there is a big difference and certainly not in favor of tribù.Terzo. Bonanni represents millions of workers who belong to his union. It is up to them and them alone, if they decide to give him the license of the "traitor." We know that democracy, as elsewhere in the union, is a controversial, laborious accuracy, but the most shabby of democratic practices, especially when captured in about one and a half centuries of struggle and repression as the union democracy, is a thousand times better than the presumptuous expropriation of public space (and Democrat) by a group nominating himself, not you know in what capacity, advanced class.

a self-appointed, the arrogant and Unti there is already enough to the government: the opposition does not feel the mancanza.Quarto. A gloat for the episode in Turin (which adds to the challenge, but equally unpleasant less uncivilized, to Schifani) are first offenders who can smile about their exploits, those on the other side of the curve, as the Minister Sacconi which has not seemed real download on the shoulders of very mild (too) Pd responsibility for the incident.

E 'mathematical calculation is an ancient and now a couple of centuries: extremism is a gas that burns with ideas and energy (sometimes even their lives, their and others) and leaves the field only for the storage of potere.Nessuno extremism is happy, except the extremists, as the truffles of conservation and restoration of the strategists. Since the extremism is renewed and repeated in various forms, from generation to generation, it means that elementary calculus is too hard to do for children who throw wrathful smoke signals to the "traitors" and make things difficult for trade unions and workers that we recognize, as if they did not have enough problems, and weakness, and fatigue.
by Sept. 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How To Tint Motorcycle Helmet


are stories like to Angelo Vassallo, Mayor of Pollica (Sa) killed Sunday, who should occupy the political debate.

Every time that organized crime is hit with a big stop or the foreign funds that are tracked down to a mafia boss, the news is presented as if it had been dealt a mortal blow to the greatest evil of our country. Then he was assassinated mayor of a municipality challenging courses in combating illegal, the complaint of those who make profit on the mismanagement of the waste or for the enhancement of their community (and not the Camorra) of public assets.

He was murdered because he did what any director should do, because it has normally done its job. He was killed because he tried to return to the "policy" and its meaning. Angelo Vassallo kill the rest was easy, as always is when heroes are ordinary people.

Brecht wrote, "Blessed is the country that needs heroes." In our country, unfortunately, the heroes were needed to bring out the power and danger of organized crime. Italy has needed because they are the most raw and shocking situations that move public opinion, which almost does not seem to realize that in our country, in 2010, there are places to be people, or administrators, it means becoming normal in eroi.

Da amministratore, da persona impegnata in politica, sento il bisogno di andare oltre l'indignazione e la solidarietà. Credo non sia più rinviabile un impegno per superare i nostri confini territoriali e riprendere un rapporto con le comunità locali del mezzogiorno che, senza stare sotto i riflettori e quindi rischiando molto di più, hanno scelto di essere amministrate da persone oneste come Angelo Vassallo.

La nostra attenzione e la nostra presenza, anche fisica, è l'unica strada per dare un significato al concetto di unità nazionale, sempre più ridimensionato da un Governo che punta a frammentare gli interessi del nostro paese facendoci credere che il problema della criminalità organizzata sia un problema di altri.

Ecco una proposta che il centrosinistra potrebbe presentare: non più fondi statali per lo sviluppo del mezzogiorno trasferitii senza controlli, ma un vero e proprio patto tra comunità locali per la diffusione di buone pratiche e di progetti per rendere più ricche le comunità delle regioni dove è forte la criminalità organizzata. Patti da stipulare con quelle amministrazioni che non hanno componenti collusi e che si devono tradurre in progetti da progettare e realizzare insieme, partendo dalle esperienze positive già realizzate.

Armiamoci della nostre buone pratiche, della passione nel rispondere ai problemi dei nostri concittadini, dello spirito di servizio e partiamo, perchè c'è ci sono amministartori e comunità locali che hanno bisogno di non rimanere soli. Perchè nella solitudine, anche se siamo nell'Europa del 2010, le persone normali possono morire.
Mirko Tutino
Assessore all'ambiente del Comune di Cavriago

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cartier Roman Numeral Watch 20-61323


Sul blog del Circolo di Rifondazione è apparso un post titolato "riflessioni di settembre". Un post carico di interrogativi e di riflessioni sul presente politico nazionale e locale che stimola, in questo caso in senso costruttivo, qualche riflessione di risposta.

striking, in fact, the severity with which the PRC declares "for us ever more government commitments" . We believe that the waiver, local or national, and a part in the competition for the government's useless to the very existence of the party and politics.

really is possible to think in 2010 that the only witness and the mobilization (which is far from mass) is enough to change things? Is not that the government comes responsibility, sacrifices and commitments that PRC was not and is not able to bear against their constituents? Better to consider politics as a hobby, a symbol to put on t-shirts or gets to hang in your room?

There is a point, however, agree with much of the PRC in the post. And that is that "election or not," it is necessary to counter the dominant culture in this country. A culture that we do not believe is the "daughter" of Berlusconi, but his mother. In this country went through 30 years (even before the arrival of Berlusca) messages only oriented to individualism, unbridled consumption, a little vision of solidarity in social relations. The ideal soil for the boarding of the right to diffenza of us, it has a wise and ruthless intellectual communication and marketing. The book by Max Panarari in this sense is really worth a read (e ci torneremo sopra in futuro) perchè descrive con lucidità ed intelligenza tutti questi aspetti.

Un aspetto che deve completare la riflessione (che l'amico Panarari non ha mai taciuto in tanti altri suoi articoli), tuttavia, è che la forza di questa destra risiede in due mali della sinistra, schiacciata tra chi ha fatto dell'antiberlusconismo una professione e propone una sinistra elitaria e fuori dal mondo, e chi ha perso l'ambizione di pensare ad una società alternativa. Se non partiamo dalla consapevolezza che anche noi, anche il modo "tafazziano" di pensare di tutto il nostro centrosinistra ", abbiamo reso più forte Berlusconi, siamo perdenti in partenza.

Il post si conclude lanciando un concorso of ideas to "fix" the ugliness of the fountain in Republic Street. Beyond the aesthetic views this work, we would like to ask a question.

In recent years, PRC has been the engine of a way of doing politics (well summarized by the lists of civic-social project in the period 2004-2009 and Cavriago City today), designed to shoot, to kill and replace the role of our Party in the government of the country. Little constructive opposition and fully oriented on personal clashes, lies and press releases. An action that has cost around 20% of the center-left votes. In recent months some have come from PRC riflessoni construction and also the tone of the blog is different than the recent years. But nothing has changed in the City Council. Then there

Chiado: Is it possible that instead of launching contests on the fountain or reflecting, such as high school students fascinated by the sacred texts of Marxism, global capitalism, PRC may have with the rest of the center on a comparison of the government of our country and the challenges we face? E'pensabile that parties, in addition to being healthy places for political mobilization, dining or entertainment (see the summer festivals) become also the site for mature thinking and a little less obvious on our small (but very, very important) reality? Is not that what we are asking that many cavriaghesi are still interested in politics and public life of our country?