Al Castello Sforzesco i progetti mai visti di Michelangelo
Milano celebra il genio di Michelangelo con una mostra al Castello Sforzesco .
Esposti oltre 50 suoi progetti architettonici di edilizia civile, religiosa e di fortificazioni, opere talora incompiute, se non addirittura mai realizzate, come quello per la Basilica di San Giovanni dei Fiorentini, a Roma.
Curata da Pietro Ruschi , l'esposizione nasce da un progetto di Casa Buonarroti e presenta, oltre ai disegni, alcuni grandi progetti michelangioleschi realizzati in 3D.
La rassegna, che apre l'11 Febbraio 2011 (fino all'8 Maggio 2011), fa parte del progetto "Michelangelo al Castello" che prevede anche un series of conferences with leading experts in the Buonarroti.
article: Day - Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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Archeologia e birdwatching sul lago che ispirò Puccini
Between history and nature, bird watching and archaeological ruins, piles and oak trees, there is a world around the lake Massaciuccoli (LU).
A start from the archaeological, that is, from the ruins of an ancient Roman villa from the first century AD, attributed to the family of Pisa Venulei.
Archaeology is just one of many opportunities offered by the area of \u200b\u200bMassaciuccoli ; in Easter weekend Oasis organize a week-end for large and children with guided walks and punt through woods, wetlands and dune environments.
First, however, will start the project "A School of Nature", with educational workshops for children aged between 6 and 10 years: first date March 12, 2011 .
And then, again, with summer arriving fields for children, adolescents, adults (for information: or Facebook), from summer camps offer an opportunity to live in close contact with nature.
article: The Nation - Friday, March 4, 2011
Between history and nature, bird watching and archaeological ruins, piles and oak trees, there is a world around the lake Massaciuccoli (LU).
A start from the archaeological, that is, from the ruins of an ancient Roman villa from the first century AD, attributed to the family of Pisa Venulei.
Archaeology is just one of many opportunities offered by the area of \u200b\u200bMassaciuccoli ; in Easter weekend Oasis organize a week-end for large and children with guided walks and punt through woods, wetlands and dune environments.
First, however, will start the project "A School of Nature", with educational workshops for children aged between 6 and 10 years: first date March 12, 2011 .
And then, again, with summer arriving fields for children, adolescents, adults (for information: or Facebook), from summer camps offer an opportunity to live in close contact with nature.
article: The Nation - Friday, March 4, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
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Vasari, cinque secoli tra mostre e spettacoli

Il calendario delle celebrazioni in Toscana.
Lo sapete che Giorgio Vasari fece da scudo a Firenze durante i bombardamenti della 2° Guerra Mondiale?
La rivelazione di Cristina Acidini , sovrintendente del Polo museale fiorentino , rapisce l'attenzione generale alla presentazione delle celebrazioni per il quinto centenario della nascita del Vasari.
Nato a Arezzo l'11 Giugno 1511 e, "esploso" a Firenze, sotto il Duca Cosimo I di Toscana: " Davanti al Vasari , cioè alla Galleria degli Uffizi e al Corridoio che da Palazzo Vecchio va a Palazzo Pitti, americani, tedeschi e partigiani si fermarono ", spiega Cristina Acidini.
Dunque, al Vasari architetto, artista, primo storico dell'arte, si aggiunge un Vasari provvidenziale scudo: capace di fermare perfino la furia dell'uomo, non si bombarda e non si distrugge l'opera di un genio.
E, in memoria del genio vasariano, Firenze e la Toscana preparano grandi eventi a cominicare dalla mostra degli Uffizi (14 giugno - 30 ottobre 2011), organizzata dal Polo Museale Fiorentino dal titolo: Vasari, gli Uffizi e il Duca.
Sempre a Firenze è prevista l'apertura del Museo Casa Vasari , con l'allegoria delle Arti, al numero 8 di Borgo Santa Croce, a opera della Fondazione Horne.
Arezzo ospiterà, in piazza San Francesco (26 agosto - 11 dicembre 2011), la mostra dal titolo: Vasari, 500 anni, da Monte San Savino ad Arezzo, da New York a Washington, una finestra sul restauro .
Questo calendario di celebrazioni avrà un'estensione con una serie di conferenze e letture de Le vite , grazie all'impegno dell'Istituto Nazionale degli Studi sul Rinascimento e della Compagnia Sandro Lombardi.
Umberto Orsini si esibirà a Arezzo; Giovanni Guerrieri , proveniente dal teatro comic, will Buffalmacco.
article: The Nation - Friday, March 4, 2011
Lo sapete che Giorgio Vasari fece da scudo a Firenze durante i bombardamenti della 2° Guerra Mondiale?
La rivelazione di Cristina Acidini , sovrintendente del Polo museale fiorentino , rapisce l'attenzione generale alla presentazione delle celebrazioni per il quinto centenario della nascita del Vasari.
Nato a Arezzo l'11 Giugno 1511 e, "esploso" a Firenze, sotto il Duca Cosimo I di Toscana: " Davanti al Vasari , cioè alla Galleria degli Uffizi e al Corridoio che da Palazzo Vecchio va a Palazzo Pitti, americani, tedeschi e partigiani si fermarono ", spiega Cristina Acidini.
Dunque, al Vasari architetto, artista, primo storico dell'arte, si aggiunge un Vasari provvidenziale scudo: capace di fermare perfino la furia dell'uomo, non si bombarda e non si distrugge l'opera di un genio.
E, in memoria del genio vasariano, Firenze e la Toscana preparano grandi eventi a cominicare dalla mostra degli Uffizi (14 giugno - 30 ottobre 2011), organizzata dal Polo Museale Fiorentino dal titolo: Vasari, gli Uffizi e il Duca.
Sempre a Firenze è prevista l'apertura del Museo Casa Vasari , con l'allegoria delle Arti, al numero 8 di Borgo Santa Croce, a opera della Fondazione Horne.
Arezzo ospiterà, in piazza San Francesco (26 agosto - 11 dicembre 2011), la mostra dal titolo: Vasari, 500 anni, da Monte San Savino ad Arezzo, da New York a Washington, una finestra sul restauro .
Questo calendario di celebrazioni avrà un'estensione con una serie di conferenze e letture de Le vite , grazie all'impegno dell'Istituto Nazionale degli Studi sul Rinascimento e della Compagnia Sandro Lombardi.
Umberto Orsini si esibirà a Arezzo; Giovanni Guerrieri , proveniente dal teatro comic, will Buffalmacco.
article: The Nation - Friday, March 4, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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dal comitato genitori ed insegnanti per la scuola pubblica -Pesaro
Abbiamo percorso un lungo cammino, noi del "comitato genitori ed insegnanti per la scuola pubblica" insieme a te, in questi 2 anni e mezzo, da quando ci hai lasciato la tua firma ed hai cominciato a ricevere le nostre mails. Ci siamo riuniti in assemblee per capire ed informare, abbiamo protestato nelle piazze e sui giornali.
Ora e' il momento di indire un censimento su tutto il teritorio pesarese.
Si', il mese di marzo sara'"il mese del censimento"
Raccoglieremo tutte le testimonianze su come sta cambiando school, about what 'that's different,' occurred in schools in these last two school years, for better and for worse, for all levels, from elementary to high school. We ask you too!
Reply to this message stating some facts about the school life of which you are familiar with. Be the most 'correct as possible, with the names of the school and signed with your name or if you prefer as a "teacher" or "a parent" (your privacy will be' maintained). Write and ask others to write, you can run as much as this message In this way we will create a database of skilled and entrenched in the area that will make us' aware of the state of our public school after the start of the so-called "reform Gelmini. "At the end of the month we intend to make the results public.
waiting for your contribution does not cost much but it 's very important!
Remember:" March - the month of the census committee
parents and teachers to the school Pesaro public-address e_mail:
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funds for school autonomy: only six million euro for the integration of disabled pupils
The Circular of MIUR n . 13 8 February 2011 to allocate funds USR Law 440/97 for the financial year 2010.
E 'was published Circular No. 13 of that MIUR divide the funds allocated to the Law 440/97 "initiatives aimed at strengthening and qualification of the education of students with disabilities, with particular regard to pupils with sensory deficit" between the regional education offices and provides suggestions for the Ministry of Education the use thereof.
The Circular suggests that funds are allocated to initiatives by schools to
projects for the innovation of teaching methods and organization that, thanks to new technologies and perform their activities inside the classroom for the development of skills and social skills of students with disabilities;
situations of particular complex projects which involve the continuation of networking between schools and between schools, local authorities and associations, including with the involvement of local centers of support for disability (CTS);
projects that implement procedures, best practices for the life of the project 'student with disabilities, in particular the institution of alternate scuolalavoro;
strengthening school-family relations;
development of networks of schools connected to the Schools Polo CTS or through the creation of websites, the network of forums and through the establishment of working groups in the network, also involved in monitoring and identifying the needs of schools.
Suggestions per la formazione del personale, anch’essi a carico dei fondi ripartiti agli USR, sono:
potenziamento attività di formazione teso a diffondere fra i docenti curricolari la cultura dell’integrazione, con particolare riguardo alla relazione educativa che si instaura con gli alunni con disabilità;
acquisizione o potenziamento di metodologie didattiche specializzate per migliorare le opportunità di formazione degli alunni con disabilità, anche mediante le nuove tecnologie;
attività di formazione per la diffusione della conoscenza del modello ICF dell’OMS con particolare riguardo alla sua applicazione nella scuola.
Per i Centri territoriali di Supporto la Circolare suggerisce che si utilizzino le risorse, "Taking into account the strategic role they may have in order to achieve a genuine process of inclusive education and the development of concrete practices of inclusive education, to implement:
CTS coordination between projects on a regional and interregional activities
Upgrade to the actual operating within the CTS;
diffusion of knowledge and familiarity with the expansion of the integration of assistive technology for teachers and curriculum specialists, in particular with regard to products produced by the action 6 of the project "New Technology and Disability ";
experimental projects to identify teaching methods inclusive che coinvolgano le nuove tecnologie;
acquisto di software e hardware per l’ampliamento delle dotazioni tecnologiche ed informatiche dei Centri Territoriali di Supporto al fine di potenziare le opportunità di apprendimento e di integrazione scolastica degli alunni con disabilità.
Le valutazioni della FLC CGIL
Per i fondi assegnati agli Uffici Scolastici Regionali, ove siano utilizzati per pagare prestazioni aggiuntive al personale, debbono essere seguite le procedure previste dall’art. 6 CCNL.
I fondi assegnati sono:
€ 5.828.450,00 per la progettualità delle scuole o di reti di scuole
€ 450.000,00, per i Centri Territoriali di Supporto
Considerato that schools are more than 10,000 and are 96 local centers of support, and on average each school will be allocated about 500 € while the CTS it will be about 4,500, and considered that pupils with disabilities are still about 185,000 and each of them funding is 33 €, it would gain the MIUR, even without waiting for the monitoring and verification of the results (provided in the Circular), suggest to the Government so that you can not go forward.
We had already denounced the progressive reduction of the resources of the Law 440/97, on the occasion of a presentation of the Directive and, along with the request to restore the necessary funding, we put forward proposals for their timely assigned to schools.
Those resources were further reduced to a use that has nothing to do with the improvement and expansion of training by schools.
Now repeat, on an aspect as important as that of the education of students with disabilities who need to change.
The country needs a change, knowledge is the future, stop the return to the past.
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School and the secular state
18/02/2011 In previous years at the February 17, the anniversary of the Letters Patenti di Carlo Alberto che nel 1848 le promulgò riconoscendo i diritti civili ai Valdesi, passaggio determinante per giungere in seguito alla libertà religiosa, in CGIL con tutti i soggetti che operano per la Laicità dello Stato e della Scuola pubblica sono state organizzate iniziative tese a sostenere il lavoro culturale di coloro che quotidianamente vigilano affinché la Laicità dello Stato non sia calpestata.
La laicità nella scuola pubblica, infatti, ha subito negli ultimi anni numerosi attacchi: un Concordato già pasticciato e continui e subdoli interventi hanno rischiato di rendere la situazione di fatto ancora peggiore di quanto previsto dalla normativa, provocando grosse difficoltà per i genitori nel far valere le their choices in a school setting in the state could not guarantee everyone's rights, including those who will not make use of Catholic religious instruction. In particular we remember the work done by the children to draw attention to the assessment of claims for DSU without anyone taking advantage of course that there were conditions for use of alternative assets. Many parents, teachers, associations, has tried not to ever lowering our guard, to answer blow for blow, often resorting to the courts, with appeals on claims. You asked a very simple thing: respect for the rule and, therefore, that children whose parents decide not to make use of teaching della Religione Cattolica fossero garantite le attività alternative.
Quest’anno fa piacere segnalare che, laddove si sono costituiti gruppi di lavoro per vigilare e rivendicare che nelle Scuole vi sia il rispetto almeno delle regole Stabilite dal Concordato, questa attenzione e questo impegno continuo a partire dal potenziamento dell’informazione cominciano a dare qualche frutto.
Finalmente qualcosa è cambiato. L’anno scolastico 2010/2011, caratterizzato da tanti problemi per la scuola pubblica, ha visto invece qualche spiraglio positivo almeno per quanto riguarda il problema delle attività alternative per chi non si avvale dell’insegnamento della religione cattolica. Non solo a livello legislativo è stata sottolineata clearly it compulsory for schools to organize alternative activities, if only for a single student, but the Ministry of Education has clarified that schools may have to organize these activities with expenditure from the Treasury, and therefore without burden on their balance sheets, put to the test by continuous cuts in education spending. And the schools, after some initial uncertainty, in reality many are doing it.
A second positive result was that the forms for registration, after the mess last year and their protests, even the high school kids are finally correct and contain all the options available under the laws force.
At this point the rights of students and families have been recognized: Now is the duty of all to help spread correct information and shall not occur because most children who are treated as packages to be moved into other classes or to be abandoned in the corridor weaker parents should not make choices dictated by their conscience, but by the need not to feel 'different' for their children.
now is to continue the work of the network that we are committed to do with all those with whom you have made this difficult but very useful way.
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Discrimination FIGHTS IN CLASS
The newspapers today report the news at work in Anffas non-profit organization, National Association of Families of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and / oRelazionale, extremely contradictory feelings.
The news is coming from a middle school in Catanzaro all'internodella which the headmaster would have (according to press reports) denied to a child with Down syndrome participate in school trips and educational tours, inviting friends and lecturers hide the same dates of the outputs in programming as a rationale citing "the lack of that ability to learn because of his disability." Invitation, which was immediately turned down by them, which would have indicated a preference rather than give up all the trips to see their mate discrimination.
The news raises mixed feelings in us because:
- on the one hand we are frustrated and extremely disappointed and worried dramatically by the fact that in stark contrast to what is now universally ratified and confirmed in national and international level and thus the most obvious illegality, There are still those who continue to violate the most fundamental rights of persons with disabilities and persons with disabilities and, paradoxically, who often becomes the protagonist of such violations is among those whom they should do with it first guarantors;
- on the other hand, this news us a message of civilization and hope for 'initiative to combat that, perhaps for the first time, comes from a society and community that we, in this case, really define "civil".
The boy's classmates with disabilities have shown, as well as sensitivity and attention, and high sense of civic responsibility. We believe, without knowing the specific facts, which can be defined, despite the young age dei veri e propri “cittadini modello” e dei piccoli “difensori dei diritti umani”. Ciò significa che forse la cultura della disabilità basata sui diritti umani sta penetrando nelle nostre comunità,
magari saltando qualche generazione.
Non vogliamo qui annoverare tutti i dettami normativi e culturali che sanciscono il diritto degli alunni con disabilità alla partecipazione attiva e piena, in condizioni di eguaglianza con gli altri, a tutte le attività scolastiche (di cui gite scolastiche, viaggi di istruzione e momenti ludico-culturali e sportivi rappresentano componenti essenziali e fondamentali), né tanto meno soffermarci oltre a ricordare che nel nostro Paese per fortuna esiste una specifica law (67/06), which protects people with disabilities from discrimination in all spheres of life, but above all we want to express our solidarity and closeness to the pupil with disabilities and their families, as well as classmates and all them to all other individuals and families who are in similar situations.
's why the Association would like to recall and renew its commitment to protect human and civil rights of persons with disabilities (particularly intellectual and / or relational) and their parents and relatives, making themselves available to receive reports and support, even in judicial offices, law enforcement initiatives in similar situations throughout the country.
Roberto Speziale
National President Anffas Onlus
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SOURCE: DISABILI.COM rights-denied
What is the real condition of students with disabilities?
Istat has recently published a survey on the resources and tools are provided to enable schools and promote inclusive education of students with disabilities. The presence of students with disabilities has increased considerably, but almost 10,000 students non hanno visto rispettare il proprio diritti al progetto educativo individuale, troppe scuole non sono ancora accessibili e l’insegnante di sostegno ricopre un ruolo ancora marginale.
IL DATO POSITIVO - L’indagine si riferisce alle scuole statali e private, per gli anni scolastici 2008/2009 e 2009/2010. E’ necessario premettere che la presenza di alunni con disabilità nella scuola primaria è praticamente raddoppiata, passando dall’,7% al 2,6% del totale della popolazione studentesca in dieci anni. Nella scuola secondaria l’incremento è addirittura superiore.
Nelle scuole italiane studiano oltre 130 mila alunni con disabilità (circa 73 mila nelle primarie e 29 nella secondaria), di only a third are women. Students with disabilities are on average older than their classmates, which necessarily implies that the failures are very frequent.
Students with disabilities who attend Italian schools are mostly kids with cognitive disabilities (40%), 17% are suffering from pervasive developmental disorders, 14% are disabled people and in 10% of cases, these sensory disabilities .
CERTIFICATIONS - In primary schools 72.2% of pupils had a certificate of disability under Law 104, 2% is certified as a civil invalid and 13.8% has them both. In secondary school certifications are slightly L.104 lower. Istat himself reminds us that having a certificate proving their disability status is normatively preparatory school system by the provision of services for integration.
SINCE THE NEGATIVE - According to statistics, 95% of pupils has a regular functional diagnosis and 85% a dynamic functional, while the IEP has been prepared for 93% of primary school pupils and 96% of the secondary school. This means that at least 6500 students have been entitled to a functional diagnosis, functional and dynamic profile to 19,500 more than 9000 students have not had an IEP.
SERVICES - The survey still shows which respectively only 21% and 18% of students take advantage of a home-school transport provided by the municipalities and 5% and 8% this service is provided by other local authorities or individuals.
BARRIERS AND TECHNOLOGY-The architectural barriers in schools are still too many, at least 30% of schools there are still serious obstacles to mobility and accessibility for students with disabilities, with a distinct difference between the north and south of the country.
The use of information and technology for the "Special Education" in Italy is not available for everyone, although the increase in dedicated computer stations has increased significantly in the regions more advanced you get 80% of schools in the most retrograde to 48%. The availability of computer stations in classrooms rather than in separate laboratories is of utmost importance for school integration. Other data to be analyzed are those concerning the actual use of the workstations, when present, this rather disappointing.
TEACHINGS - I own them the other side of the coin, those who should accompany every step the young students in learning and social life.
2008-2009 school year to support teachers were 60,529, of which 33,556 primary school and 26,973 in secondary education. The educational assistants have reached 13 000 cultural, 700 communicators for the deaf, 1500 facilitators for communication and 10,289 school employees with a specific allocation for assistance to personal hygiene. The distribution geogradica the presence of personnel in support of inclusion, however, is very unequal between north and south Italy.
How much longer must our children wait?
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All powers of the governing bodies of the School are fully in effect, and can not be changed by ministerial circulars and memoranda.
Article. 3, paragraph 1, letter b of Law March 28, 2003, n.53 (the establishment of 'National Institute for the Evaluation of Education Systems) INVALSI assigns the task to carry out regular and systematic knowledge and skills of students and the overall quality of training provided by educational institutions. Annually, the Ministry entrusted with Circular "ad hoc", the specific objectives of evaluation academic year (for 2010/2011 see Directive No. 67, July 30, 2010), and thereafter by simple Note Prot 3813 AOODPPR n / USC but dated 12.30.2010 published on 11 / 1 / 2011 and addressed to the Regional Directorates, the Ministry of Education that certain modes of operation for the annual survey.
None of the legislation in question has the power to intervene on other rules, relating to a part in decision-making of autonomous schools, on the other obligations of teachers' work, described in the National Collective Bargaining Agreement.
is worth remembering that President INVALSI, Piero Cipollone, wrote a letter to school officials on Jan. 10, inviting them to participation. In website you can find the form through which, annually, the individual school register.
owner of the resolutions in order to action learning and education generally, including the criteria and evaluation activities, and the College of Teachers.
years already in many schools "for granted" to supporting the activities related to the administration of the tests INVALSI, but is it really?
Let's see:
Both the Constitution (see Article 33 sulla libertà di insegnamento) che il Contratto Nazionale assegnano a ciascun docente piena autonomia professionale e didattica dunque indicazioni di qualunque tipo su attività didattiche di valutazione non possono avere alcun carattere imperativo.
Il Collegio dei Docenti è l’organo collegiale cui sono affidate, nel rispetto della libertà di insegnamento del singolo docente – costituzionalmente garantita – le competenze riguardo le scelte didattiche generali, gli indirizzi educativi, l’adesione ad attività d’Istituto ed infine la stesura e l’approvazione del principale documento - il POF – che riunisce tutte le determinazioni citate. Infatti, l’art. 7 comma 2 del Testo Only on the school provides that "the teachers:
a) has power of decision on the operation of the club or educational institution. In particular the planning of care in order to bring educational also, within the law school established by the state, the curriculum to specific environmental needs and to encourage interdisciplinary coordination.
b) It shall exercise such powers in respect of freedom of education guaranteed to each teacher;
c) regularly assesses the overall teaching effectiveness in order to verify the relationship guidelines and objectives of the program and, , wherever necessary, appropriate measures for the improvement of school;
d) adopt or promote initiatives within their competence tested in accordance with Articles 276 and following. "
e) In addition, the Regulation on autonomy (Presidential Decree No 275/99) provides for art. 4 c.4: "In the exercise of autonomy in teaching educational institutions nevertheless ensure the implementation of recovery initiatives and support, continuity and educational and vocational guidance, possibly in coordination with initiatives taken by local authorities in the field of integrated interventions in Article 139, paragraph 2, lett. b) Legislative Decree March 31, 1998, No 112. Also identify the procedures and criteria for assessment of pupils in respect of national rules and criteria for periodic evaluation of the results achieved by schools against set targets "
According to paragraph 2, Article 25 Legislative Decree No. 165/2001 of the School Director must exercise their powers in accordance with the powers of the governing bodies and therefore has the ability to adhere to the tests Invalsi without a resolution of the Academic Board which has exclusive jurisdiction, since the ' membership assessment activities within its prerogatives, it happens rather often the resolution of College may be recorded, although during the sessions, the theme changes "in track" without a real debate and a specific resolution.
Speaking also on the jurisdiction of the Academic Board, the Ministry of Education Note of 30 December 2010 is in stark contrast to the aforementioned art. 7 of the Consolidated, previously in force, requiring methods of assessing the learning outcomes of students and then abusing the planning of the College in an area that normally attaches to its jurisdiction. Therefore, teachers in the College must be able to express their consent or dissent, the membership of the school to the aforementioned activities. Where there are no specific point on the agenda, it may require the introduction of, or convene a special panel with the signing of third component.
As a result of what has been said any unilateral decisions of managers, on the adherence to evidence law, to not have any automatic spill on the duties of teaching staff.
By definition that is not included with the service requirements provided for teachers will operate additional (or overtime), and as such is not required.
The national agreement paper describes the service requirements of teachers in Articles 26 to 29 and did not mandate inherent in this type of activity. Since
administration, correction and tabulation of results of tests Invalsi not fall under any of its obligations under the national contract, the burden it entails, can only be additional activities:
- any additional activities of the Institute must first be provided by POF, therefore, be approved by the Academic;
- overtime is voluntary and can not be imposed with a service obligation;
- each activity must provide an additional allocation an assignment that defines how and when to conduct and their payment: in this respect should be the involvement of the RSU school both in the decision-making - in fact you can not provide for payments for activities not approved - and more specifically in the contract, in determine - in the event of approval by the College - which and how many resources will be used in the payment to those who will take care ..
Teachers of Italian schools have been virtually excluded from the path that led to the establishment INVALSI, the debate on what and how it should be assessed in a "standardized", the use of information obtained on their findings.
The need of defining some common standards and a consistency in assessment and certification of acquired output levels from the paths of education is felt by many, and fulfilled in the OECD countries in different ways, related also to the different architecture of the school systems of particular interest is the fact that a diploma issued by the education system - state, private, public - whether or not legally binding.
European community also plays a key role where fixing a match between educational qualifications and / or professional qualifications of different countries for the free movement inside of citizens / workers.
In our country, however, the road traveled so far with the delegation INVALSI the construction of a national evaluation system raises doubts about the lack of organic plant tests and test their adequacy in achieving the objectives ; the lack of a wider reflection "preventive" What to measure and on a continuous feedback to those who work in schools has meant that these tests, especially those intended for the first cycle of education appear to be more what the student owns assets such as individual and social, rather than what he has acquired as a wealth of knowledge and - if you will - of course under the strict classroom skills. (These issues are among the other states in the center of the National Conference "In the end what to assess? Slalom between knowledge and skills" which the Guild of Padua held November 30, 2010).
be specific, the sequence of tests INVALSI tested and used since 2003 have raised these doubts:
- INVALSI the test results are often unrelated or different as compared with the schedules provided in the POF of individual schools, both with respect to national guidelines heads of the various disciplines, the risk is to standardize a course through the "curvature" of the educational choices of college teachers and individual teachers to the demands of the tests, without taking into account the characteristics of the territory, individual classes and individual students, the diversity of styles and choice of methods, drastically reduce the risk of pluralism and freedom of teaching in the school.
- The inclusion of the mandatory assessment of national tests INVALSI for the State exams at the end of the first cycle of education, for example, has gained significant weight compared to the tests in place at school level, bringing a clear imbalance in the determination of the final evaluation of the individual student.
- not at all clear how it will be processed the link between test results and socio-cultural situation of the various local institutions and individual users, despite the enormous mass of statistics that are collected simultaneously, so suggest almost a "recording" of students (the collection of "sensitive" that began last year has raised doubts and concerns, so much so that the INVALSI has very recently had to issue a "statement" to the families on the handling and storage data collected): la mancanza di chiarezza su questo punto rende le Prove INVALSI ancora inefficaci a descrivere le cause delle disomogeneità finora rilevate, e a consentire di approntare gli interventi necessari alla loro correzione.
- Il contenuto e gli elementi di valutazione connessi alle prove INVALSI risultano profondamente dissonanti con le altre forme di valutazione in uscita già presenti e praticate nelle scuole dei diversi gradi, alla luce delle Indicazioni Nazionali e delle istruzioni operative per gli Esami di Stato (valutazioni finali, certificazione competenze, esami di stato); esiste quindi un rischio concreto di divergenza tra i due contesti valutativi: come potranno essere utilizzati, in modo da garantire equità e trasparenza, i dati thus acquired popular in the evaluation of schools or even individual teachers?
the light of what the elements above and invite all the teachers:
to claim, in their schools, the prerogatives of the Academic Board on the decisions of the general character education including assessment activities school;
not take for granted having to bear, once again, a task more, without those who propose it provides for the financing;
to launch a debate on whether to give more space to this type of evidence will also voiced by Max Bruschi (advisor to the Minister Gelmini, who would even replace "in toto" the written evidence the State Exam - 1st cycle tests with type INVALSI "), founded a party gradually increasing the assessment of students, with the consequent risk of flattening to a model of teaching such as "teaching to test". February 23
Guild of teachers
A measurement system of learning for the evaluation of
schools: aims and methodological aspects - Checchi, Ichino, Vittadini
Devotees of measurement - Gabrielli (CESP Trieste
http : / / 202011.pdf
How Long Will My Tonsils Stay Swollen From Mono
The Association of Semi Serra was born in 2008 on the initiative of five families living in Roppolo and
The Association of Semi Serra was born in 2008 on the initiative of five families living in Roppolo
and Viveash, in the province of Biella and the slopes of the Serra.
Cold winds of crisis began to make stronger and it was logical to wonder what to do.
The crisis is not, as sometimes leads us to believe the TV, a phenomenon alien that falls on us without
he knows where it came from and where it goes. It 'a very real phenomenon, however. He took us less
work, and less wealth. And above all due to continuous cuts to services. Who pays more
these cuts? Obviously, the weakest.
In our case: our children. We do not want to think but only to us, so children in general. Remove
attenzione ai nostri bambini significa non prendersi cura del futuro.
Nei nostri primi ragionamenti, però, c’era già un seme di dubbio.
Siamo sicuri che aver cura dei nostri figli voglia dire riempirli di cose, dimostrare la nostra
ricchezza economica?
La prima attività che abbiamo svolto, e che deriva da questa domanda, è stata L’Orto dei bambini.
Grazie al Comune di Roppolo abbiamo potuto coltivare in un pezzo di terra del parco giochi di via
Cavaglià. Abbiamo piantato insalata, fagioli, pomodori e cavolo. Tutte le attività sono state svolte
insieme ai nostri bambini (anche quella di mangiare).
So we understand that wealth is not only or not so much in the amount of money you earn and spend
, but also in time that is dedicated to our children and in the sense that from the
things you do with them .
Simple, right?
It requires, however, even hard work, patience and perseverance as well as a great desire to play.
not all have the same measure these ingredients, but no matter. The commitments are
different and each offers what she can.
Meanwhile we started to grow in number. By now we were about twenty, after only a year
activities and initiatives. The
Last spring, then, we have experienced even stronger the wind blows cold in
talked at the beginning of this short story.
Some of us who had children coming to the fateful transition to school, we were told
alarmed that was real the risk of not having a class at the Primary School
Parents have rallied with a sense of responsibility and intelligence. The first is there and the School of
Viverone continues to live.
In reality the numbers to keep it there. The problem is that compared to other schools in the district lacks a service
accessorio ma determinante: il doposcuola.
Così come Associazione ci siamo proposti per gestire dei doposcuola che pesassero poco
(pochissimo) sulle famiglie in termini economici e, invece, abbiamo chiesto tempo e voglia di fare.
Adesso se andate alla Scuola Primari di Viverone o a quella dell’Infanzia di Roppolo troverete
bambini che rimangono fino alle 18.00 con mamme e papà che si turnano per stare insieme a loro.
Se questa storia vi ha appassionato siamo sempre in cerca di persone di buona volontà che ci aiutino
a dare speranza di un futuro sereno ai nostri figli.
Potete trovarci nei doposcuola durante a week, often on Saturday or Sunday we organize activities
all'Orto children in the library or in oratory Viverone Cavaglià.
Or you can email us at
We hope soon to introduce our children
Ettore Macchieraldo Seeds Serra
Purpose Statement Of Church
initiative have joined other parents from various parts of Italy. The drafting of Megachip has contributed, and that's made a brief audio track designed for radio and for the dissemination via the Internet. The text, written by Andrea Sottile reworking some situations taken from "Pinocchio" by Collodi, is played by actor Paul Poli, who shared the spirit and the reasons for the appeal and to whom is all our gratitude.
In a few months will be made a video version of the spot, with puppets and actors of the Society of John and Rowena Colla.
Thanks to: Laura Cicognani (voice of Pinocchio), Nicola Tosi (final entry), Stefania Colla, Clementina Bonanno and children.
They gave shape to this Pinocchio: David Bonelli, Serena Clement, Frederick Frascarelli, Ettore Macchieraldo, Michele Maggini, Gisella Orsini, Marcello Pistoi, Massimiliano Silvestri.
Listen to the ad: [click here] or [here]
Agent To Agent Referral Letter
THIS TIME WE exposes us
us President of the Councils of the Institute and the Circle Schools of Bologna
Province, our institutional role does not allow us to expose ourselves
However, given the climate and the words used by the Head of the Italian government last Saturday, February 26,
during the convention of Christian reform, and we report here in full:
"power to educate their children openly and freely and it means not to be forced to send their children to school
in a state where there are school teachers who want to inculcate the principles that are the opposite of what the parents want to instill in their children's education within the
their family ... "
consider necessary number of considerations that go beyond the ideas and policy choices of each.
- We ask you parents, teachers, educators and anyone who has to deal daily with the public school if the school instills values \u200b\u200bto your children against those who try to transmit;
- ask whether your children attend a school mold illiberal or if you feel that you should always preserve the right to free choice and comparison between different opinions, but always based on
respect for one another.
action "breakers" implemented by the Prime Minister with a clear contempt and denigration
towards school public, which is one of the pillars of its institutional duties as government action, has been demonstrated previously with the policies adopted, and now putting in place a complaint of educational principles.
remains to understand the reason for which we believe has as much fury as mere political propaganda reasons only.
This animosity toward what is bad public coincides with the institutional role of the Head of Government on the contrary, it should first of all complaints without being able to compare educational, political, religious, racial, etc. ..
Even interpreting this attack as a mere electoral opportunism, we should deeply indignant at seeing that the school dei nostri figli viene disprezzata e attaccata senza precedenti, con accuse
insensate ed offensive sia per chi ci lavora, ma anche per chi ancora ci crede ossia noi genitori ma soprattutto i nostri figli che devono essere formati in un clima sereno e aperto al confronto.
Crediamo quindi che il nostro ruolo di Presidenti debba essere quello di difendere la scuola dei nostri figli non solo da continui tagli economici, ma anche da attacchi di tipo culturale-ideologico.
Flavio Capelli Presidente IC Castel Maggiore
Franco Tinarelli Presidente IC 7 Bologna
Cristina Brighetti Presidente IC 1 Bologna
Stefania Marianucci Presidente X Circolo Bologna
Federico Canini Presidente DD Zola Predosa
Raffaele Dargen President IC San Giorgio di Piano
Maurizio Bruni President ISIS Archimedes St. John Persiceto
President Marco Piazzi IC Granarolo dell'Emilia
President Luis Carpio IC Argelato
Tiziano Loreti President Liceo Bologna Copernicus
Raspanti President IC Castel San Pietro Terme
Iacopetta President Angela IC 3 Bologna
Paris Lorenzini President DD Castel S. Pietro Terme
Marzaro President Vittorio IC Pieve di Cento / Castello d'Argile
Domenico Mastroscianna President IC Sala Bolognese
Antonio Biagio Salvati President Casalecchio IC / Center
Moris Masetti President IC Rastignano
Marina Mandini President DD S. John Persiceto
Marco Mascagni President Ceretolo IC / Casalecchio
Teresa Di Camillo President IC 11
Bologna Stefano Galli President DD III Club Bologna
Milena Emanuela Minghetti President IC San Giovanni in Persiceto
Pironti Bruno Circolo San Lazzaro President DD of Savena
Pullega President Silvia Anzola Emilia IC
President David Lunghini IC Crevalcore
President Roberta Bonfiglioli IC 5 Bologna
Mastrorocco President Eugenio XIII Didactic Bologna
Angelo Bolzonaro President Malalbergo IC-Baricella
David Pinelli President Bazzano IC-Monteveglio
President Joseph Pass ISIS Keynes Castel Maggiore
Marabini President Frederick IC 9 Bologna
Bacchelli President Danilo IC10 Bologna
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Hack A Sidekick To Get The Internet
The Co.Ge.De. Liguria (Coordination Parents Democrats) believe the recent serious allegations of the Prime Minister, as extremely offensive to the Public School and Teachers who work with intellectual honesty and a commitment made more burdensome by the growing conditions of job insecurity and the unfair cutbacks human and financial resources.
We are facing an intolerable attack on the function of the School of the Republic, to which the State Constitution entrusts the task of removing the obstacles, promoting economic and social inequalities, prevent the advancement of the individual and the effective exercise of citizenship by young people.
The Public School is a lay institution and, as such, thanks to the freedom of education of its teachers and partnerships between schools, students and parents, ensures full respect for pluralism and cultural ideal that is the foundation of our democracy.
Genoa, March 2, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Wagle Ki Duniya Watch Online Free
In uno spartito del '700, la firma di Regina Strinasacchi, era la violinista omaggiata da Mozart
In a score of Library in Antonian Basilica del Santo in Padua, was found the signature of the famous musician Regina Strinasacchi , one of the very few violinists women of the eighteenth century, praised by Leopold Mozart and lauded by his son, Wolfgang Amadeus the Sonata for violin and piano KV. 454
The discovery was made during the studies condatti by Ada Beate Gehann , the German researcher had asked the Pontifical Library Anthony's of Padua to study a score manuscript kept in the Archives of the Musical Chapel of the Basilica of the Holy .
The Symphony concerto for violin, strings and horns, attributed to Johann Christian Bach , son of the famous Sebastian, composed during his stay in Milan.
And it was on this occasion that the Archives under the brand name has appeared a written paper and a curious logo.
From an assessment has therefore gone up in Regina Strinasacchi , violinist with his talent has plowed the streets all over Europe, performing in several concerts at the turn of two centuries (between 1700 and 1800), always take with you his precious instrument, a Stradivarius 1718.
article: Il Resto del Carlino - January 22, 2011
In a score of Library in Antonian Basilica del Santo in Padua, was found the signature of the famous musician Regina Strinasacchi , one of the very few violinists women of the eighteenth century, praised by Leopold Mozart and lauded by his son, Wolfgang Amadeus the Sonata for violin and piano KV. 454
The discovery was made during the studies condatti by Ada Beate Gehann , the German researcher had asked the Pontifical Library Anthony's of Padua to study a score manuscript kept in the Archives of the Musical Chapel of the Basilica of the Holy .
The Symphony concerto for violin, strings and horns, attributed to Johann Christian Bach , son of the famous Sebastian, composed during his stay in Milan.
And it was on this occasion that the Archives under the brand name has appeared a written paper and a curious logo.
From an assessment has therefore gone up in Regina Strinasacchi , violinist with his talent has plowed the streets all over Europe, performing in several concerts at the turn of two centuries (between 1700 and 1800), always take with you his precious instrument, a Stradivarius 1718.
article: Il Resto del Carlino - January 22, 2011
Good Christian Mottos
SOURCE: the daily pubblica-sempre/94589 /
With the public school, always
Sonia Alfano
of you, like me, have small children or teenagers, knows very well the public school
and its teachers. He knows how much dedication and passion to get up each morning to serve
the objective of sharing and giving some of their knowledge to enrich
each student. Those teachers, with that gesture, they do something great not only for
that class but the whole of Italy. Who knows the world of public school knows what the
salary for teachers is totally inadequate compared to what these people do
for all students, for those awake, for those bright, for the most difficult
for the disabled and also, perhaps above all, for those of school, apparently, does not want to hear about
. Few are those teachers who do this job for
salary, in that case would do more. Many are those who do so despite a post
fisso non ce l’abbiano e forse non ce l’avranno mai: sono “i precari della scuola”, gli “ultimi
della classe” li chiamano. Mio padre stesso, che giornalista lo era per hobby, per missione di
vita direbbe oggi qualcuno, era un insegnante di educazione tecnica. E nei suoi occhi vedevo la
passione senza la quale questo lavoro diventa addirittura dannoso per gli studenti. ( ......)
A me oggi mancano altri discorsi e altre parole sulla scuola pubblica. Manca un grande padre
della patria, un partigiano, un resistente che 61 anni fa aveva già tristemente presagito quel che
sarebbe potuto accadere e che oggi has largely seen the light. The man was Piero Calamandrei and
was the February 11, 1950, during the third congress in defense of the National School in Rome.
I want to bring just a few steps to "cool" these words should be carved before
to every school, every educational institution, lest we forget
already the founding fathers never feared for the health and freedom of our school and
have left us the task to defend and watch over it every day.
"There are also Party schools or church schools. But the State must monitor, le deve
regolare; le deve tenere nei loro limiti e deve riuscire a far meglio di loro. La scuola di
Stato, insomma, deve essere una garanzia, perché non si scivoli in quello che sarebbe la fine
della scuola e forse la fine della democrazia e della libertà, cioè nella scuola di partito”.
“ [...] Allora, il partito dominante segue un’altra strada (è tutta un’ipotesi teorica,
intendiamoci). Comincia a trascurare le scuole pubbliche, to discredit, to impoverish. Let
anemizzino and that begins to favor private schools. Not all private schools. Schools
of his party, that party. And then all the treatments start to go to these schools
private. Cure of money and privileges. He even begins to advise children to
go to these schools, because basically it says are better than those of the state. "
"[...] The ruling party, unable to turn openly the State schools in
Party schools, send the dogs to schools to give priority to the state's schools
private. [...] The operation is done in three ways: you've already told you: ruin the State schools.
let them go to hell. Depleting their budgets. Ignore their needs. Mitigate the
supervision and control over private schools. Do not check its reliability. Let
teach teachers who do not have titles standards for teaching. Let examinations
are jokes. Giving public money to private schools. This is the point. Giving public money to private schools. "
E 'to these words, these concepts that I want to defend my school, the
our school, the subversive aims of a man is not insane but lucid that he understood that, after the media have been taxed
The last bastion is the school uniform the brain
public. Would only private schools that do not respond to the ethics of teachers, but sponsors and donors.
E 'for these words that I can only stand proudly on the side of public school teachers
and I will not let this worthy heir to the Fascist bring to fruition his plan
of mass destruction of the minds of our youth.
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