Sunday, March 6, 2011
Cat Scratched Up Door Frames, Fix
dal comitato genitori ed insegnanti per la scuola pubblica -Pesaro
Abbiamo percorso un lungo cammino, noi del "comitato genitori ed insegnanti per la scuola pubblica" insieme a te, in questi 2 anni e mezzo, da quando ci hai lasciato la tua firma ed hai cominciato a ricevere le nostre mails. Ci siamo riuniti in assemblee per capire ed informare, abbiamo protestato nelle piazze e sui giornali.
Ora e' il momento di indire un censimento su tutto il teritorio pesarese.
Si', il mese di marzo sara'"il mese del censimento"
Raccoglieremo tutte le testimonianze su come sta cambiando school, about what 'that's different,' occurred in schools in these last two school years, for better and for worse, for all levels, from elementary to high school. We ask you too!
Reply to this message stating some facts about the school life of which you are familiar with. Be the most 'correct as possible, with the names of the school and signed with your name or if you prefer as a "teacher" or "a parent" (your privacy will be' maintained). Write and ask others to write, you can run as much as this message In this way we will create a database of skilled and entrenched in the area that will make us' aware of the state of our public school after the start of the so-called "reform Gelmini. "At the end of the month we intend to make the results public.
waiting for your contribution does not cost much but it 's very important!
Remember:" March - the month of the census committee
parents and teachers to the school Pesaro public-address e_mail:
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