Sunday, March 6, 2011

Agent To Agent Referral Letter

THIS TIME WE exposes us

us President of the Councils of the Institute and the Circle Schools of Bologna

Province, our institutional role does not allow us to expose ourselves


However, given the climate and the words used by the Head of the Italian government last Saturday, February 26,

during the convention of Christian reform, and we report here in full:

"power to educate their children openly and freely and it means not to be forced to send their children to school

in a state where there are school teachers who want to inculcate the principles that are the opposite of what the parents want to instill in their children's education within the

their family ... "

consider necessary number of considerations that go beyond the ideas and policy choices of each.

- We ask you parents, teachers, educators and anyone who has to deal daily with the public school if the school instills values \u200b\u200bto your children against those who try to transmit;

- ask whether your children attend a school mold illiberal or if you feel that you should always preserve the right to free choice and comparison between different opinions, but always based on

respect for one another.

action "breakers" implemented by the Prime Minister with a clear contempt and denigration

towards school public, which is one of the pillars of its institutional duties as government action, has been demonstrated previously with the policies adopted, and now putting in place a complaint of educational principles.

remains to understand the reason for which we believe has as much fury as mere political propaganda reasons only.

This animosity toward what is bad public coincides with the institutional role of the Head of Government on the contrary, it should first of all complaints without being able to compare educational, political, religious, racial, etc. ..
Even interpreting this attack as a mere electoral opportunism, we should deeply indignant at seeing that the school dei nostri figli viene disprezzata e attaccata senza precedenti, con accuse

insensate ed offensive sia per chi ci lavora, ma anche per chi ancora ci crede ossia noi genitori ma soprattutto i nostri figli che devono essere formati in un clima sereno e aperto al confronto.

Crediamo quindi che il nostro ruolo di Presidenti debba essere quello di difendere la scuola dei nostri figli non solo da continui tagli economici, ma anche da attacchi di tipo culturale-ideologico.

Flavio Capelli Presidente IC Castel Maggiore

Franco Tinarelli Presidente IC 7 Bologna

Cristina Brighetti Presidente IC 1 Bologna

Stefania Marianucci Presidente X Circolo Bologna

Federico Canini Presidente DD Zola Predosa

Raffaele Dargen President IC San Giorgio di Piano

Maurizio Bruni President ISIS Archimedes St. John Persiceto

President Marco Piazzi IC Granarolo dell'Emilia

President Luis Carpio IC Argelato

Tiziano Loreti President Liceo Bologna Copernicus
Raspanti President IC Castel San Pietro Terme

Iacopetta President Angela IC 3 Bologna

Paris Lorenzini President DD Castel S. Pietro Terme

Marzaro President Vittorio IC Pieve di Cento / Castello d'Argile

Domenico Mastroscianna President IC Sala Bolognese

Antonio Biagio Salvati President Casalecchio IC / Center

Moris Masetti President IC Rastignano

Marina Mandini President DD S. John Persiceto

Marco Mascagni President Ceretolo IC / Casalecchio

Teresa Di Camillo President IC 11

Bologna Stefano Galli President DD III Club Bologna

Milena Emanuela Minghetti President IC San Giovanni in Persiceto

Pironti Bruno Circolo San Lazzaro President DD of Savena

Pullega President Silvia Anzola Emilia IC

President David Lunghini IC Crevalcore

President Roberta Bonfiglioli IC 5 Bologna

Mastrorocco President Eugenio XIII Didactic Bologna

Angelo Bolzonaro President Malalbergo IC-Baricella

David Pinelli President Bazzano IC-Monteveglio

President Joseph Pass ISIS Keynes Castel Maggiore

Marabini President Frederick IC 9 Bologna

Bacchelli President Danilo IC10 Bologna


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