Sunday, March 6, 2011

Purpose Statement Of Church

The idea is the seed Serra, an association of parents of Roppolo, a small town in Piedmont: a spot in the defense of public education the state. ASSOCIATION OF GROUND SEEDS

initiative have joined other parents from various parts of Italy. The drafting of Megachip has contributed, and that's made a brief audio track designed for radio and for the dissemination via the Internet. The text, written by Andrea Sottile reworking some situations taken from "Pinocchio" by Collodi, is played by actor Paul Poli, who shared the spirit and the reasons for the appeal and to whom is all our gratitude.

In a few months will be made a video version of the spot, with puppets and actors of the Society of John and Rowena Colla.

Thanks to: Laura Cicognani (voice of Pinocchio), Nicola Tosi (final entry), Stefania Colla, Clementina Bonanno and children.

They gave shape to this Pinocchio: David Bonelli, Serena Clement, Frederick Frascarelli, Ettore Macchieraldo, Michele Maggini, Gisella Orsini, Marcello Pistoi, Massimiliano Silvestri.

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