Sunday, March 6, 2011

Legendary Pokemon Locations Deluge


Discrimination FIGHTS IN CLASS

The newspapers today report the news at work in Anffas non-profit organization, National Association of Families of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and / oRelazionale, extremely contradictory feelings.

The news is coming from a middle school in Catanzaro all'internodella which the headmaster would have (according to press reports) denied to a child with Down syndrome participate in school trips and educational tours, inviting friends and lecturers hide the same dates of the outputs in programming as a rationale citing "the lack of that ability to learn because of his disability." Invitation, which was immediately turned down by them, which would have indicated a preference rather than give up all the trips to see their mate discrimination.
The news raises mixed feelings in us because:
- on the one hand we are frustrated and extremely disappointed and worried dramatically by the fact that in stark contrast to what is now universally ratified and confirmed in national and international level and thus the most obvious illegality, There are still those who continue to violate the most fundamental rights of persons with disabilities and persons with disabilities and, paradoxically, who often becomes the protagonist of such violations is among those whom they should do with it first guarantors;

- on the other hand, this news us a message of civilization and hope for 'initiative to combat that, perhaps for the first time, comes from a society and community that we, in this case, really define "civil".

The boy's classmates with disabilities have shown, as well as sensitivity and attention, and high sense of civic responsibility. We believe, without knowing the specific facts, which can be defined, despite the young age dei veri e propri “cittadini modello” e dei piccoli “difensori dei diritti umani”. Ciò significa che forse la cultura della disabilità basata sui diritti umani sta penetrando nelle nostre comunità,
magari saltando qualche generazione.

Non vogliamo qui annoverare tutti i dettami normativi e culturali che sanciscono il diritto degli alunni con disabilità alla partecipazione attiva e piena, in condizioni di eguaglianza con gli altri, a tutte le attività scolastiche (di cui gite scolastiche, viaggi di istruzione e momenti ludico-culturali e sportivi rappresentano componenti essenziali e fondamentali), né tanto meno soffermarci oltre a ricordare che nel nostro Paese per fortuna esiste una specifica law (67/06), which protects people with disabilities from discrimination in all spheres of life, but above all we want to express our solidarity and closeness to the pupil with disabilities and their families, as well as classmates and all them to all other individuals and families who are in similar situations.

's why the Association would like to recall and renew its commitment to protect human and civil rights of persons with disabilities (particularly intellectual and / or relational) and their parents and relatives, making themselves available to receive reports and support, even in judicial offices, law enforcement initiatives in similar situations throughout the country.

Roberto Speziale
National President Anffas Onlus


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