Monday, January 31, 2011
Burning Pain Upper Left Quadrant
Choosing not to make use of Catholic religious
They are received by our Committee
numerous reports from parents of primary school, which regards the choice
to make use or not use IRC were seen present
mod.E last year which did not provide an alternative to IRC
the "educational activities" but only "study
individual" and "withdrawing from."
inform parents against that module was in its time
appealed to the TAR of Lazio and this year the
circ.min.101 of 30.12.2010, only for all orders and degrees
school presents for those who do not choose the 'irc
all options provided by law for the elementary school,
including "educational activities" for quali sono
stanziati appositi fondi nel bilancio dello Stato.
La circ. 101 prevede, oltre al mod.E che riguarda semplicemente
SI o NO all’irc, un mod.F sul quale sono indicate tutte
le possibili opzioni alternative all’IRC , modulo che le scuole sono
tenute a presentare a chi non si avvale, all’atto dell’iscrizione.
Si fa presente a coloro che scelgono un’attività didattica e
formativa che la scuola è tenuta a predisporla, come è tenuta al
rispetto di tutte le altre opzioni.
Ricordiamo che una scuola Media di Padova è stata multata (ben
1500 euro) based on a decision of the Council of State,
result of the appeal of parents who did not obtain an alternative
-as required on enrollment-but saw the
daughter moved from one class to ' other during the irc.
We therefore urge parents and students to apply to schools
forms provided by the circ.101, suggesting a possible use
of refusals, and supervise the implementation of the decision taken.
CRIDES-School Committee and the National Constitution info 349.7865685
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Excerpt from CENSIS - 44 th Annual Report on the social situation of the country
Training Processes - (pp. 105 to 176 of volume)
The growing importance of financial
families and private schools Italian
Voluntary contributions paid by Families are increasingly critical to revenue management and teaching in state schools. In reality, the demand for the so-called "voluntary contribution" does not cover the total of schools and is conditioned not only by the need to supplement the funds available, factors such as educational level, geographic location and socio-economic status of 'users. While initial results of an investigation that is leading to the Censis regard, as previously stated by a panel of 1,099 school principals, 53.1% of state schools of all levels, involved in the survey, requested this' year's contribution, but in the remaining 43.5% that practice is not yet widespread.
The frequency of application of the voluntary contribution increases with increasing educational levels, ranging from 34.7 to 85% of nursery schools, 6% of high schools. The sums required at preschool or school are on average small claims (16.4 € 19.8 € in kindergarten and secondary school level I). In the schools, grade II, however, exceed the average contribution for all addresses, the 80 euro per capita. The oscillations around the average, however, are very large and in schools interviewed reach 100 euro for preschools and primary and secondary schools of € 260 (Table 5). The
25% of the institutions that already require a contribution acknowledge that you have had to increase the amount from last year and only 20.6% of head teachers believe they do not need to repeat or introduce this type of funding in the next school year (Table . 6).
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SOURCE: fuoriregistro
About henhouse classes
Salvatore Nocera - 01/27/2011
You deserve to make CODACONS for having obtained the first ruling on class action brought against the Ministry of Education for the classes overcrowded.
Infatti il CODACONS aveva proposto ricorso ai sensi del decreto legislativo n. 198/09 che, introducendo una novità nel nostro sistema processuale, consente di sottoporre al giudizio della Magistratura l'inefficienza di un'amministrazione in caso di mancato rispetto di standard di qualità individuati in atti generali " non normativi"a tutela degli utenti dei pubblici servizi.
Sono stati proposti due motivi di ricorso : uno per la mancata emanazione del piano di edilizia relativo alle scuole non in regola con le norme riguardanti il numero massimo di alunni per classe di cui al dpr n. 81/09; l'altro sulla mancata approvazione delle norme sull'edilizia scolastica applicative della L.n. 23/96.
Il TAR , con la sentenza No 00552/2011, has accepted the first plea, rejecting the latter because it concerned the failure to apply a measure of general application and, consequently, has compensated spese.Ma acceptance of the first reason is an important precedent. In fact, the TAR has recognized that the Ministry of Education in consultation with the Ministry of Economy should adopt the general plan of the redevelopment of school, thus indicating the cost, iTEMP and places, but it is limited only to prepare a list of schools not in good standing in respect of which continued to apply only to the past school year, the caps on the number of pupils per class lower than those introduced earlier by the DPR 81/09.
This means that the TAR has assigned the Ministry of Education a period of 120 days to prepare the plan, without which you can ask the TAR compliance with this requirement, this time with conviction all the costs.
purposes of pupils in overcrowded classrooms do not comply with safety regulations, unfortunately, given the nature of the class action in force in Italy, for now, nothing changes.
But meanwhile it has been possible to accelerate the procedure for the safety of schools not in good standing who are still so many, is also a clear political significance of the effects of the decision granting a widespread dissatisfaction of the families for the overcrowding of classi .
Se , come è prevedibile, il Ministero dovesse appellare, qualora la sentenza del Consiglio di Stato, come è da ritenere probabile, dovesse confermare la decisione del TAR, il Ministero che, in forza della nuova normativa, ha dovuto pubblicare sul proprio sito la notizia del ricorso, dovrà pubblicare anche la sentenza definitiva , la quale verrebbe pure trasmessa alla Corte dei conti ed all'organismo sulla valutazione della qualità delle pubbliche amministrazioni.
E' altresì molto importante che il TAR abbia riconosciuto, per la prima volta, la legittimazione processuale di un'associazione di consumatori all'esercizio di questa nuova azione giudiziaria ed abbia dichiarato , in questo caso, immediately apply the new regulations even without enactment of government regulations.
E ', however, be borne in mind that on the basis of the new legislation on class action, if every family would like to obtain a reduction in the number of pupils in classes and irregular payment of damages, will have to act individually with specific actions. In fact, the recent legislation has been limited only to develop tools to stimulate the efficiency of the Administration and not directly to ensure the rights violated by the failure of the Administration. Unlike hand down the law to which our American was only partly inspired .
therefore remain all Life in the complaints raised by many groups, including FISH (Italian Federation for Overcoming Handicaps) antipedagogico about the overcrowding of classes in general and in particular those for pupils with disabilities
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"By any means necessary ..." The school as a common good. Reflections on the sidelines of the book of Girolamo De Michele Alessandro
difficult to find a comprehensive definition of a book like that of Girolamo De Michele, The school belongs to everyone, Minimum Fax, 2010, full of information and data not domesticated but also capable of interpretation global world and the times we are experiencing.
The most obvious is that whilst this is a manual for defense and resistance to the order of existing things, the book does not grant anything to the prevailing doom the fate of the Italian school. Indeed, the interpretation of the author, the school is still able to play an important role in training for citizenship, integration and social redemption if only one wanted to leave the order of the discourse of "de-legitimization in place"
School has, therefore, De Michele, a central place in society that it is constitutive throughout the body to defend and promote social horizon of a revival of that function of civilization that only the knowledge in modern societies can play.
"Education is not only a fundamental right - I would even say the fundamental right, because in the learning society in which we live is not the quality of life, but life itself is called into question the structural illiteracy or return"
The role of knowledge
What then is at stake in the book by De Michele, what is at stake is precisely the political and democratic knowledge, its status, its consistency, the corollary of its Indeed, its possible obsolescence, preservation, decreased or reconfiguration in the current political and institutional conditions. Around the school, therefore, not playing a game among other things, but 'the' crucial match: "Education is a shared resource, like water and the environment for the common good - the common good of the community 's human being - you know the "
However, this" good "is now potentially less safe, less and less the result of a social contract and a collective consensus, then always less common and less public.
The author explains how we arrived at this through a series of historical and political analysis that combine in an original data sociology of statistics and political economy. Education (and educational models) are therefore not in a crisis as such, as would have us believe, but are in crisis because the company that produces them is itself in crisis, a crisis that has values, governance, credibility.
"The educational institution is located at a crossroads: either learn to play the game according to new rules, or fold up and fade away, having burned the bridges, the fort of their traditional knowledge, refusing contact with the new . Close again in the great wall and wait for the so-called barbarians'
The challenge of complexity
In any case respond to the changing society and economy in the face of technological changes which radically altered the characteristics of the work and its function, the school, and his government, taking in the knowledge society that we are going through a strategic function. Certainly the school can not just entrust tasks of training, how would you like someone, but also the tasks of socialization and training of critical thinking and citizenship.
" The school is a kind of para professional institute that through a cognitive apprenticeship provides not only knowledge but also the workshop in which to apply the knowledge and skills learned, not the instrument to produce value, but the value itself (...) At the same time, the school held a variety of functions that the crisis has made it necessary disciplinary institutions'
The school becomes the center of socialization, replacing often the family, said the children psychologically, it becomes true social worker, and his informed about the "possible uses". E 'in this direction that contradicted the minister Gelmini Michele De declares in no uncertain terms "that the school is a social safety net. Plays a role as substitute, without which the whole society would collapse. And the place at no cost "The
challenges of the near future will be played from cognitive capital and that the use of this through the school and his government will do to society. Because, explains De Michele, or see an upgrading of the public school and its power to equip citizens, all citizens, to face the world ahead of them, or assist in its gradual 'sale' would be set up, among others, to crank out "a class conditional inadequate to play an active role in the world of work and full citizenship."
Choices Italian
E 'perfectly clear, therefore, that the direction in which it is moving with the Italian school Last Gelmini reform, but not only is this second that privatization, breaks, fragments and cognitive capital disqualifies him as a resource to social goods. In the scenarios that draws De Michele, through analysis of the 2001 OECD project "Schooling for Tomorrow" is perceived clearly the crux of the choice made of Italian:
a) extension of the market model,
b) improving the digital divide (separation between who can and can not gain access to new technologies),
c) the state of meltdown (catastrophe) where the identity crisis of the body decent connecting the loss of strength of the contractual relations with the consequent implosion of the public education system.
"In the short term this crisis reinforces the power of national political authorities, while the long term the crisis is still no solution. The sense of crisis becomes acute in poorer areas, while local communities with the greatest educational systems" seek to protect themselves and extend its autonomy by the national. "Finally, the private interest is intensifying in the education market."
delegitimization and pedagogical authoritarianism
But how do you move "culturally" against the notorious scenes that we have just explained, how you can cause the breakdown social and cultural heritage of this bitter potion that has synthesized the disappearance of the right to decent and quality education for all? The author of The school of all is explained with effective analysis that those who live in schools can not fail to compare with her daily existence, and then recognize as true. First, the orchestration of a campaign to discredit (the school, teachers and school culture) in the press, not only of the regime, which has crafted an emergency situation which would destabilize certainties and social rights and to implement solutions-emergency authoritarian.
With the complicity of some self-styled journalists the Italian school has been covered, let me, to say, shit, even creative (because of all fantastic and without serious evidence with reality) in order to prepare the ground to the "epoch-making reforms." As an example, see the controversy over the apron, the caretakers of many more police on bullying, on recruitment easy, lazy etc on. But they are wrong, it shows us De Michele, to consider epiphenomena, or amenities, these interventions whose purpose was precisely to bomb the front before the attack, and never metaphor of war has proven more effective.
pedagogical authoritarianism, for example, as a cultural product of this climate of cultural and educational emergency is the antidote to any model education that has the critics and the growing power of the court its focal point. Not the other way have cultural slogan of the time Gelmini: from Creative Intelligence, the return to authority, 5 in the conduct, on the primacy of content. A deep analogy between the catechism turns out to fascist and that of our school reform: Because
"Every school system that did not include among its aims the training of minds capable of exercising common sense criticism of the existing state of affairs - have the courage to know - is potentially fascist. "
Projecting nostalgia in the future
There is also those who have not experienced the atmosphere of growing illiberal, the air of barracks with the inescapable corollary of the end of each collegiality that now prevails in schools of all levels. A winding system of suspicion and control states in institutions, endorsed by the decrees on raising Brunetta disciplinary sanctions for civil servants. The aim is to do away with democracy, debate and collegiality, the supreme evil of those regimes created by the Enlightenment in which the claim disappears organic whole that embodies the general will. Indeed, if the general will is born from conflict, the dialectic of positions and from their clash of different interests, then it is clear that the situation is back quo ante is one of the aims of the reform Gelmini. Put in an effort "organic" the wheel of time backwards;
- or, that is the same project the nostalgia in the future - is to adjust the size to conquer even the rioters to restructuring. And yet,
"Every conception of the school which refuses to grant the right to criticize, or at least to question, to all those involved in education is potentially fascist."
Within this project can not non esserci spazio per il ritorno al nozionismo come terreno dei contenuti “certi e sicuri” adeguati a un sapere «da spezzettare analiticamente, e riassumere in catechismi». Anche qui il fine è adeguare il modello educativo a un sapere che non forma che non dà gli strumenti per leggere la realtà, ma fornisce solo un pacchetto di nozioni che si pretende adeguato a una società complessa. E tuttavia: «una scuola che rifiuti di insegnare a imparare e ritorni alla centralità dei contenuti, oltre che profondamente arretrata e inadeguata, è potenzialmente fascista».
In conclusione, quello che si cela dietro le riforme, dietro gli appelli alla responsabilità e alla disponibilità al cambiamento is the systematic dismantling of the public education system earned more than half a century of battles, and against democracy. Only if all the employees of the school, explains De Michele, will be able to relate to the world of jobs and the lives of others (all other "domains") to stop the massive social restructuring in place, then this result may be avoided. But we must do so by any means necessary.
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Dal Louvre a Cortona, Etruschi, ritorno a casa
From March 5 until July 3, 2011, more than 50 works of Etruscan art will arrive in Cortona (Arezzo) , thanks to the exhibition "The collections of the Louvre in Cortona, the Etruscans from the Arno to the Tiber," which will be held at Maec (Museum of the Etruscan town of Cortona).
Promoted from the Louvre Museum, Tuscany Region, Maec and the City of Cortona, with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture; alludes to works of art from the collection of antiquities in the Louvre, gone before in Italy, representing the town of Fiesole, Arezzo, Chiusi, Perugia, Orvieto and Civita Castellana.
Masterpieces from Falerii like Arianna, the famous idols Falterona, the bronze head of Young da Fiesole, Castellani collection of beautiful gold.
article: The Nation
From March 5 until July 3, 2011, more than 50 works of Etruscan art will arrive in Cortona (Arezzo) , thanks to the exhibition "The collections of the Louvre in Cortona, the Etruscans from the Arno to the Tiber," which will be held at Maec (Museum of the Etruscan town of Cortona).
Promoted from the Louvre Museum, Tuscany Region, Maec and the City of Cortona, with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Heritage and Culture; alludes to works of art from the collection of antiquities in the Louvre, gone before in Italy, representing the town of Fiesole, Arezzo, Chiusi, Perugia, Orvieto and Civita Castellana.
Masterpieces from Falerii like Arianna, the famous idols Falterona, the bronze head of Young da Fiesole, Castellani collection of beautiful gold.
article: The Nation
Sunday, January 30, 2011
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Etruschi, il fascino di una civiltà ancora misteriosa
numerous exhibits for the first time: they tell a story of three thousand years ago.
One of the most exciting exhibitions of recent years , the curtain opened at the UN Foundation Lazzareschi Porcari (LU), dedicated to old-fashioned, but especially Tuscany Etruscan; 's exhibition is titled: the Etruscans, the charm of a civilization.
Lazzareschi Foundation, insieme alla Fondazione Antica Zecca di Lucca, ha dato il via a questa meraviglia dell'antichità che resterà aperta fino al 27 Marzo, e, realizzata in collaborazione con il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze.
Un modo per raccontare l'eccellenza di questo popolo, la prima grande civiltà sorta in Italia, proprio in Toscana; i luoghi, i riti, la vita quotidiana; gli orientamenti culturali, la religione e l'aldilà, l'economia e la grande produzione artistica, saranno raccontati attraverso oggetti, manufatti e volumi.
La mostra si sdoppia poichè non sarà solo il Palazzo di Vetro di Porcari, ma anche la Casermetta San Donato sulla Mura urbane a ospitare l'evento: nell'Arborato Cerchio sarà allestita la sezione dedicata alle monete; mentre nella sede della Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca, Pisa, Livorno, in centro, si potrà avere un assaggio di tutta l'iniziativa, grazie all'esposizione di parte della collezione.
Ricca poi la sezione dedicata ai ritrovamenti sul territorio, molti dei quali saranno esposti al pubblico in anteprima assoluta ; in programma, poi, momenti musicali e incontri serali a tema con esperti e studiosi.
Una mostra a ingresso libero .
Articolo tratta da: La Nazione
numerous exhibits for the first time: they tell a story of three thousand years ago.
One of the most exciting exhibitions of recent years , the curtain opened at the UN Foundation Lazzareschi Porcari (LU), dedicated to old-fashioned, but especially Tuscany Etruscan; 's exhibition is titled: the Etruscans, the charm of a civilization.
Lazzareschi Foundation, insieme alla Fondazione Antica Zecca di Lucca, ha dato il via a questa meraviglia dell'antichità che resterà aperta fino al 27 Marzo, e, realizzata in collaborazione con il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze.
Un modo per raccontare l'eccellenza di questo popolo, la prima grande civiltà sorta in Italia, proprio in Toscana; i luoghi, i riti, la vita quotidiana; gli orientamenti culturali, la religione e l'aldilà, l'economia e la grande produzione artistica, saranno raccontati attraverso oggetti, manufatti e volumi.
La mostra si sdoppia poichè non sarà solo il Palazzo di Vetro di Porcari, ma anche la Casermetta San Donato sulla Mura urbane a ospitare l'evento: nell'Arborato Cerchio sarà allestita la sezione dedicata alle monete; mentre nella sede della Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca, Pisa, Livorno, in centro, si potrà avere un assaggio di tutta l'iniziativa, grazie all'esposizione di parte della collezione.
Ricca poi la sezione dedicata ai ritrovamenti sul territorio, molti dei quali saranno esposti al pubblico in anteprima assoluta ; in programma, poi, momenti musicali e incontri serali a tema con esperti e studiosi.
Una mostra a ingresso libero .
Articolo tratta da: La Nazione
Thursday, January 27, 2011
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Referendum environmental
Pubblichiamo una nota ricevuta dall'Assessore Provinciale Mirko Tutino: voterò SI per cambiare le politiche sbagliate portate avanti nel nostro paese
Da 16 anni non si raggiunge il quorum in un referendum e per questo motivo non sono innamorato di questa forma di coinvolgimento della cittadinanza. E’stata molto abusata.
Ma questo referendum è importante ed ora siamo chiamati al voto: personalmente ritengo che ci si debba sempre recare alle urne ed ovviamente lo farò anche in questa occasione. I believe that a public administrator, as well as any political force, on matters of this importance should speak clearly. My personal position is on the referendum promoted by the "Public Water", and on that will be relevant to nuclear power for SI.
I will therefore vote against the forced privatization of services and against nuclear power.
The referendum must be an opportunity to change the country's environmental policy on key issues such as management of water services and waste services. I think the Ronchi decree should be abolished because the water is a common good and are contrary to the choice of the government of privatizing it by law. With regulations issued by the Government Berlusconi has gone far beyond the European Union and the signs were placed further limitations in the management of services by a wholly public. Whatever the nature or composition of corporate managers, investment policy must be in public hands, with a strict control by the institutions on the quality of service, with particular attention to not disperse the water resource. However, if as I hope we will reach a quorum and will win the SI, will a law.
In our province there are two companies for the management of water and two for the management of the waste. Iren being listed in a spa effect of the repeal of the Ronchi decree the 37 municipalities where the company operates the service waste and 44 which manages the water will have to wait for new legislation to determine whether, how and when you have to go to tender for the award of these services.
The history of water management in our area, based on good public policy, indicates that it makes no sense to decide a national standard that water should be privatized. What happened to federalism? Why not safeguard good governance? It can not be the definition of public investment, the activation of policies to reduce drift and characterization of the social benefits.
It seems to me absurd choice of the Government to unify into a single norma tutto l'insieme dei servizi pubblici locali, così come non ha senso imporre la linea della privatizzazione ovunque, anche laddove il pubblico ha lavorato bene. Nel campo dei rifiuti, per esempio, l’assenza di un Governo pubblico in alcune regioni del nostro paese ha prodotto gli effetti negativi che sono sotto gli occhi di tutti.
In merito al nucleare ritengo che il piano del Governo sia antiquato e per questo voterò SI alla sua abolizione.
Dobbiamo investire sul contenimento dei consumi energetici ed investire come tanti altri paesi europei e non, sulla produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili. Anche l’Ufficio federale di Statistica americano valuta il nucleare come l’energia più costosa, tant'è that we have blocked the path of building new power plants.
studies submitted in support of the pseudo-nuclear energy program of the former Minister Scajola are marked more by reasons of propaganda than reality: not addressed the issue of waste storage and declare a presumed reduction in costs for families has nothing to do with reality. Evidently Scajola was good to deal with household energy bills as much as it was in estimating their real estate purchases.
Citizens and Local Authorities of Reggio low in recent months have reported all their concern for the hypothesis put forward by the Government to achieve a nuclear power plant just beyond the Po, Viadana. But even the Apennines is not safe: in recent weeks showed that Sogin, the government-owned company responsible for the management of nuclear waste, would have found the upper valley of the Secchia for staccaggio waste. I share and are attuned to the concerns of the people concerned and for this reason the referendum is another tool in the fight against a plan to harmful and wrong. E 'is also false that nuclear power would reduce costs for families without strong public support for the existing nuclear power is not competitive and the costs would fall directly on the pockets of Italians, who already pay every year to € 400 million on electricity bills per smaltire le scorie del vecchio nucleare.
La strada da perseguire è quella sulla quale si sono avviati la Regione, la Provincia e molti Comuni del nostro territorio: investire seriamente sulle fonti di energia rinnovabili. Questa idea tuttavia non può essere solamente una generica dichiarazione di intenti, ma deve tradursi in progetti sostenuti dalla politica e dalle istituzioni ad ogni livello, perché limitarsi a dire no al nucleare non basta. Come si scalderà o con quale energia sarà alimentata Reggio Emilia nel 2025? Il tema non è più rinviabile. A queste domande dobbiamo iniziare a rispondere oggi attraverso lo studio delle tecnologie migliori, ma anche compiendo precise scelte politiche.
Mirko Tutino
Councillor for Planning, Culture, Environment and Landscape
of the Province of Reggio Emilia
Pubblichiamo una nota ricevuta dall'Assessore Provinciale Mirko Tutino: voterò SI per cambiare le politiche sbagliate portate avanti nel nostro paese
Da 16 anni non si raggiunge il quorum in un referendum e per questo motivo non sono innamorato di questa forma di coinvolgimento della cittadinanza. E’stata molto abusata.
Ma questo referendum è importante ed ora siamo chiamati al voto: personalmente ritengo che ci si debba sempre recare alle urne ed ovviamente lo farò anche in questa occasione. I believe that a public administrator, as well as any political force, on matters of this importance should speak clearly. My personal position is on the referendum promoted by the "Public Water", and on that will be relevant to nuclear power for SI.
I will therefore vote against the forced privatization of services and against nuclear power.
The referendum must be an opportunity to change the country's environmental policy on key issues such as management of water services and waste services. I think the Ronchi decree should be abolished because the water is a common good and are contrary to the choice of the government of privatizing it by law. With regulations issued by the Government Berlusconi has gone far beyond the European Union and the signs were placed further limitations in the management of services by a wholly public. Whatever the nature or composition of corporate managers, investment policy must be in public hands, with a strict control by the institutions on the quality of service, with particular attention to not disperse the water resource. However, if as I hope we will reach a quorum and will win the SI, will a law.
In our province there are two companies for the management of water and two for the management of the waste. Iren being listed in a spa effect of the repeal of the Ronchi decree the 37 municipalities where the company operates the service waste and 44 which manages the water will have to wait for new legislation to determine whether, how and when you have to go to tender for the award of these services.
The history of water management in our area, based on good public policy, indicates that it makes no sense to decide a national standard that water should be privatized. What happened to federalism? Why not safeguard good governance? It can not be the definition of public investment, the activation of policies to reduce drift and characterization of the social benefits.
It seems to me absurd choice of the Government to unify into a single norma tutto l'insieme dei servizi pubblici locali, così come non ha senso imporre la linea della privatizzazione ovunque, anche laddove il pubblico ha lavorato bene. Nel campo dei rifiuti, per esempio, l’assenza di un Governo pubblico in alcune regioni del nostro paese ha prodotto gli effetti negativi che sono sotto gli occhi di tutti.
In merito al nucleare ritengo che il piano del Governo sia antiquato e per questo voterò SI alla sua abolizione.
Dobbiamo investire sul contenimento dei consumi energetici ed investire come tanti altri paesi europei e non, sulla produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili. Anche l’Ufficio federale di Statistica americano valuta il nucleare come l’energia più costosa, tant'è that we have blocked the path of building new power plants.
studies submitted in support of the pseudo-nuclear energy program of the former Minister Scajola are marked more by reasons of propaganda than reality: not addressed the issue of waste storage and declare a presumed reduction in costs for families has nothing to do with reality. Evidently Scajola was good to deal with household energy bills as much as it was in estimating their real estate purchases.
Citizens and Local Authorities of Reggio low in recent months have reported all their concern for the hypothesis put forward by the Government to achieve a nuclear power plant just beyond the Po, Viadana. But even the Apennines is not safe: in recent weeks showed that Sogin, the government-owned company responsible for the management of nuclear waste, would have found the upper valley of the Secchia for staccaggio waste. I share and are attuned to the concerns of the people concerned and for this reason the referendum is another tool in the fight against a plan to harmful and wrong. E 'is also false that nuclear power would reduce costs for families without strong public support for the existing nuclear power is not competitive and the costs would fall directly on the pockets of Italians, who already pay every year to € 400 million on electricity bills per smaltire le scorie del vecchio nucleare.
La strada da perseguire è quella sulla quale si sono avviati la Regione, la Provincia e molti Comuni del nostro territorio: investire seriamente sulle fonti di energia rinnovabili. Questa idea tuttavia non può essere solamente una generica dichiarazione di intenti, ma deve tradursi in progetti sostenuti dalla politica e dalle istituzioni ad ogni livello, perché limitarsi a dire no al nucleare non basta. Come si scalderà o con quale energia sarà alimentata Reggio Emilia nel 2025? Il tema non è più rinviabile. A queste domande dobbiamo iniziare a rispondere oggi attraverso lo studio delle tecnologie migliori, ma anche compiendo precise scelte politiche.
Mirko Tutino
Councillor for Planning, Culture, Environment and Landscape
of the Province of Reggio Emilia
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
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"se ricordare è un dovere e se il riconoscimento del valore politico e civile di tale memoria non può essere un’acquisizione naturale ma il frutto di un’educazione oltre che dell’istruzione, come educare a ricordare? Come insegnare Auschwitz?
Ed è un problema pedagogico anche nel senso più specifico del termine, dato che l’articolo 2 della legge invita a momenti comuni di narrazione dei fatti e di riflessione, in modo particolare nelle scuole di ogni ordine e grado… Di ogni ordine and grade. This specification, although I think the Italian Parliament and the University does not represent much more than a formula from the Official Gazette, puts every teacher who decides to work on memory, faced with a task to be to shake your wrists: accompany children beyond the gates of Auschwitz. "(LUIGI MONTI)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
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Let cure
Giovanni Maria Bellu
Although we suspect more than a few, never imagining that we had arrived the day would come as that of yesterday. Neither the cover that we had to do today, "hostage in the brothel" is not a curse, not an insult or even a trial. It chronicles a summary of the condition where the head of the government of our country and therefore, in the world, our country.
The picture that emerges from the documents sent to Parliament by the Milan magistrates should encourage everyone - including and especially his friends - suggesting to Silvio Berlusconi to step aside immediately and go to get treatment - as in very difficult times had suggested his wife - to allow the country to have unworthily ruled to start a new phase, cleaner, healthier.
We have seen for the entire day yesterday, efforts - more and more awkward, more awkward, more and more feeble - for the umpteenth time to turn the omelet. Besieged bunker in the mud, and the Cicchitto Capezzone have attempted to argue that there has been a serious intrusion into privacy and the prime minister who is in danger "the freedom of all." Più onestamente, vergognandosi, i membri del Pdl della giunta per le autorizzazioni a procedere hanno fatto sapere che non avrebbero nemmeno letto i documenti.
Li comprendiamo. La lettura degli atti giunti da Milano è stomachevole. È la fotografia di una corte corrotta che si mette in moto per salvare l’immagine del corrotto imperatore e, contemporaneamente, s’ingegna per continuare ad assecondarne i vizi. Leggete l’articolo di Claudia Fusani. È il racconto del disgusto delle vittime di questo verminaio – e la minorenne Ruby è la prima di queste vittime – che progettano di approfittare dello schifo in cui sono finite – ne hanno infatti piena consapevolezza – per farsi pagare carissimo silence. It's true: everyone's freedom is in danger. But for opposite reasons to those put forward by the courtiers. Once again - the last, if God helps us - a whole country is paralyzed from the vices of Silvio Berlusconi and his desperate attempt to hide the truth to evade justice. The minor in an interception Ruby said that the head of the Italian government has promised to cover it with gold in exchange for silence. She just has to hide everything. Even pretending to be mad. A
bragging? One of those "exaggerated statements" that - like Silvio Berlusconi has tried to believe in his video message the day before yesterday - are said to boast among friends when it is not known to be heard? We are not fools, President. And frankly, even for the balance we have to respect the position he still holds, we think that even she is. Neither his friends who tried in every way to protect it. Neither her young friends who, wiser than you, I pity her. Vincenzo Cerami is right: "At the end feel sorry for all those who, kicked out for not having life happen to see it as a market where they buy and sell all things."
Giovanni Maria Bellu
Although we suspect more than a few, never imagining that we had arrived the day would come as that of yesterday. Neither the cover that we had to do today, "hostage in the brothel" is not a curse, not an insult or even a trial. It chronicles a summary of the condition where the head of the government of our country and therefore, in the world, our country.
The picture that emerges from the documents sent to Parliament by the Milan magistrates should encourage everyone - including and especially his friends - suggesting to Silvio Berlusconi to step aside immediately and go to get treatment - as in very difficult times had suggested his wife - to allow the country to have unworthily ruled to start a new phase, cleaner, healthier.
We have seen for the entire day yesterday, efforts - more and more awkward, more awkward, more and more feeble - for the umpteenth time to turn the omelet. Besieged bunker in the mud, and the Cicchitto Capezzone have attempted to argue that there has been a serious intrusion into privacy and the prime minister who is in danger "the freedom of all." Più onestamente, vergognandosi, i membri del Pdl della giunta per le autorizzazioni a procedere hanno fatto sapere che non avrebbero nemmeno letto i documenti.
Li comprendiamo. La lettura degli atti giunti da Milano è stomachevole. È la fotografia di una corte corrotta che si mette in moto per salvare l’immagine del corrotto imperatore e, contemporaneamente, s’ingegna per continuare ad assecondarne i vizi. Leggete l’articolo di Claudia Fusani. È il racconto del disgusto delle vittime di questo verminaio – e la minorenne Ruby è la prima di queste vittime – che progettano di approfittare dello schifo in cui sono finite – ne hanno infatti piena consapevolezza – per farsi pagare carissimo silence. It's true: everyone's freedom is in danger. But for opposite reasons to those put forward by the courtiers. Once again - the last, if God helps us - a whole country is paralyzed from the vices of Silvio Berlusconi and his desperate attempt to hide the truth to evade justice. The minor in an interception Ruby said that the head of the Italian government has promised to cover it with gold in exchange for silence. She just has to hide everything. Even pretending to be mad. A
bragging? One of those "exaggerated statements" that - like Silvio Berlusconi has tried to believe in his video message the day before yesterday - are said to boast among friends when it is not known to be heard? We are not fools, President. And frankly, even for the balance we have to respect the position he still holds, we think that even she is. Neither his friends who tried in every way to protect it. Neither her young friends who, wiser than you, I pity her. Vincenzo Cerami is right: "At the end feel sorry for all those who, kicked out for not having life happen to see it as a market where they buy and sell all things."
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Invitations Wording For 3 Year Part
In base alle informazioni divulgate verso la fine dell'anno appena passato, la cocaina continua ad essere, dopo la cannabis, la droga più amata dagli europei. Quasi 14 milioni di adulti tra i 15 e i 64 anni l'hanno provata; quattro milioni nell'ultimo anno. L'Italia resta ai vertici delle classifiche (2,9% di consumatori sulla popolazione generale), dopo Spagna e Regno Unito (che tocca il 6,2%). I dati sono quelli della Relazione sull'evoluzione del fenomeno della droga in Europa, presentata dall'Agenzia europea delle droghe (EMCDDA) in Lisbon and Rome, and refer to the situation (mostly updated to 2008) of the 27 EU Member States, candidate countries Croatia and Turkey and Norway.
The attraction to drugs relates not only to young people: a drug in five or 40 more years, a rate equal to 19% of the total European population.
numbers that should draw the attention of the community and so contribute to both the side of the institutions to address a problem that is not only to "those who experience it firsthand." It 'a social problem, which involves every citizen, just think how it affected the quality of life in which daily lives the danger of crime, as well as rising costs for public health.

The attraction to drugs relates not only to young people: a drug in five or 40 more years, a rate equal to 19% of the total European population.
numbers that should draw the attention of the community and so contribute to both the side of the institutions to address a problem that is not only to "those who experience it firsthand." It 'a social problem, which involves every citizen, just think how it affected the quality of life in which daily lives the danger of crime, as well as rising costs for public health.
E 'that a person who volunteers Church of Scientology have wished to take into account in planning programs for 2011, including one dedicated to the prevention-drug that is considered one of the main.
We prepare, then, a year dedicated to the dissemination of accurate information through the financing of additional information materials and educational as the recent documentary "The Truth About Drugs " (in cord with Drug Free World Foundation) which is offered free to educators, parents, associations, gruppi e chiunque voglia contribuire a far sì che la verità non venga più tenuta nascosta, ma serva ad evitare ulteriori peggioramenti della situazione.
L. Ron Hubbard dedicò parte della sua ricerca a questo soggetto, che è risaputamente uno dei peggiori flagelli della nostra era, al fine di elaborare programmi sociali che potessero essere di aiuto all'intera comunità. Proprio basandosi sulle sue prime scoperte, quei programmi oggi si stanno sviluppando in più paesi del mondo e necessitano di ulteriore supporto affinchè raggiungoano il più alto numero possibile di persone da aiutare.
Per richiedere il DVD-Documentario "La verità dulla droga" o avere più informazioni sul prevention program coordinated by Church of Scientology of Milano , write to: scientology.milano @
We prepare, then, a year dedicated to the dissemination of accurate information through the financing of additional information materials and educational as the recent documentary "The Truth About Drugs " (in cord with Drug Free World Foundation) which is offered free to educators, parents, associations, gruppi e chiunque voglia contribuire a far sì che la verità non venga più tenuta nascosta, ma serva ad evitare ulteriori peggioramenti della situazione.
L. Ron Hubbard dedicò parte della sua ricerca a questo soggetto, che è risaputamente uno dei peggiori flagelli della nostra era, al fine di elaborare programmi sociali che potessero essere di aiuto all'intera comunità. Proprio basandosi sulle sue prime scoperte, quei programmi oggi si stanno sviluppando in più paesi del mondo e necessitano di ulteriore supporto affinchè raggiungoano il più alto numero possibile di persone da aiutare.
Per richiedere il DVD-Documentario "La verità dulla droga" o avere più informazioni sul prevention program coordinated by Church of Scientology of Milano , write to: scientology.milano @
Monday, January 3, 2011
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"Why do not multiply Marchionne serves over"
Here is the statement from the provincial secretary of the cases of PD Roberto Ferrari Pomigliano and Mirafiori.
"I have been there at the factory. For many years. It will be for this reason that I am following with great concern at this time what is happening in the galaxy Fiat, in particular - of course - for plants and Pomigliano Mirafiori. We know how important it is also the engineering sector in our province, and more generally the issue of labor relations and that the future pattern of industrial development of our country.
I think it's essential - and this is the official position of the PD - reiterate that in terms of rules of representation and democracy with the new doctrine Marchionne "is being made tear unjustifiable, while there is nothing to further the participation of workers enterprise, rather the return to trade union Aziendali è un chiaro passo indietro". Non credo che questo basti però a non prendere in considerazione quello che è il merito degli accordi proposti, che prospettano "importanti potenzialità di lavoro, reddito, qualità sociale per i territori direttamente interessati e per il nostro paese".
Ho letto in queste ore che questa posizione del PD viene valutata come "non chiara", "frutto di compromessi". Il problema è, invece, che una forza riformista non può che fare uno scatto in più rispetto al massimalismo di altri tempi. Questa è semplicemente la "verità" della situazione. Non è una posizione di comodo, naturalmente, che punti a guadagnar voti o visibilità su di una questione simbolicamente relevant and humanly engaging as that which concerns the FIAT workers. We do not seek consent for the consent.
Worse, though, Marchionne, I can make a spiral engaged by the statements of these hours. The divisions among the unions are in fact the ultimate hope of the new doctrine, also greeted with undisguised joy by members of a government that is not industrial policy, but finds himself well in the role of a mere fan.
wise I think they made the calls from the PD to divide by CGIL, CISL and UIL of 2008. Only the Unite union can blow up the picture of the destruction of union representation, you can not imagine that dissent is not entitled to be represented. Evaluate that what happens today in other areas in Fiat shares could happen to reverse.
In this debate, I note that there is no insight into the business plan that aims for the future of Fiat in Italy. We reflect on the consequences of the output group Confindustria. What role
exercise employers' association in respect of its members? And what role in the institutions will have real representation in the future? I do not think the concerns are missing also to the many entrepreneurs who have daily relations with trade unions in which the FIOM represents 80% or more of workers.
We need changes in the world of work, but these do not may be "against" a party but must be designed "to" to produce better, work better, to eat better, live better for everyone. Do not fall into the easy logic of winners and losers, categories are hardly applicable today, needless to think about tomorrow.
Alongside the trade unions - united - we must of course politics. Whole. At least, all those who care about the fate of workers and labor in our country.
I firmly believe that trade unions and political parties must necessarily be two distinct and separate things: once this was a very clear concept. They had not seen the flags of the party in the events of the union, even by mistake. Today, however, is not so. There those looking for a commingling of roles that only makes the game easy for those who want to divide the country.
Someone asked "those of PD in first-hand what life is like in the factory assembly line. I was not the chain, working in the laboratory. In my company we were more or less the same hours as proposed in Pomigliano. Then I had the honor to the Mayor of my country: and I can assure you that you will not earn more. Today is the provincial secretary of the PD. Those who work the party did not - as some might think - the right to some form of "detachment" or expectation.
And I'm not alone.
I ask for respect for the PD. Just as I believe that all unions should mutually respect each other, if you really want to change things, breaking the simple defense of what was and instead of asking for more, asking the companies to count, to be an active policy of development of the country. If there is no respect of who should share goals and visions, albeit with different roles and positions in the supervisor, the Marchionne will multiply very quickly. "

Here is the statement from the provincial secretary of the cases of PD Roberto Ferrari Pomigliano and Mirafiori.
"I have been there at the factory. For many years. It will be for this reason that I am following with great concern at this time what is happening in the galaxy Fiat, in particular - of course - for plants and Pomigliano Mirafiori. We know how important it is also the engineering sector in our province, and more generally the issue of labor relations and that the future pattern of industrial development of our country.
I think it's essential - and this is the official position of the PD - reiterate that in terms of rules of representation and democracy with the new doctrine Marchionne "is being made tear unjustifiable, while there is nothing to further the participation of workers enterprise, rather the return to trade union Aziendali è un chiaro passo indietro". Non credo che questo basti però a non prendere in considerazione quello che è il merito degli accordi proposti, che prospettano "importanti potenzialità di lavoro, reddito, qualità sociale per i territori direttamente interessati e per il nostro paese".
Ho letto in queste ore che questa posizione del PD viene valutata come "non chiara", "frutto di compromessi". Il problema è, invece, che una forza riformista non può che fare uno scatto in più rispetto al massimalismo di altri tempi. Questa è semplicemente la "verità" della situazione. Non è una posizione di comodo, naturalmente, che punti a guadagnar voti o visibilità su di una questione simbolicamente relevant and humanly engaging as that which concerns the FIAT workers. We do not seek consent for the consent.
Worse, though, Marchionne, I can make a spiral engaged by the statements of these hours. The divisions among the unions are in fact the ultimate hope of the new doctrine, also greeted with undisguised joy by members of a government that is not industrial policy, but finds himself well in the role of a mere fan.
wise I think they made the calls from the PD to divide by CGIL, CISL and UIL of 2008. Only the Unite union can blow up the picture of the destruction of union representation, you can not imagine that dissent is not entitled to be represented. Evaluate that what happens today in other areas in Fiat shares could happen to reverse.
In this debate, I note that there is no insight into the business plan that aims for the future of Fiat in Italy. We reflect on the consequences of the output group Confindustria. What role
exercise employers' association in respect of its members? And what role in the institutions will have real representation in the future? I do not think the concerns are missing also to the many entrepreneurs who have daily relations with trade unions in which the FIOM represents 80% or more of workers.
We need changes in the world of work, but these do not may be "against" a party but must be designed "to" to produce better, work better, to eat better, live better for everyone. Do not fall into the easy logic of winners and losers, categories are hardly applicable today, needless to think about tomorrow.
Alongside the trade unions - united - we must of course politics. Whole. At least, all those who care about the fate of workers and labor in our country.
I firmly believe that trade unions and political parties must necessarily be two distinct and separate things: once this was a very clear concept. They had not seen the flags of the party in the events of the union, even by mistake. Today, however, is not so. There those looking for a commingling of roles that only makes the game easy for those who want to divide the country.
Someone asked "those of PD in first-hand what life is like in the factory assembly line. I was not the chain, working in the laboratory. In my company we were more or less the same hours as proposed in Pomigliano. Then I had the honor to the Mayor of my country: and I can assure you that you will not earn more. Today is the provincial secretary of the PD. Those who work the party did not - as some might think - the right to some form of "detachment" or expectation.
And I'm not alone.
I ask for respect for the PD. Just as I believe that all unions should mutually respect each other, if you really want to change things, breaking the simple defense of what was and instead of asking for more, asking the companies to count, to be an active policy of development of the country. If there is no respect of who should share goals and visions, albeit with different roles and positions in the supervisor, the Marchionne will multiply very quickly. "
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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An excerpt of" the note of morning "of December 24, 2010
" Agreement reached between Fiat, the FIM, the Uilm the Fismic, the UGL to the Mirafiori plant, the heart and the symbol of Italian industry. Fiom has not signed it. The agreement will invest one billion euro in the factory, the productive effort in the coming years and the guarantee of employment by Fiat. Now it will be submitted to referendum among the workers. The agreement also provides, however, rules that affect the value of the national contract and the fact that unions that have not signed will not be able to elect their representatives at the factory.
Hence the caution with which, while it gave a positive assessment because it saves the work of employment and survival Mirafiori in Turin, Chiamparino the mayor and mayoral candidate, Piero Fassino, issued a warning. La Repubblica: "Chiamparino, speaks of" positive agreement non solo perla fabbrica ma per l`intera città», però auspica che «nella gestione dello stabilimento venga coinvolto anche chi non ha firmato». Il candidato sindaco del Pd, Piero Fassino, evidenzia che l’accordo è «importante», però avvisa: «Chi non ha firmato non deve essere oggetto di discriminazione».
Al di fuori di Torino, invece, i commenti sull’accordo sono stati divisi nettamente. Positive le reazioni dei firmatari, della Fiat, del ministro Maurizio Sacconi. Ma mentre i sindacati hanno sottolineato che la positività dell’accordo sta nell’aver ottenuto la garanzia del futuro produttivo a Mirafiori, nelle parole di Marchionne e di Sacconi vi è stata anche the satisfaction of a goal of a more general type. It is this aspect of "general", ie the disappearance of the general validity of the national contract and the fact that employers and unions that signed business agreements to decide who can be elected as a delegate to the factory, to have worried everyone were deployed in a critical way. Sergio Cofferati (The Republic): "It is becoming clear attempt to disrupt the entire system of agreements and labor relations. Fiat, with its factory symbol, is a point of negative reference, an agreement with the `self-defeating for those who signed." Stefano Fassina, chief economist of the Democratic Party: "Agreement regressive ' "No one can be considered a success" and that "opens the denial of trade union democracy."
Il Foglio, Giuliano Ferrara newspaper, summed up the importance of a long article in full page. "Torino. Marchionneschi revolution is accomplished. The new relationships between the company and all `American workers are ready. The turning point "historic" speech by Sergio Marchionne, c `is. From Turin begins a new era. L `Mirafiori agreement was reached last night, without the Fiom will no longer be part of the company union representatives in the House of Turin. The Fiat is therefore less of the CGIL, has not happened since the days of Vittorio Valletta. Not only that, the automotive group proceed on their way out of Confindustria and apply
working conditions not covered by the national metalworkers' contract. It had happened only in the twenties of the last century, recall the most attentive observers. The relationship with the president of the Confederation of Industrialists, Emma Marcegaglia, become increasingly difficult. The major point of friction is just the union representatives: the Director General of Confindustria, Giampaolo Galli, `in interview with the Gazette on Wednesday affirmed its disapproval. Last night, however, has welcomed all `Marcegaglia innovative agreement. Difficult to say the least. `The agreement is based on an exchange summed up in the house CISL:" We can not jettison the `investment in nome dei diritti del sindacato", ha detto ieri Claudio Chiarle, segretario della Fim-Cisl di Torino.
Scelte difficili che segnano una svolta nella storia delle relazioni industriali in Italia dalle ricadute ancora indefinite seppure inevitabili nei rapporti di potere che solcano la politica, l`industria e i sindacati” ".

An excerpt of" the note of morning "of December 24, 2010
" Agreement reached between Fiat, the FIM, the Uilm the Fismic, the UGL to the Mirafiori plant, the heart and the symbol of Italian industry. Fiom has not signed it. The agreement will invest one billion euro in the factory, the productive effort in the coming years and the guarantee of employment by Fiat. Now it will be submitted to referendum among the workers. The agreement also provides, however, rules that affect the value of the national contract and the fact that unions that have not signed will not be able to elect their representatives at the factory.
Hence the caution with which, while it gave a positive assessment because it saves the work of employment and survival Mirafiori in Turin, Chiamparino the mayor and mayoral candidate, Piero Fassino, issued a warning. La Repubblica: "Chiamparino, speaks of" positive agreement non solo perla fabbrica ma per l`intera città», però auspica che «nella gestione dello stabilimento venga coinvolto anche chi non ha firmato». Il candidato sindaco del Pd, Piero Fassino, evidenzia che l’accordo è «importante», però avvisa: «Chi non ha firmato non deve essere oggetto di discriminazione».
Al di fuori di Torino, invece, i commenti sull’accordo sono stati divisi nettamente. Positive le reazioni dei firmatari, della Fiat, del ministro Maurizio Sacconi. Ma mentre i sindacati hanno sottolineato che la positività dell’accordo sta nell’aver ottenuto la garanzia del futuro produttivo a Mirafiori, nelle parole di Marchionne e di Sacconi vi è stata anche the satisfaction of a goal of a more general type. It is this aspect of "general", ie the disappearance of the general validity of the national contract and the fact that employers and unions that signed business agreements to decide who can be elected as a delegate to the factory, to have worried everyone were deployed in a critical way. Sergio Cofferati (The Republic): "It is becoming clear attempt to disrupt the entire system of agreements and labor relations. Fiat, with its factory symbol, is a point of negative reference, an agreement with the `self-defeating for those who signed." Stefano Fassina, chief economist of the Democratic Party: "Agreement regressive ' "No one can be considered a success" and that "opens the denial of trade union democracy."
Il Foglio, Giuliano Ferrara newspaper, summed up the importance of a long article in full page. "Torino. Marchionneschi revolution is accomplished. The new relationships between the company and all `American workers are ready. The turning point "historic" speech by Sergio Marchionne, c `is. From Turin begins a new era. L `Mirafiori agreement was reached last night, without the Fiom will no longer be part of the company union representatives in the House of Turin. The Fiat is therefore less of the CGIL, has not happened since the days of Vittorio Valletta. Not only that, the automotive group proceed on their way out of Confindustria and apply
working conditions not covered by the national metalworkers' contract. It had happened only in the twenties of the last century, recall the most attentive observers. The relationship with the president of the Confederation of Industrialists, Emma Marcegaglia, become increasingly difficult. The major point of friction is just the union representatives: the Director General of Confindustria, Giampaolo Galli, `in interview with the Gazette on Wednesday affirmed its disapproval. Last night, however, has welcomed all `Marcegaglia innovative agreement. Difficult to say the least. `The agreement is based on an exchange summed up in the house CISL:" We can not jettison the `investment in nome dei diritti del sindacato", ha detto ieri Claudio Chiarle, segretario della Fim-Cisl di Torino.
Scelte difficili che segnano una svolta nella storia delle relazioni industriali in Italia dalle ricadute ancora indefinite seppure inevitabili nei rapporti di potere che solcano la politica, l`industria e i sindacati” ".
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