Excerpt from CENSIS - 44 th Annual Report on the social situation of the country
Training Processes - (pp. 105 to 176 of volume) http://www.didaweb.net/fuoriregistro/documenti/censis.doc The growing importance of financial
families and private schools Italian Voluntary contributions paid by Families are increasingly critical to revenue management and teaching in state schools. In reality, the demand for the so-called "voluntary contribution" does not cover the total of schools and is conditioned not only by the need to supplement the funds available, factors such as educational level, geographic location and socio-economic status of 'users. While initial results of an investigation that is leading to the Censis regard, as previously stated by a panel of 1,099 school principals, 53.1% of state schools of all levels, involved in the survey, requested this' year's contribution, but in the remaining 43.5% that practice is not yet widespread.
The frequency of application of the voluntary contribution increases with increasing educational levels, ranging from 34.7 to 85% of nursery schools, 6% of high schools. The sums required at preschool or school are on average small claims (16.4 € 19.8 € in kindergarten and secondary school level I). In the schools, grade II, however, exceed the average contribution for all addresses, the 80 euro per capita. The oscillations around the average, however, are very large and in schools interviewed reach 100 euro for preschools and primary and secondary schools of € 260 (Table 5). The
25% of the institutions that already require a contribution acknowledge that you have had to increase the amount from last year and only 20.6% of head teachers believe they do not need to repeat or introduce this type of funding in the next school year (Table . 6).
The response of households to economic demands schools seems to be widespread collaboration. Remembering that these are voluntary contributions, it is clear that adheres to the request for assistance from the average 82, 7% of the parents. The width of the membership level is dictated not only by custom, but also by two opposite sign of growing demands: to stop the shortage of materials and equipment for normal operation of the institution and to support the quality and variety of 'offerings. The intended use of family allowances is divided almost equally between these two requirements, with a slight majority (54%) of interventions in support of training, however, that mainly concern the adaptation of equipment and environments study. In fact, these measures consist mainly in the purchase of educational materials (77.2% of schools), improving information technology equipment, laboratories, gyms (58.3%), but they have a considerable weight (43.1%), including the purpose of financial support to needy students to ensure their participation in educational training. Il quadro delle diverse tipologie di supporto economico straordinario alle scuole si completa con i finanziamenti provenienti, sotto varie forme, da soggetti privati esterni all’istituto scolastico. Tale fenomeno interessa il 36,4% delle scuole intervistate nel complesso, ma risulta molto più diffuso negli istituti dislocati nelle aree centro-settentrionali del Paese. Il principale canale di reperimento di risorse aggiuntive private è costituito dalle donazioni effettuate da una pluralità di soggetti (46,4% dei casi), cui si aggiungono le piccole donazioni che talvolta le scuole riescono ad ottenere dalle banche che fungono da tesoreria e presso le quali è aperto il conto della scuola. Un fenomeno in crescita è quello del reperimento resources of the proceeds due to the installation of vending machines with drinks and food (34.8%), and the characterization of a sponsor for certain activities or to give them advertising space (31.8%).
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