An excerpt of" the note of morning "of December 24, 2010
" Agreement reached between Fiat, the FIM, the Uilm the Fismic, the UGL to the Mirafiori plant, the heart and the symbol of Italian industry. Fiom has not signed it. The agreement will invest one billion euro in the factory, the productive effort in the coming years and the guarantee of employment by Fiat. Now it will be submitted to referendum among the workers. The agreement also provides, however, rules that affect the value of the national contract and the fact that unions that have not signed will not be able to elect their representatives at the factory.
Hence the caution with which, while it gave a positive assessment because it saves the work of employment and survival Mirafiori in Turin, Chiamparino the mayor and mayoral candidate, Piero Fassino, issued a warning. La Repubblica: "Chiamparino, speaks of" positive agreement non solo perla fabbrica ma per l`intera città», però auspica che «nella gestione dello stabilimento venga coinvolto anche chi non ha firmato». Il candidato sindaco del Pd, Piero Fassino, evidenzia che l’accordo è «importante», però avvisa: «Chi non ha firmato non deve essere oggetto di discriminazione».
Al di fuori di Torino, invece, i commenti sull’accordo sono stati divisi nettamente. Positive le reazioni dei firmatari, della Fiat, del ministro Maurizio Sacconi. Ma mentre i sindacati hanno sottolineato che la positività dell’accordo sta nell’aver ottenuto la garanzia del futuro produttivo a Mirafiori, nelle parole di Marchionne e di Sacconi vi è stata anche the satisfaction of a goal of a more general type. It is this aspect of "general", ie the disappearance of the general validity of the national contract and the fact that employers and unions that signed business agreements to decide who can be elected as a delegate to the factory, to have worried everyone were deployed in a critical way. Sergio Cofferati (The Republic): "It is becoming clear attempt to disrupt the entire system of agreements and labor relations. Fiat, with its factory symbol, is a point of negative reference, an agreement with the `self-defeating for those who signed." Stefano Fassina, chief economist of the Democratic Party: "Agreement regressive ' "No one can be considered a success" and that "opens the denial of trade union democracy."
Il Foglio, Giuliano Ferrara newspaper, summed up the importance of a long article in full page. "Torino. Marchionneschi revolution is accomplished. The new relationships between the company and all `American workers are ready. The turning point "historic" speech by Sergio Marchionne, c `is. From Turin begins a new era. L `Mirafiori agreement was reached last night, without the Fiom will no longer be part of the company union representatives in the House of Turin. The Fiat is therefore less of the CGIL, has not happened since the days of Vittorio Valletta. Not only that, the automotive group proceed on their way out of Confindustria and apply
working conditions not covered by the national metalworkers' contract. It had happened only in the twenties of the last century, recall the most attentive observers. The relationship with the president of the Confederation of Industrialists, Emma Marcegaglia, become increasingly difficult. The major point of friction is just the union representatives: the Director General of Confindustria, Giampaolo Galli, `in interview with the Gazette on Wednesday affirmed its disapproval. Last night, however, has welcomed all `Marcegaglia innovative agreement. Difficult to say the least. `The agreement is based on an exchange summed up in the house CISL:" We can not jettison the `investment in nome dei diritti del sindacato", ha detto ieri Claudio Chiarle, segretario della Fim-Cisl di Torino.
Scelte difficili che segnano una svolta nella storia delle relazioni industriali in Italia dalle ricadute ancora indefinite seppure inevitabili nei rapporti di potere che solcano la politica, l`industria e i sindacati” ".
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