Here is the statement from the provincial secretary of the cases of PD Roberto Ferrari Pomigliano and Mirafiori.
"I have been there at the factory. For many years. It will be for this reason that I am following with great concern at this time what is happening in the galaxy Fiat, in particular - of course - for plants and Pomigliano Mirafiori. We know how important it is also the engineering sector in our province, and more generally the issue of labor relations and that the future pattern of industrial development of our country.
I think it's essential - and this is the official position of the PD - reiterate that in terms of rules of representation and democracy with the new doctrine Marchionne "is being made tear unjustifiable, while there is nothing to further the participation of workers enterprise, rather the return to trade union Aziendali è un chiaro passo indietro". Non credo che questo basti però a non prendere in considerazione quello che è il merito degli accordi proposti, che prospettano "importanti potenzialità di lavoro, reddito, qualità sociale per i territori direttamente interessati e per il nostro paese".
Ho letto in queste ore che questa posizione del PD viene valutata come "non chiara", "frutto di compromessi". Il problema è, invece, che una forza riformista non può che fare uno scatto in più rispetto al massimalismo di altri tempi. Questa è semplicemente la "verità" della situazione. Non è una posizione di comodo, naturalmente, che punti a guadagnar voti o visibilità su di una questione simbolicamente relevant and humanly engaging as that which concerns the FIAT workers. We do not seek consent for the consent.
Worse, though, Marchionne, I can make a spiral engaged by the statements of these hours. The divisions among the unions are in fact the ultimate hope of the new doctrine, also greeted with undisguised joy by members of a government that is not industrial policy, but finds himself well in the role of a mere fan.
wise I think they made the calls from the PD to divide by CGIL, CISL and UIL of 2008. Only the Unite union can blow up the picture of the destruction of union representation, you can not imagine that dissent is not entitled to be represented. Evaluate that what happens today in other areas in Fiat shares could happen to reverse.
In this debate, I note that there is no insight into the business plan that aims for the future of Fiat in Italy. We reflect on the consequences of the output group Confindustria. What role
exercise employers' association in respect of its members? And what role in the institutions will have real representation in the future? I do not think the concerns are missing also to the many entrepreneurs who have daily relations with trade unions in which the FIOM represents 80% or more of workers.
We need changes in the world of work, but these do not may be "against" a party but must be designed "to" to produce better, work better, to eat better, live better for everyone. Do not fall into the easy logic of winners and losers, categories are hardly applicable today, needless to think about tomorrow.
Alongside the trade unions - united - we must of course politics. Whole. At least, all those who care about the fate of workers and labor in our country.
I firmly believe that trade unions and political parties must necessarily be two distinct and separate things: once this was a very clear concept. They had not seen the flags of the party in the events of the union, even by mistake. Today, however, is not so. There those looking for a commingling of roles that only makes the game easy for those who want to divide the country.
Someone asked "those of PD in first-hand what life is like in the factory assembly line. I was not the chain, working in the laboratory. In my company we were more or less the same hours as proposed in Pomigliano. Then I had the honor to the Mayor of my country: and I can assure you that you will not earn more. Today is the provincial secretary of the PD. Those who work the party did not - as some might think - the right to some form of "detachment" or expectation.
And I'm not alone.
I ask for respect for the PD. Just as I believe that all unions should mutually respect each other, if you really want to change things, breaking the simple defense of what was and instead of asking for more, asking the companies to count, to be an active policy of development of the country. If there is no respect of who should share goals and visions, albeit with different roles and positions in the supervisor, the Marchionne will multiply very quickly. "
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