Monday, January 31, 2011
Jt Tac 5 Recon Paintball Gun Manual
SOURCE: fuoriregistro
About henhouse classes
Salvatore Nocera - 01/27/2011
You deserve to make CODACONS for having obtained the first ruling on class action brought against the Ministry of Education for the classes overcrowded.
Infatti il CODACONS aveva proposto ricorso ai sensi del decreto legislativo n. 198/09 che, introducendo una novità nel nostro sistema processuale, consente di sottoporre al giudizio della Magistratura l'inefficienza di un'amministrazione in caso di mancato rispetto di standard di qualità individuati in atti generali " non normativi"a tutela degli utenti dei pubblici servizi.
Sono stati proposti due motivi di ricorso : uno per la mancata emanazione del piano di edilizia relativo alle scuole non in regola con le norme riguardanti il numero massimo di alunni per classe di cui al dpr n. 81/09; l'altro sulla mancata approvazione delle norme sull'edilizia scolastica applicative della L.n. 23/96.
Il TAR , con la sentenza No 00552/2011, has accepted the first plea, rejecting the latter because it concerned the failure to apply a measure of general application and, consequently, has compensated spese.Ma acceptance of the first reason is an important precedent. In fact, the TAR has recognized that the Ministry of Education in consultation with the Ministry of Economy should adopt the general plan of the redevelopment of school, thus indicating the cost, iTEMP and places, but it is limited only to prepare a list of schools not in good standing in respect of which continued to apply only to the past school year, the caps on the number of pupils per class lower than those introduced earlier by the DPR 81/09.
This means that the TAR has assigned the Ministry of Education a period of 120 days to prepare the plan, without which you can ask the TAR compliance with this requirement, this time with conviction all the costs.
purposes of pupils in overcrowded classrooms do not comply with safety regulations, unfortunately, given the nature of the class action in force in Italy, for now, nothing changes.
But meanwhile it has been possible to accelerate the procedure for the safety of schools not in good standing who are still so many, is also a clear political significance of the effects of the decision granting a widespread dissatisfaction of the families for the overcrowding of classi .
Se , come è prevedibile, il Ministero dovesse appellare, qualora la sentenza del Consiglio di Stato, come è da ritenere probabile, dovesse confermare la decisione del TAR, il Ministero che, in forza della nuova normativa, ha dovuto pubblicare sul proprio sito la notizia del ricorso, dovrà pubblicare anche la sentenza definitiva , la quale verrebbe pure trasmessa alla Corte dei conti ed all'organismo sulla valutazione della qualità delle pubbliche amministrazioni.
E' altresì molto importante che il TAR abbia riconosciuto, per la prima volta, la legittimazione processuale di un'associazione di consumatori all'esercizio di questa nuova azione giudiziaria ed abbia dichiarato , in questo caso, immediately apply the new regulations even without enactment of government regulations.
E ', however, be borne in mind that on the basis of the new legislation on class action, if every family would like to obtain a reduction in the number of pupils in classes and irregular payment of damages, will have to act individually with specific actions. In fact, the recent legislation has been limited only to develop tools to stimulate the efficiency of the Administration and not directly to ensure the rights violated by the failure of the Administration. Unlike hand down the law to which our American was only partly inspired .
therefore remain all Life in the complaints raised by many groups, including FISH (Italian Federation for Overcoming Handicaps) antipedagogico about the overcrowding of classes in general and in particular those for pupils with disabilities
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