Pubblichiamo una nota ricevuta dall'Assessore Provinciale Mirko Tutino: voterò SI per cambiare le politiche sbagliate portate avanti nel nostro paese
Da 16 anni non si raggiunge il quorum in un referendum e per questo motivo non sono innamorato di questa forma di coinvolgimento della cittadinanza. E’stata molto abusata.
Ma questo referendum è importante ed ora siamo chiamati al voto: personalmente ritengo che ci si debba sempre recare alle urne ed ovviamente lo farò anche in questa occasione. I believe that a public administrator, as well as any political force, on matters of this importance should speak clearly. My personal position is on the referendum promoted by the "Public Water", and on that will be relevant to nuclear power for SI.
I will therefore vote against the forced privatization of services and against nuclear power.
The referendum must be an opportunity to change the country's environmental policy on key issues such as management of water services and waste services. I think the Ronchi decree should be abolished because the water is a common good and are contrary to the choice of the government of privatizing it by law. With regulations issued by the Government Berlusconi has gone far beyond the European Union and the signs were placed further limitations in the management of services by a wholly public. Whatever the nature or composition of corporate managers, investment policy must be in public hands, with a strict control by the institutions on the quality of service, with particular attention to not disperse the water resource. However, if as I hope we will reach a quorum and will win the SI, will a law.
In our province there are two companies for the management of water and two for the management of the waste. Iren being listed in a spa effect of the repeal of the Ronchi decree the 37 municipalities where the company operates the service waste and 44 which manages the water will have to wait for new legislation to determine whether, how and when you have to go to tender for the award of these services.
The history of water management in our area, based on good public policy, indicates that it makes no sense to decide a national standard that water should be privatized. What happened to federalism? Why not safeguard good governance? It can not be the definition of public investment, the activation of policies to reduce drift and characterization of the social benefits.
It seems to me absurd choice of the Government to unify into a single norma tutto l'insieme dei servizi pubblici locali, così come non ha senso imporre la linea della privatizzazione ovunque, anche laddove il pubblico ha lavorato bene. Nel campo dei rifiuti, per esempio, l’assenza di un Governo pubblico in alcune regioni del nostro paese ha prodotto gli effetti negativi che sono sotto gli occhi di tutti.
In merito al nucleare ritengo che il piano del Governo sia antiquato e per questo voterò SI alla sua abolizione.
Dobbiamo investire sul contenimento dei consumi energetici ed investire come tanti altri paesi europei e non, sulla produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili. Anche l’Ufficio federale di Statistica americano valuta il nucleare come l’energia più costosa, tant'è that we have blocked the path of building new power plants.
studies submitted in support of the pseudo-nuclear energy program of the former Minister Scajola are marked more by reasons of propaganda than reality: not addressed the issue of waste storage and declare a presumed reduction in costs for families has nothing to do with reality. Evidently Scajola was good to deal with household energy bills as much as it was in estimating their real estate purchases.
Citizens and Local Authorities of Reggio low in recent months have reported all their concern for the hypothesis put forward by the Government to achieve a nuclear power plant just beyond the Po, Viadana. But even the Apennines is not safe: in recent weeks showed that Sogin, the government-owned company responsible for the management of nuclear waste, would have found the upper valley of the Secchia for staccaggio waste. I share and are attuned to the concerns of the people concerned and for this reason the referendum is another tool in the fight against a plan to harmful and wrong. E 'is also false that nuclear power would reduce costs for families without strong public support for the existing nuclear power is not competitive and the costs would fall directly on the pockets of Italians, who already pay every year to € 400 million on electricity bills per smaltire le scorie del vecchio nucleare.
La strada da perseguire è quella sulla quale si sono avviati la Regione, la Provincia e molti Comuni del nostro territorio: investire seriamente sulle fonti di energia rinnovabili. Questa idea tuttavia non può essere solamente una generica dichiarazione di intenti, ma deve tradursi in progetti sostenuti dalla politica e dalle istituzioni ad ogni livello, perché limitarsi a dire no al nucleare non basta. Come si scalderà o con quale energia sarà alimentata Reggio Emilia nel 2025? Il tema non è più rinviabile. A queste domande dobbiamo iniziare a rispondere oggi attraverso lo studio delle tecnologie migliori, ma anche compiendo precise scelte politiche.
Mirko Tutino
Councillor for Planning, Culture, Environment and Landscape
of the Province of Reggio Emilia
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